Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,323 I’ll go see where your hometown is

At this time, Li Zhilin felt very sad.

He didn't expect his young lady to be so simple. The innocence that has never been experienced in the world can make people happy to a certain extent, but the biggest disadvantage is that she doesn't understand anything. It is very possible that she has been betrayed without even knowing it!

People in the martial arts world, especially masters like them who have practiced for countless years and experienced countless intrigues and life-and-death battles to reach this level, have always been wary of this kind of thing.

People are unpredictable.

He may look like a human being, but he doesn’t know how dark he is inside!

It cannot be said that they are deliberately speculating on Jiang Xiaobai. I can only say that they must be careful with everyone.

However, Li Qiling ignored the dissuasion of Li Zhilin and others and opened the storage ring in her hand to take a look.

Just this glance made the girl's eyes widen, as if she had seen some terrifying monster!

Li Zhilin thought something was wrong, so he slapped the storage ring away on the spot, planning to take Li Qiling and leave first.

As a result, Li Qiling shouted hurriedly.

"No, don't throw it away, Uncle Li, please take a look quickly!"

The little girl was so anxious that she almost cried. If this storage ring was lost, everything would be over!

Li Qiling kept blocking and struggling, but finally Li Zhilin finally stopped and asked someone to check the storage ring for clues.

The person who was summoned to check was extremely nervous, fearing that something involving life and death would happen in the next second.

After seeing it, my eyes almost fell off just like Li Qiling!

He was stunned on the spot.

Seeing this situation, Li Zhilin was confused and confused.

What does it mean?

Is there really any super treasure inside?

Immediately, Li Zhilin personally took action and took a closer look. He was also shocked!

Inside the storage ring, there are more than 30 pieces of impeccable wings of perfect quality, and there are thousands of law crystals!

The value of these crystals alone is infinitely more than that of Wujin Wings!

Damn it, you spend so much money!

Even Li Zhilin rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and then suddenly looked at Li Qiling.

It was so exaggerated that he even suspected that the other party knew Li Qiling.

Otherwise, how could they give such a good thing? You must know that these Wushou Wings are directly related to whether they can defeat the Zhao family!

This bet, although it is said that it is to capture a ferocious beast that is extremely difficult like Tian Yuan, but in the end it is necessary to refine all the wings into Innocent Wings.

Of course, you can also buy them, but there are only so many Woundless Wings produced every year. Do you think Tianyuan is really that easy to catch?

Even if you have a mountain of gold and silver, you can't buy much, and people may not sell it to you. This is the key point.

At this time, the appearance of more than thirty pieces of Wushou Wings could almost allow the Li family to directly crush the Zhao family!

" you know that young man? He is here specifically to help you?"

Li Zhilin spoke in disbelief.

And Li Qiling also shook her head blankly: ", I have never seen this young master..."

There was another sentence she didn't say out loud - after all, such a handsome young man would definitely not forget it once he met him!

Since I have never met or had any dealings with him, is it really a coincidence that the other party appears?

It shouldn’t be!

All of a sudden, everyone in the Li family was confused because of the storage ring given by Jiang Xiaobai.

My brain is a bit hard to turn around.

Jiang Xiaobai naturally wouldn't know the consequences of what he gave him. He was just simple and didn't need the Wushou Wings.

The only use of this thing is to refine weapons, but he doesn't need it for weapon refinement!

A handful of Yuanhong in your hand can bring down the treasures of the entire Jiutian Continent.

The same is true for the rest of the people. With Gu Ning here, the treasures he gives are extremely precious even in the earthly immortal world!

Moreover, these people seemed to be here to capture the ferocious beast Tianyuan, and it was precisely for the sake of Wugou Wings that Jiang Xiaobai would not be stingy if they gave such important information.

These ferocious beasts really come here to lay eggs!

No wonder he kept squatting on the cliff and refused to move at all.

"What did you just give? I sensed that those people seemed surprised?"

Ao Yan said calmly.

"There is nothing. All the useless Wings are given to them. Who knows what the little girl likes to eat is not the Wings but the special power inside."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, but he didn't realize there was something in Ao Yan's words!

He didn't even notice that the three women were communicating with their eyes.

While he was concentrating on searching for the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo, the three women got together without revealing anything.

"What do you mean by Mr. Xianggong?"

"The money was generous, and it was specially given to that girl. Could it be that you have taken a fancy to this girl?"

Ao Yan whispered.

Although there are some differences between the three women, they are united in some matters.

Nangong Wuyou was the first to express her opinion. She hugged her arms and felt that a certain area was severely deformed, but she didn't even notice it.

"At this time, Xiaobai shouldn't think about this kind of thing, and it's still a girl. If you say it sounds ugly, Xiaobai is more than enough to be his father."

Ao Yan lowered his head silently: "Xiao Bai, he is only in his twenties."


Qiong Yu and Nangong Wuyou looked at Ao Yan suddenly, with disbelief in their eyes.

In this world, you cannot tell your age just by looking at the appearance.

After a monk's longevity reaches the Golden Immortal level, it becomes just a decoration!

Of course, no one cares too much about this, what matters is strength.

The two women didn't know something about Jiang Xiaobai, so they subconsciously thought that the other party had been practicing for hundreds of years. After all, the Three Thousand Worlds couldn't compare to the Jiutian Continent, and even teenagers could become true immortals.

In the Nether, this is the norm.

But they don't know, Ao Yan knows, after all, she was the one who caught this guy with her own hands. When she caught him, he was clearly a mortal without any cultivation!


Ao Yan whispered about the past between herself and Jiang Xiaobai. After listening, the two women looked very envious, especially Nangong Wuyou.

"It turns out that I just picked up such a handsome and powerful man. Yan'er, where is your hometown? I'll go and have a look!"

After saying this, Ao Yan gave Ao Yan a look.

"Not to mention this, but Xiaobai probably won't fall in love with that girl. What we need to worry about is that!"

Qiong Yu gestured with her eyes to Yu Ji, who was walking carelessly.

The three women looked at each other and felt that she was the most serious threat!

Having experienced life and death, it is inevitable that he will not have any special emotions towards Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Xiaobai has no skills at all...

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly discovered something and exclaimed.

"Let's go, there's something good!"

Immediately, his figure turned into a black sword light and rushed into a swamp ahead.

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