Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,336 What’s the origin?

Li Zhilin looked at Jiang Xiaobai as if he were looking at an idiot!

A mere golden immortal, but he also forgot to destroy the Zhao family?

Even a Daluo Jinxian like him would not dare to speak so wildly, especially since there are people in the Zhao family's team who have touched the threshold of divine power!

Even ten more Li Zhilin would not be able to defeat such a strong man!

Why do you, Jiang Xiaobai?

At this time, Li Zhilin was very excited. The kid in front of him must be crazy, otherwise he would never be able to say such things.

Jiang Xiaobai was calm and composed, looking at Li Zhilin with a smile.

"I know you don't believe it, why don't you and I have a try?"

"Huh, are you kidding me when I fight against you?"

Li Zhilin sneered and disapproved.

He kept shaking his head now, unable to understand why the young lady was so interested in this boy.

It was really him, Jiang Xiaobai, who said whatever he said last night!

Are you so reckless now that you have to go even further?

He already wanted to go to Li Qiling to explain the situation, drive this kid and his group away before continuing, and continue to hang out with them, which would make the Zhao family think that all the previous things were done secretly by the Li family.

But that’s not the case at all!

Seeing Li Zhilin's attitude, Jiang Xiaobai smiled helplessly and gently patted Bai Liang who was lying on his shoulder.

"Boss, after such a long day of rest, it's time to do something!"

Bai Liang raised his eyelids and glanced at Jiang Xiaobai.

This kid is getting more and more outrageous!

However, he still stood up and yawned, and then his eyes became sharp, looking at Li Zhilin like a blade.

In an instant, the terrifying pressure that only Li Zhilin could feel fell on him.

He almost pinned him to the ground and couldn't stand up!

Li Zhilin looked horrified, his eyes full of disbelief!

Impossible. He had always known that there was a little monster lying on Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder, but how could such a small thing have such terrifying pressure?

"Look at what I'm doing. It's not that I'm arrogant. With the Zhao family's ability, I can spray them all to death in one breath!"

"Boy, what is in front of your Li family is a great opportunity. Don't you cherish it?"

Bai Liang uttered human words and looked at Li Zhilin indifferently.

This time the latter was confused!

Li Zhilin's eyes kept flashing across Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Liang, and he couldn't figure out how things could have turned out like this.

But as Bai Liang said, this is an opportunity!

Bai Liang's strength has already made him understand that Jiang Xiaobai really wants to destroy the Zhao family as easily as drinking water and eating!

"Let me think about it again!"

As soon as Li Zhilin spoke, Jiang Xiaobai raised his hand to interrupt: "I don't have a chance to think about it. Now the Zhao family has set off and they will arrive in a while. If you miss this time, you can find a way to solve it yourself."


Li Zhilin stood there, thinking rapidly in his mind. The more he thought about it, the faster his heartbeat accelerated!

After a moment, he gritted his teeth suddenly.

"Okay, it's done!"

"Are you sure you want to take action against the Zhao family?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked indifferent: "I'm sure, you don't need to know the reasons. By the way, your Li family can enjoy the benefits."

After saying that, he stood up and took Bai Liang to the door.

"I'll wait for you outside the restaurant. I only have time to hold a stick of incense."

When Jiang Xiaobai left, Li Zhilin didn't dare to waste time and immediately summoned everyone, including Li Qiling!

Obviously Jiang Xiaobai knew that it was useless to discuss this matter with Li Qiling!

The one who really has the final say in this team is Li Zhilin!

After a group of people listened to the brief words, they were all afraid and confident. Among them, Li Qiling covered her mouth and opened her eyes wide.

"Uncle, did Mr. Jiang really say that?"

Li Zhilin showed a wry smile: "Yes, that guy's background is undetectable. The monster next to him is at least the middle level of divine power, and his realm is already that of Da Luo Jinxian!"

"If we really have to deal with the Zhao family, it will be easy. Now I have called everyone here to discuss it and see if the Zhao family can be solved because of this matter, but it has plunged my Li family into a terrifying quagmire!"

Li Zhilin is not stupid. There is indeed no such thing as pie-falling in the world.

Jiang Xiaobai wants to help the Li family so much, so it's hard to guarantee that he doesn't have a bigger conspiracy.

At this time, Li Qiling suddenly laughed.

"Uncle, you really think too much!"

"Since you said Young Master Jiang is so powerful, what do you think he is planning on our Li family?"

"Our Li family is not on the same level as him at all!"

"To put it harshly, the Zhao family is much stronger than the Li family. Why does he want the Li family instead of the Zhao family?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone suddenly realized!

It’s really a fool’s fault!

"Okay, if that's the case, then let's trust that kid for once!"

Li Zhilin also chuckled. Although he said this, he was still defensive in his heart.

While everyone was rushing to the door of the restaurant, Li Zhilin had someone pass the news to the Li family so that if something unexpected happened to them, the Li family would be well prepared.

Outside the building, Jiang Xiaobai and others had been waiting for a long time. When they came out, they didn't say anything and went directly to where Sun Gangniang said!

Along the way, Li Qiling stared at Jiang Xiaobai like a curious baby.

Not only her, but the rest of the Li family team also glanced at Jiang Xiaobai from time to time. They were really too curious about Jiang Xiaobai's identity!

What's the origin?

On the other side, everyone in the Zhao family, led by Sun Gangniang, was rushing to a dense forest.

"Brother Sun, you said before that Tianyuan likes high places. Why are you taking us to this dense forest now?"

Looking at the dense forest he was about to enter ahead, Zhao Bo became vigilant and tested Sun Gangniang.

Sun Gangniang didn't seem to be far behind, she pointed forward with a faint smile.

"Mr. Zhao doesn't know something. It looks like a dense forest ahead, but there is a cliff. In the center of the cliff is a stone forest. The terrain is even more dangerous and secretive than the cliff yesterday."

"Although Tianyuan has been alarmed, it is very likely that there is a Tianyuan in that place, and there is even a Tianyuan that has already started hatching eggs."

"It doesn't matter if you go over there and take a look, right?"

Zhao Bo nodded and didn't say much, but gave Xiao Si a look.

If Sun Gangniang dares to play dirty tricks, she will do it directly!

Sun Gangniang is not worried about this at all.

The real killing move is not in the dense forest, what he said about that place is true!

The most dangerous thing is Jiang Xiaobai who is about to arrive!

"Brother Jiang, I wonder how much your strength will increase as time passes?"

"You shouldn't take these little minions seriously, right?"

Sun Gangniang smiled secretly in her heart, but soon her eyes turned cold!

Thinking of the news she knew and the countless pain she had endured, Sun Gangniang wished she could kill Zhao Bo herself!

"Wait, Zhao family, come one by one!"

"You are all going to die!"

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