Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,338 Brother Jiang, I am still in the enemy camp.

It's all an act!

Sun Gangniang knew Zhao Bo's character very well, so she spoke frankly when communicating with Jiang Xiaobai last night.

As long as they come to the natural moat in the dense forest, Zhao Bo can be angered by just two words. It is best to let this girl Li Qiling speak.

Knowing that there were no witnesses and the news would not be leaked, Zhao Bo would definitely take action.

Even as early as the day when the bet began, what the Zhao family wanted was not to defeat the Li family based on the value of the Wushou Wings, but to kill all the powerful people in the Li family and use Li Qiling to threaten the Li family to beg for mercy!

So this opportunity will definitely be successful.

As long as Jiang Xiaobai can handle the masters from the Zhao family.

I don’t know why, but Sun Gangniang absolutely believes in Jiang Xiaobai. If he says he can, then he can, even if Jiang Xiaobai is just a golden immortal now!

At this time, Xiao Si suddenly took action, completely frightening the Li family and others.

You must know that before Jiang Xiaobai proposed this plan, they would never dare to meet the Zhao family alone in a secret place.

Everyone knows what the Zhao family is thinking!

In an instant, everyone in the Li family retreated crazily, with no intention of fighting against the Zhao family!

Xiao Si, who had just rushed over, also laughed when he saw this scene.

"You are so brave, do you dare to be so presumptuous with me?"

"That's ridiculous!"

"If that's the case, then let me die!"

Xiao Si no longer bothered to go to see Li Zhilin and others. Although they were all Da Luo Jinxian, he had touched the threshold of divine power.

Under the application of the law, it is only a matter of time before everyone in the Li family is destroyed!

So what if they deliver the message?

So what if the Li family knows?

Apart from this, what else can prove that it was the Zhao family who did it?

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly took a step forward, and a long sword exuding a terrifying aura appeared in his hand.

"Your opponent is me, old man."

Jiang Xiaobai said coldly: "You still wanted to attack me last night, so I will give you this opportunity now!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

The reason why the Zhao family and others are confused is that a golden immortal dares to speak so wildly?

But the Li family went into a huge downtime!

Mr. Jiang, is that not how you play?

Isn’t it time to let the terrifying monster on your shoulder take action?

As soon as this idea came into Li Zhilin's mind, Bai Liang jumped off Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder and ran to squat on Ao Yan's shoulder.

Zhao Bo reacted and sneered silently: "How come there are always some people in this world who really treat themselves as nothing?"

He looked at Ao Yan and the others. There was no doubt that the three women looked at him blankly.

So beautiful!

I saw these three women last night, but the situation did not allow for action.

How can we not cherish such a good opportunity now?

It's not possible to forcefully get Li Qiling at the moment, so let's enjoy these three women first!

At that moment, Zhao Bo licked his tongue and laughed evilly.

"Senior Xiao Si, don't hold back on that boy, just kill him. Leave these three women to me!"


So I have never been in your eyes, right?

What do I do with you?

Why not go to Qibao Linglong Pagoda and stay comfortably with Yue'er?

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai raised his Yuan Hong and pointed it at Zhao Bo, who was not far away, with a cold face.

"Take care of your eyes. If you dare to look any further, I will chop you into pieces even if my mother-in-law begs me!"

The corner of Sun Gangniang's mouth suddenly twitched.

Brother Jiang, why are you telling me at this time?

I'm still in the enemy camp!

Sure enough, after Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, everyone's eyes turned to Sun Gangniang again.

Good guy, so you are the traitor?

Zhao Bo's expression has begun to twist ferociously, constantly changing from cyan to white, and then to black again!

Pointing at Sun Gangniang, her whole body trembled.

After holding it in for a long time, I finally uttered one word.


Almost instantly, Sun Gangniang's body turned into a white sword light and appeared next to Jiang Xiaobai.

To be precise, it was next to Ao Yan, because there was a fierce beast named Bai Liang on Ao Yan's body.

This was discussed last night. If any trouble arises, Sun Gangniang can just rush to Bai Liang.

With Bai Liang here, let alone the strongest one in the Zhao family's team, even the strong men from Beidou Immortal Palace can't compete with Bai Liang!

Bai Liang is actually only one step away from breaking through to the realm of Hunyuan Wuji!

It's not because of the level of divine power, but because of his own characteristics.

He wants to gain merit!

You need to eat a certain amount of merit to improve!

Not to mention these, everyone in the Zhao family only reacted shortly after Sun Gangniang left!

It's better now, there's no chance of catching Sun Gangniang anymore!

"You bastard, you are such a bastard!"

"You are united to play tricks on my Zhao family?"

"Do you really think that the Zhao family is a soft persimmon that can be pinched at will?"

At this time, Zhao Bo was completely crazy. He didn't expect that despite all the calculations, he was still being fooled!

I had been wary of Sun Gangniang, an outsider, since I had not had much contact with her before.

It turns out that they really came to trouble the Zhao family!

"There's nothing to say at this point. Think about yourselves first!"

Jiang Xiaobai laughed evilly, waved Yuan Hong in his hand, and at the same time looked at Xiao Si, who was the strongest person in front of him!

Xiao Si also had a gloomy face.

This time, the Zhao family has lost all face!

Make people fool around!

The only chance to regain everything lost is to kill the arrogant son in front of him!

How dare a mere Golden Immortal dare to be so presumptuous with him?

"Do it, kill him, I want to kill him!"

Zhao Bo was almost crazy and roared in a hoarse voice.

"Boy, are you going to kneel down and kill yourself, or are you going to let me do it myself?"

Xiao Si looked at Jiang Xiaobai sarcastically, not taking him seriously at all.

Although now it seems that the layout has been tricked.

However, in the face of real strength, all conspiracies are just paper!

However, before Xiao Si made a move, Jiang Xiaobai took the lead in launching an attack. The long sword in his hand turned into black ink in the daytime, and the black sword light continued to shine, like waves of water rushing towards Xiao Si.

The moment the sword light erupted, everyone in the audience was shocked.

No one thought that Jiang Xiaobai would suddenly take action and take the initiative to fight against Xiao Si. You must know that Xiao Si has touched the threshold of the realm of divine power!

When the law is used and displayed, the power is infinitely terrifying!

Jiang Xiaobai must be crazy!

This is what everyone is thinking!

Even Xiao Si was stunned and didn't react. He immediately laughed and slashed with a knife.

Will he, Xiao Si, take the mere attack of Jinxian into his heart?


The moment the sword light and sword light collided in the air, the sword light was directly annihilated and dissipated by the terrifying power of the law, leaving nothing behind.

"Hahaha, is this the only way?"

"I thought you were so awesome!"

Xiao Si laughed wildly, but he didn't see Jiang Xiaobai's expression at all!

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