Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,350 Zhao Yude, please give me an explanation

After leaving the desert stone forest, Jiang Xiaobai found a good place and released everyone in the Qibao Exquisite Tower.

Sun Gangniang looked at Jiang Xiaobai happily: "Brother Jiang, are you done?"

"That's right, I have all the mineral veins in my hands. Just take this and practice it yourself."

Jiang Xiaobai said and threw a storage ring over. When Sun Gangniang received it, she was also stunned.

There are one hundred thousand Xuanwu crystals inside!

The value is so precious that it is unimaginable!

"Brother Jiang, you..."

"Brother, why are you so polite?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly and waved his hand: "Just wait here these days. If there is any news in the Zhao family, let me know. I will come to support you then!"

Although Sun Gangniang wanted to refuse, she remained silent.

This is Jiang Xiaobai.

He is never stingy with his friends, spends generously, and even goes out of his way to save his friends.

It can be seen from the beginning in the world of star purgatory.

To reject him at this time is to sever ties with him!

"Okay, if there's news, I'll let you know!"

Sun Gangniang said solemnly, and then a wry smile appeared on her face: "Brother Jiang, it seems that I owe you something that I will never be able to replace in this life."

Jiang Xiaobai looked disgusted: "What are you talking about? It's interesting or not. If you treat me as a friend, don't say such things again."

At this time, Yu Ji, who had been silent for a while, suddenly looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said.

"Jiang Xiaobai, I'll stay here too."

As a Taiyi Golden Immortal, although his cultivation is not very strong, he still has the ability to protect himself.

Following Jiang Xiaobai these days, I wandered here and there. It seemed that a lot of things happened, but these things had nothing to do with her concubine.

Especially after seeing many scenes, she clearly realized that she was definitely not on the same level as Jiang Xiaobai.

It doesn't matter if she stays there forcibly, but it will have a great impact on her own development and cultivation.

Jiang Xiaobai just nodded when he heard this, without saying anything more, he also threw a storage ring over.

"Practice well. I hope you won't embarrass me next time I see you."

Yu Ji rolled her eyes and accepted the storage ring naturally, joking that Jiang Xiaobai was now called a big dog among big dogs, and she would not take this thing for nothing.

If you show off to such a shameless guy, you will be looked down upon!

"That's it, see you later!"

Jiang Xiaobai waved to the two of them, and immediately stopped staying. Entrusted by Bai Liang's spiritual power, he rushed into the sky and rushed to the Suhai Dynasty.

Although it took him a few days to come out this time, Jiang Xiaobai's mind became clearer and his strength improved.

The harvest is even more abundant!

There are at least millions of basalt crystal reserves in the basalt crystal veins, which is much more than what the two Yuyao Sword Sect experts had inferred.

It’s time to go to the Suhai Dynasty to sort out those troubles. I will go to Wushan immediately, and then I will officially start exploring the Nine Heavens Continent!

Jiang Xiaobai's heart is full of expectations for the road ahead!

Regardless of the chess player and all the calculations, he only cares about himself!

There were still two days to go to the Suhai Dynasty. Not long after they left, several strong men from the Yuyao Sword Sect rushed out.

He cast a Void Gate in the air and immediately reached the desert stone forest.

"Elder, the basalt crystal veins are in it. We have no way to deal with that formation. It's up to you!"

The strong man from Yuyao Sword Sect who followed Zhao Yude before said with a smile.

The leader of the Sword Sect elder also had a slightly red look on his face.

According to their judgment, there are at least one million reserves in this basalt crystal vein, which is a huge income for their Yuyao Sword Sect!

The secret passage in the cave was opened at that moment, but the moment the secret passage opened, a violent wave of spiritual power swept over!

Everyone was stunned for a moment!

Especially the two sword sect masters who followed Zhao Yude were frightened when they felt this situation.

There was obviously no aura before, and all the mineral veins were covered and sealed by a special formation. It was absolutely impossible to leak any spiritual aura!

In this current situation, the only way to activate the formation is!

Everyone felt angry and had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Everyone rushed in and saw that the mineral veins that were originally glowing green were now empty!

It's not the kind where the whole thing is hollowed out and a huge hole appears underground.

Instead, many small honeycomb-like holes appeared.

Just the Xuanwu crystal disappeared!

"Is this the mineral vein you two reported to the sect?"

The leading elder's mouth twitched, and he looked at the two strong men with cold eyes.

Both of them were trembling and shouted hurriedly.

"No...impossible. It wasn't like this when we came here. At that time, the mineral veins couldn't be seen to the end!"

"Elder, it's definitely not us who are fooling the sect, someone is definitely causing trouble!"

They told everything that happened, and there was still some spiritual power left here, which could indeed prove that a terrifying amount of basalt crystals had been sealed here before.

But where did the Xuanwu Crystal go?

"The Zhao family, it must be Zhao Yude of the Zhao family, this bitch has bad intentions!"

"As far as he knows, he is the only one who knows this place!"

One of them exclaimed, feeling that he had grasped the key to the matter.

Nowadays, even if there is any conflict, it is useless. The Jade Yao Sword Sect is full of surprises and mobilizes troops to bring experts to develop the mineral veins.

Nothing after the results came?

I lost all my face!

The mineral vein was presented by Zhao Yude. Now that the thing is missing, even if Zhao Yude did not do this, it was still done by him!

The anger of Yuyao Sword Sect needs someone to calm it down!

If this matter spreads out, how can the Jade Yao Sword Sect stand up in front of many transcendent immortal sects after being fooled around by others?

"I'll give you a day to sort it out on your own."

The leader of the elders spoke coldly, and immediately opened the door to the void and left the place.

The rest of the people also glanced at the two people and stepped into them.

The remaining two strong men from the Yuyao Sword Sect were trembling with anger!

Bastards, because of this bitch Zhao Yude, they will definitely be hit in the Yuyao Sword Sect!

"You are like a dog, I want your Zhao family to die!"


A terrifying aura erupted, and the two strong men rushed to Zhao's house without any explanation.

The speed was so fast that he immediately reached the sky above the Zhao family in Juling City.

At this time, Zhao Yude was congratulating himself for making a decision quickly, otherwise if Sun Gangniang did something to the basalt crystal vein, he would lose blood!

As a result, a terrifying aura suddenly came from the sky above the Zhao family. You didn't even need to see the person coming to feel the overwhelming anger!

Zhao Yude was stunned on the spot.

"The Zhao family is so brave!"

"Zhao Yude, if you don't give me a good explanation, your Zhao family will die today!"

The entire sky above Juling City is surrounded by the wrath of the strong men of Yuyao Sword Sect!

Not far away, at the top of the tallest restaurant in the city, stood a man with a cold and sinister smile on his face.

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