Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,353 Husband and wife duo

The battle is about to begin!

Jiang Xiaobai's firepower was fully activated, and all the power of the law continued to spread towards the surroundings.

Ten Thousand Dao Sword Domain is here!

And Ao Yan immediately rushed into the sky, transformed into a golden dragon, roared ferociously and rushed towards the strong man of the God of War Sect.

The rest of the people did not participate in the battle. Qiong Yu retreated while being shrouded in dark laws.

A battle between such powerful men is no longer something they can participate in.


The Ten Thousand Dao Sword Realm completely erupted, and tens of thousands of terrifying sword energy, carrying all Jiang Xiaobai's understanding of the application of laws, slammed into everyone like a violent storm.

The speed is so fast that it can penetrate the space and arrive in an instant!

The first to bear the brunt were Zhou Chi and the others. Their feud with Jiang Xiaobai was already endless. After all, all their face was lost on him.

The barrier of laws was used in various ways to block such heavy rain of sword intent.

In their opinion, even if Jiang Xiaobai had some tricks, it would not be as good as the three of them joining forces.

When the bald man was besieged by Jiang Xiaobai's Ten Thousand Sword Domain, he looked very penetrating, but he was just watching, and it would not do any substantial damage to their law barrier.

But the moment the two parties came into contact, Zhou Chi and the others were stunned!

What the hell, Jiang Xiaobai's Ten Thousand Sword Domain in the Frost Plains Secret Realm could only scratch through some law barriers. Now, the sword energy is like countless terrifying blades, clanging against their law barriers.

The cracks exploded in the first moment!

As the sword energy bombarded them, the cracks gradually widened, and it looked like they would be able to defeat their defenses in a while!

This is impossible!

How long has passed, how many days have passed!

"I didn't expect it. My strength will improve when I go out for a trip, which is beyond your imagination."

Jiang Xiaobai sneered again and again.

As his own realm has improved, his understanding of the laws has also improved. Of course, the most important thing is that Jiang Xiaobai has clear ideas and his understanding of the laws has reached a higher level!

Things are different now!

"Lu Haizhuang, do you really think you are something?"

"Zhou Chi, die!"

Jiang Xiaobai roared angrily, and Yuan Hong slashed down from above with irresistible power. The black light and ink exploded with all its strength, covering the sky and the sun!

The space was trembling slightly, and all the power of laws was used to the limit by Jiang Xiaobai at this moment!

The Ten Thousand Daos Destroying Divine Sword!

Seeing this sword coming, Zhou Chi and the others stared at him. How could the boss have such terrifying power?

"Get out of my way!"

Zhou Chi gritted his teeth and roared, and the three of them joined forces to mobilize the defense with all their strength.

The three Hunyuan Daluo have a little understanding of the threshold of divine power, and there is nothing they can do about the powerful Ten Thousand Dao Sword Domain under their combined strength.

However, what is even more terrifying is the Ten Thousand Dao Destroying Divine Sword!

Almost instantly, the black light exploded, hitting the defense law barrier of the three people like a wave. The three people were like a small boat, and were knocked back hundreds of meters!

Grooves appeared on the ground, and the breath of law dispersed between heaven and earth!

Zhou Chi is confused!

how come?


Before he could react in shock, Jiang Xiaobai carried Yuan Hong up again and sprinted up.

At the same time, Ao Yan's dragon roar erupted, and huge golden phantom dragon claws descended from the sky. The mighty dragon power was like a mountain, and the expressions of several strong men from the God of War Sect changed slightly.

"Little tricks!"

The leader laughed ferociously, and a spear appeared in his hand, and he swiped away at the dragon claw that Ao Yan had smashed down.


The spear and the dragon claw phantom collided in the air, and the center point erupted with a bright and dazzling light. The power was condensed to a terrifying level at that moment, the space was distorted, and the laws were shaken!

Outside this center, the violent aftermath swept across, shocking hundreds of miles away!

"Little Taiyi Golden Immortal, so what if you are a member of the Dragon Clan? You haven't even touched the threshold of divine power, but you still want to defeat me with your bloodline?"

The guy sneered, but as soon as he finished speaking, the dragon's power came, and a golden dragon appeared next to Ao Yan, roaring and rushing towards the God of War Sect.

This golden dragon phantom was so arrogant that it smashed downwards desperately.

Jiang Xiaobai knocked back Zhou Chi and the others with one sword blow, then turned around and turned into a black sword light that flashed next to the powerful men of the God of War Sect.

A sword sweeps across, and the sword cuts through eternity!

Black ripples erupted at an unparalleled speed, the laws roared, and the heavens vibrated!

Being in that kind of invincible and undefeated world shocked everyone in the God of War Sect!

What a means!

In an instant, he was attacked from both sides, and the guy's face turned green!

Can you play like this?

Fortunately, there are several masters on the War God Sect's side, and they can jointly block it immediately.

Then he saw the golden dragon in the sky crashing down like it was entering the sea. The violent dragon aura was earth-shattering, and wild power flowed from top to bottom.

Jiang Xiaobai's dark sword light on the other side swept across with one sword!

Such an attack can be called an all-round attack. With full firepower, that special law application framework makes everyone feel suffocated!

Jiang Xiaobai relied on the Golden Immortal Dzogchen peak state and the application of laws to develop an intensity comparable to Hunyuan Daluo and comprehend the lower level of divine power!

Puff puff!

I saw a few figures flying backwards, and they began to spurt blood while they were still in mid-air, and the aura on their bodies was even more sluggish!

Several powerful men from the God of War Sect looked shocked!

How can it be!

It doesn't matter that Jiang Xiaobai is so strong, after all, the opponent has already demonstrated the application of the laws in the Frost Plain Secret Realm.

But how could you, Ao Yan?

In fact, although Ao Yan has not even touched the threshold, he is blessed by the special bloodline of the Dragon Clan.

The tyrannical brute force and the power of blood can barely make up for it!

The couple joining forces is simply terrifying!

Immediately without saying too much, Jiang Xiaobai rushed directly towards the War God Sect and the others, while Ao Yan turned around and stared at the three figures struggling to escape not far away with his huge dragon eyes!


One word shook the world, the dragon's mouth opened, and earth-yellow breath spewed out.

When the dragon's breath exploded, Ao Yan did not stop the dragon's tail attack. The hundreds of miles long dragon body slapped down hard!

The ground cracked instantly!

The three of them were struggling to hold on and were covered in cold sweat!

How the hell could this happen?

That's not how the script was written!

You two are too strong!


In the sky, bursts of roars came. The battle between Bai Liang and Miao Qing was extremely terrifying compared to the two!

For the powerful men at their current level, Jiang Xiaobai and the others would not be able to withstand the aftermath of any attack.

All kinds of lights bloomed in the sky, and the sky and the earth were eclipsed at this moment, leaving only the desperate attack of two strong men!

Bai Liang had many methods. With a roar, an even larger shadow of a giant beast appeared behind him. He took a bite out of it, like the impact of a giant mountain!

What Miao Qing is better at is the soul movement, and he can only resist Bai Liang.

It is absolutely impossible to defeat it!

Bai Liang's soul power was naturally powerful, and Miao Qing's many methods had no effect at all.

In the anxiety of the battle, Miao Qing subconsciously looked at the battle situation below, as long as he could take Jiang Xiaobai away.

After one glance, Miao Qing wanted to vomit blood on the spot!

what's the situation!

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