Looking at the despairingly huge prismatic space in front of them, everyone just felt their scalps go numb!

These strong men, with endless years of knowledge, all know about such things as prism space.

No one thought that what Shengzun Suhai left here was such a large prism space!

Who knows what might be inside?

Jiang Xiaobai was even more confused, subconsciously preparing himself for some terrifying creature to emerge from inside.

However, there was no news at all. This prism space just exuded an aura that did not belong to Jiutian Continent, floating quietly in the air.

Like a black moon!

"This is the benefit of your master staying. Does he want to trick me to death or something else?"

"Is there probably a powerful creature like Hunyuan Wuji inside?"

Jiang Xiaobai's eyelids jumped wildly and he yelled at Bai Liang!

This is a hammer game, he doesn't have the guts to go in!

Seeing this thing, Bai Liang was also confused.

It shouldn’t be!

Asking Jiang Xiaobai to purify such a prismatic space would cost him his life, wouldn't it?

"No...it definitely wasn't this big back then. I can only say that Xiaobai, you came too late."

After a long time, Bai Liang found a seemingly reasonable excuse.

Jiang Xiaobai was so angry that he went crazy.

At the beginning, he thought there would not be much trouble, but now it seems that it is not a trouble at all!

This is really fatal!

"If you don't go, I won't go in even if I die."

"Come on, destroy it. Don't you all want the treasures from me, Jiang? There's no need to cover it up, just do it!"

Jiang Xiaobai broke the jar and dropped it.

This prism space is comparable to its existence in the Immortal Road War. Whoever wants to go can go!

Many powerful people from the Transcendental Immortal Sect around were also dumbfounded!

How come there is such a huge prism space here?

Hong Jingtian felt like his head was exploding!

Holy Lord Suhai, is this the opportunity to stay and soar into the sky?

"Senior Bai Liang, did we make a mistake? Shouldn't it be a super treasure that only Young Master Jiang can open?"

Hong Jingtian expressed the doubts in his heart, which were also the doubts of all the other powerful people of the Transcendental Immortal Sect.

"Well...that's right, this is what remains from back then..."

Bai Liang groaned and looked at Jiang Xiaobai: "How about we go in and have a look? After all, we can come out after we go in, right?"

"You go ahead, I won't go."

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hands hurriedly and wanted to leave at the same time.

However, how could those powerful people from the Transcendental Immortal Sect let Jiang Xiaobai leave like this?

Everyone stopped him instantly!

No one believes that Saint Suhai would leave such a thing behind. This is not a chance at all, but a disaster!

Such a huge prism space is enough for the creatures inside to get out. In these years, it is not like this has never happened in Jiutian Continent.

"Mr. Jiang, don't leave in a hurry."

"Aren't you going to explain?"

"It's impossible for the Holy Lord to leave you such a mess. This must be your cover-up."

"Honestly hand over what you left behind, and we may really be able to establish a good relationship, otherwise..."

Threats, questions, and all kinds of words came to my ears.

All of them have taken off their masks, and their auras are flowing around them.

Even if the sky falls today, they will take action against Jiang Xiaobai and force him to hand over the treasure.

Otherwise it makes no sense at all!

Leave nothing behind, just this prismatic space?

What about playing?

"As you can see, this is what the Holy Lord left behind. There may be some treasures in it, but I, Mr. Jiang, don't want it anymore. You go ahead. I applaud with both hands!" Jiang Xiaobai chuckled.

The leading strong men only felt that they were being played.

The woman from the Yuyao Sword Sect no longer concealed herself at this time and completely revealed her true face.

"I told you a long time ago, just hold him down."

"Let's do it. Since this kid knows no good, let him know what cruelty means."

Everyone laughed ferociously, and their auras continued to surge.

Seeing this, Bai Liang also exploded his aura, and the terrifying law fluctuations knocked everyone back!

Jiang Xiaobai squinted his eyes and looked at everyone.

"So there's nothing to talk about?"

Everyone felt Bai Liang's terrifying aura and stared at Jiang Xiaobai,

"Master Jiang, don't be brave at this time. That monster is indeed powerful, but can he stop all of us at once?"

"It's not enough!"

The woman from the Yuyao Sword Sect snorted coldly: "Hand over the things quickly, otherwise don't blame me for waiting for you!"

"I'm afraid of you, come on!"

Jiang Xiaobai held Yuan Hong in his hand and sneered: "Since you want the treasure so much, okay, I'll give you this chance!"


When no one could react, Jiang Xiaobai asked Bai Liang to lead everyone into the prism space!

"Damn, are you crazy?"

The woman yelled in confusion: "Do you think we don't dare to do anything to you after you go in?"

"Then come and see who's more powerful!"

When Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, everyone rushed into the prism space and disappeared completely!

Everyone just feels their scalp is numb!

This person is really crazy. It’s not like you to be a dead man. Entering such a large prism space is simply asking for death!

Everyone looked at each other, but no one made a decision.

"Have you forgotten this boy's acting skills? He did a lot of harm to people in the Frost Plains Secret Realm."

"Perhaps this is his plan. Perhaps, the things left by the Holy Lord are indeed hidden in the prism space, and only the monster can lead them to find them!"

A strong man who had participated in the siege of Frost Plains Secret Realm said coldly.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone felt that this was the truth.

However, the danger in the prism space is too great. With such a huge body, who knows what could be inside?

"I don't care about you anymore. If you miss this good opportunity, don't blame me for regretting it!"

One person couldn't resist the temptation of the treasure, gritted his teeth and rushed into the prism space.

If someone takes the lead, the rest of the people have to go no matter how hard they dare.

No one can just watch the treasure be taken away by others!

In this way, all the powerful men of the Transcendental Immortal Sect rushed in. There was no contact with the outside world inside, so someone spread the news before leaving. They did not come out within three days, allowing everyone to directly besiege the Suhai Dynasty!

Everyone rushed into the prism space and disappeared, and the dense forest fell into silence again.

Suddenly several figures emerged, it was Miao Qing who had been following secretly.

She thought of the way Jiang Xiaobai had just dived into it without hesitation, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"You must have a way to deal with it, right?"

After Miao Qing finished speaking, he rushed in with everyone.

At the top of Wushan Mountain that no one knew about, a group of women in white dresses, veils and silver cloaks looked calmly at the huge prism space.

"Master, it's begun."

"Is your decision really the right one?"

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