Hearing this, Ao Yan suddenly shook his head, dumbfounded.

"Of course I don't want to be separated from you, but this time it's not goodbye forever?"

"Although I have some inexplicable premonitions, as long as Bai Liang is here, I will be fine."

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "No, then wait for them to come back and we will go together. I don't dare to leave you here alone. If something happens, I will regret it."

I saw Ao Yan playfully scratching Jiang Xiaobai's nose and grinning.

"The people from Beidou Immortal Palace are here. You might as well ask first, where is this place and how long does it take to get there?"

"Anyway, this is an opportunity for you. If time is short, you can go by yourself."

"Ao Cheng is here alone, I don't worry about him..."

That was Ao Yan's biological brother. She knew that Ao Cheng was going through a catastrophe, how could she leave at such a juncture?

Just then the woman from Beidou Immortal Palace walked in: "Master Jiang, don't worry, that place is on the Jiutian Continent. It's a coincidence that it is near the Juling City you have been to before."

Jiang Xiaobai's mouth twitched for a moment. If he had known this was the case, why would you, Beidou Immortal Palace, hide it and not take it out directly? Do you have to wait until the situation becomes like this?

But there's nothing we can do about it, it's already like this.

Fortunately, Juling City is nearby and can be reached immediately through the super teleportation array in the royal city.

Fortunately, Sun Gangniang is still there.

But Jiang Xiaobai was worried about one thing. What if he didn't come back immediately?

Although Ao Yan and others stayed here, it would be safer for Ao Yan if he rushed to that place to attract the firepower of others!

And leave Bai Liang behind, with this super monster that is about to break through and become Hunyuan Wuji, don't let a strong Hunyuan Wuji come, Bai Liang can completely destroy it!

In this case, safety is guaranteed.

But instead of being afraid of ten thousand, he was afraid of the worst, so Jiang Xiaobai looked solemnly at the Beidou Immortal Palace woman.

"Tell me honestly, are you sure that the Holy Lord left something for me somewhere, so that I can come back?"

These words confused the woman.

She really didn't know anything about the situation in that place, and neither the Holy Lord nor her master said much.

How dare you give a guarantee?

Seeing her hesitate, Jiang Xiaobai directly expressed that he didn't want to go.

Just kidding, is it important that the local treasure has a wife?

Whether it was because he was too deep in the memory of reincarnation, or because he really had some premonition, under this situation where he became the enemy of everyone in Jiutian Continent, he refused to leave Ao Yan for an inch.

What should he do in this life if something happens?

The woman who tried his best to protect her will not be able to rest in peace until she dies!

"I won't go. I won't go. Either we'll go together when Ao Cheng comes back, or we won't go."

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and refused to agree to anything.

But Ao Yan smiled and hit Jiang Xiaobai on the head with his hand: "Fool, nothing will happen to us."

"And now that you have attracted all the powerful people in Jiutian Continent, it is more dangerous for me to be with you. Besides, even if you have a way, can you deal with these people?"

"What you should do must be done by you. There is something called fate, and you can't escape it."

Ao Yan chuckled. Although she was worried in her heart, she knew that if she did not support Jiang Xiaobai at this time, the consequences would be serious!

With Bai Liang, it is really impossible to completely fight against the strong men in the entire continent. There are not none who are stronger than Bai Liang!

And since that place was left by Saint Suhai, there must be a reason to stay there.

"Don't worry, kid. As long as I'm here, nothing will happen to this girl."

Bai Liang suddenly said: "If you can't beat me, I can still run. As long as the Immortal Lord doesn't show up, no one can catch up with me."

His speed and means of escaping have never been shown before!

But just because he hasn't used it before doesn't mean he doesn't know it!

Jiang Xiaobai was hesitant. He naturally knew that the current situation was the best way to leave the Suhai Dynasty and rush to the mysterious place to obtain treasure resources and improve his strength.

But it was because of the bouts of panic just now that he didn't dare to make a decision.

At this moment, Ao Yan suddenly took the initiative to hug Jiang Xiaobai's neck and kissed him.

A kiss lasts forever!

Jiang Xiaobai almost melted into Ao Yan's love.

"Go, nothing will happen." Ao Yan said softly: "Come back early, I will wait for you here."

The woman from Beidou Immortal Palace was dumbfounded and stepped forward to persuade her: "The Holy Lord is so powerful, will he harm you? He will be fine."

Jiang Xiaobai had a headache.

He not only has to consider the overall situation, but also his own personal affairs!

People are selfish!

I was separated from Ao Yan many times. This experience was so uncomfortable!

In a daze, he thought of his confused state some time ago. It seemed that he was acting pretentious again?

"You brat, you are always very decisive in everything you do. Why are you so bitchy now?"

Suddenly, Feng Yunjian came out: "As long as Bai Liang is here, nothing will happen to that girl. Leave the treasures and resources alone. Say you are affectionate. Look at the appearance of Yingying Yanyan next to you. It's nothing." Look. Call you stupid, you are really stupid!"

Jiang Xiaobai was scolded so hard that everyone laughed.

If monks like us really need such care and protection, then what should we do with our cultivation?

In the end, Jiang Xiaobai laughed and scratched his head: "Okay, okay, I'll go and come back as soon as possible. As soon as I leave, you will release the news immediately, do you understand?"

"Don't worry, it's all arranged."

The Beidou Immortal Palace woman smiled lightly: "Okay, Mr. Jiang, shall we set off?"

"Let's go."

Before Jiang Xiaobai left, he hugged Ao Yan again and kissed her delicate and perfect forehead.

"Wait for me, I'll be back soon."

"I'm waiting for you."

Jiang Xiaobai left and stepped into the super teleportation array. A blue light flashed and disappeared instantly.

After he left, Ao Yan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

In fact, she didn't feel any uneasiness just now. Maybe the panic before was just an illusion.

"It'll be okay."

Bai Liang said calmly from the side: "That kid has too many things on his shoulders. If he can die so easily, he will not be chosen by the chess player."

Ao Yan nodded slowly, hoping nothing would happen to Jiang Xiaobai.

The moment the formation was activated, the news spread.

Jiang Xiaobai left Suhai Dynasty and rushed to Juling City!

The many powerful men coming from Jiutian Continent did not hesitate. Anyway, Juling City is not far from Suhai Dynasty, basically in the same direction, so it doesn’t matter!

The strong men who had already arrived at the dynasty to take a look at the situation also rushed to Juling City.

The whole world has changed because of Jiang Xiaobai!

No one has been able to accomplish such a feat throughout the ages!

On the edge of the royal city, Miao Qing looked at the huge palace coldly.

She wanted to use Ao Yan to threaten Jiang Xiaobai, but she didn't have the courage or the strength. Bai Liang followed Ao Yan and Qiong Yu like a door god, so there was no chance.

As for the two guys who went out to break through the realm, let alone them.

What kind of people are preparing for a catastrophe? Didn't they look for lightning to strike when they were looking for trouble?

"Tune the tiger away from the mountain, I really want to see what your boy is capable of."

Miao Qing sneered and rushed to Juling City as well.

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