Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,371 The Forbidden Land of the Red Sea

Although there are many methods, Jiang Xiaobai is like a groundhog, drilling directly into the ground to a depth of thousands of meters. Even if Daluo Jinxian wants to do something to him, it will be a little troublesome.

And Jiang Xiaobai didn't walk the dog for long. Seeing that some super masters were about to catch up, he directly spent 50 million points to exchange for the Concealing Aura Talisman, and disappeared from everyone's perception on the spot!

Are you kidding? The system is just a decoration?

He had checked it before setting off from Suhai Dynasty Royal City. After the last painting of 500 million points, in just one day, the news that he could purify the prism space spread throughout the Jiutian Continent, contributing nearly a billion points to her!

A huge profit!

Although this was very risky, he had no choice but to do so. The only thing he could do was to show off his cards and tell everyone directly.

In this way, everyone will be his enemy, and there is no need to worry about beings like the God of War Sect secretly doing things.

Jiang Xiaobai now had his aura concealment turned on and was running fast underground towards the location marked on the map.

But what he didn't know was that a group of strong men really planned to come over and protect Jiang Xiaobai at this time!

These people are the masters who were once trapped in the Three Thousand Worlds, and they have benefited a lot from the Immortal Road War!

After waiting for so many years in the Three Thousand Worlds, my practice has never stopped. I gained a lot of experience on the spot!

Jiang Xiaobai came to Jiutian Continent after that battle. He had no idea what kind of benefits these people got at that time.

In fact, in addition to the people from the Earthly Immortal Realm who were sent up, all the powerful people in Jiutian Continent have improved a lot. As soon as they came back, they exploded with countless Hunyuan Daluo, and they were full of touching divine power!

They all told Jiang Xiaobai at the beginning that if they could save them, they would definitely help if there was any trouble in the future!

At this point, it’s time to cash in!

"This kid has so many tricks up his sleeve. How can he still run away like this?"

Miao Qing looked at a small jade pendant in his hand with a solemn expression.

The reason why Jiang Xiaobai was recognized by everyone was because she felt Jiang Xiaobai's spiritual aura when she attacked Jiang Xiaobai secretly!

No matter how good a person is at changing his own aura and soul through means, he will never be able to change it.

She was proficient in this method and used this method to deliberately inform many powerful people, otherwise they would never be able to find Jiang Xiaobai's whereabouts.

"But since you want to escape and attract firepower, why don't you go farther away, near the Suhai Dynasty?"

Miao Qing frowned: "So, you have other purposes for coming here, right?"

Thinking of this, her brows stretched with a sneer on her face.

"I would like to see what you are doing here. Could it be that the Holy Lord has a back-up plan?"

The only pity is that now she can't find Jiang Xiaobai's whereabouts.

Jiang Xiaobai disappeared completely. Even if he had the means to distinguish the soul's aura, the prerequisite was to meet someone.

You can't even see anyone, how can you find him?

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai was almost arriving at that area, but what people didn't expect was that this place turned out to be so deceptive.

A terrifying formation was set up within a certain radius, and Jiang Xiaobai was lifted up from the ground on the spot!

Fortunately, there happened to be a group of people not far away searching for him. The moment Jiang Xiaobai appeared, they met each other!

"Have fun!"

Jiang Xiaobai scolded his mother angrily.

"Jiang Xiaobai?"

The leader looked at the unfamiliar face, but he could feel the aura of the spirit!

He immediately looked overjoyed!

It's delivered to your door!

"Jiang Xiaobai, it doesn't matter if you have many tricks, now the entire Jiutian Continent is looking for you, unless you never come out in this life!"

The leader immediately led the crowd to rush forward and angrily shouted: "Hurry up and hand over the treasure now. I will bear the risk for you!"

Jiang Xiaobai felt his head buzzing.

Good guy, this guy is so shameless!

"If you want treasure, you can wait until you catch up with me."

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, turned around and rushed towards the location marked on the map.

Since everything has been discovered, forget it. If you continue to circle around, the risk will be greater. Moreover, there are restrictions underground in this place. It is obvious that if you want to enter that place, you will be discovered.

Since this is already the case, it is better to go directly while there are fewer people chasing him.

However, he still underestimated the methods of these powerful people. After all, it was impossible to understand them without reaching the realm of Daluo Jinxian or even Hunyuan Daluo.

Almost as soon as Jiang Xiaobai was ejected from the ground, someone noticed the special situation here.

Although Jiang Xiaobai used the system to redeem the breath concealment talisman, it was true that he was ejected from the ground. Countless perceptions came to this place in an instant, and he rushed over without hesitation.

Many powerful people arrived, but there was no sense of Jiang Xiaobai's aura. They might feel that a group of people were chasing something.

Naturally, I chased after him.

The news spread from one to ten, and although everyone tried their best to hide it, who wouldn't know that the movement was so big?

When Jiang Xiaobai reacted, his brain exploded!

"Why are so many people chasing me? They are really a bunch of bullshit, and they can't even get rid of them!"

Jiang Xiaobai gritted his teeth. The only way now was to go there quickly. If it were later, let alone have the chance to go there, it would be better if he didn't get killed.

Without Bai Liang's help, facing Hunyuan Daluo who has understood the level of divine power, he is still in trouble!

Fortunately, the place was not too far away, but Jiang Xiaobai had already arrived within an hour.

This is a swamp, full of miasma!

Anyone who is familiar with this place will know that the area in front is a restricted area for monks!

So far, no one who has entered has come out alive!

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't know that the location marked on the map mountain was in the middle of the miasma mire, so Jiang Xiaobai plunged in without much thought.

Many strong men in the rear suddenly stopped!

"Is this kid crazy? In order to avoid us, he dares to go to the Red Sea forbidden area on Jiutian Continent?"

The leader gritted his teeth.

The Red Sea Forbidden Land is the name of this place.

Although it is a swamp, in the middle of each month, looking from the outside, it looks like a red sea inside!

That's why it got such a name.

When they stopped to hesitate, various strong men rushed over from the surroundings. When they saw the Red Sea forbidden area in front of them, they didn't need to think too much to understand that Jiang Xiaobai must have got into it.

"Are you brave enough to use the forbidden area to put us into trouble?"

"This place is not simple. It is difficult to get out again. The biggest danger inside is not the miasma, but a special kind of vicious beast that lives in the miasma!"

"Damn it, if he dies inside, wouldn't we all be doomed? Not to mention getting any treasures to purify the prism space and enjoy heaven's rewards. According to the spread and development of the prism space, in another few hundred thousand years, heaven will be If it collapses, we will all die!"

For a moment, everyone gnashed their teeth as they looked at the forbidden land in front of them!

Is this Jiang Xiaobai really a dead end?

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