Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,373 Weird Forbidden Land

Although these two guys are only in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, their true strength is unimaginable!

It is comparable to a strong man with low-level divine power!

Jiang Xiaobai might have been in trouble once, but now...

Hunyuan Daluo's low-grade divine power level might not even make him take a second look.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The sound of metal colliding came. Jiang Xiaobai easily neutralized the two attacks, but at the same time, his body retreating suddenly stopped!

Behind him, there is another thin silver line!

"These guys are really good at using some underhanded methods."

"But when was the thin line put on?"

If Jiang Xiaobai remembered correctly, he had not encountered this thin line on the way here, otherwise the consequences would have been dire.

This place is full of weirdness!

"The Ten Thousand Daos Destroying Divine Sword!"

Jiang Xiaobai scolded angrily, and a black wave of sword light erupted from the Yuanhong in his hand. He struck the sky with his sword, and the surrounding trees turned into nothingness under the sword light.

The two guys in front of him were not immune. Even with all their strength, they couldn't deal with this sword.

After taking care of the two of them, Jiang Xiaobai didn't pay much attention, but looked curiously at the thin line behind him.

I walked up and touched it with my hand. It was extremely cold, and the skin on my hand was broken the moment I touched it!

"Damn it, it's so sharp, what's going on?"

"If the jungle is full of thin line traps like this, who will come and who will die!"

Jiang Xiaobai was frightened again and again. Although he had the Ancient Nine Forged Body, all the defense power combined could not block the cutting of the thin line under the high-speed shuttle!

And vaguely, he felt that this thin line also had a poison that acted on the soul.

However, he did not feel any discomfort after this increase in the power of his soul. Although it was poisonous, it was of no use to him, Jiang Xiaobai.

Just when I was wondering what this thing was, there was a sound of breaking wind coming from the left!

No clue!

The moment Jiang Xiaobai felt it, he immediately reviewed the dodge, and at the same time Yuan Hong swept out!


As an acquired spiritual treasure, Yuan Hong is extremely sharp. As long as he is not facing an innate spiritual treasure, he can basically easily deal with it.

Only a dull sound was heard, and at the same time, a squeaking sound like a rat's cry came.

Jiang Xiaobai saw a huge creature appearing in front of him!

It was a giant spider covered in scarlet and covered with burrs, and one of its legs had just been chopped off!

The eight eyes of the spider were pitch black, and no fluctuations could be seen, but he could feel the boundless violent energy coming towards his face.

its belly

In this way, Jiang Xiaobai understood what was going on with the thin lines in the dense forest, and he could probably tell that this scarlet creature also came out of the prism space.

This place is so weird!

Cleaning up this spider was an easy task, but after finishing it, Jiang Xiaobai felt a little headache looking at the huge spider corpse in front of him.

Now that we have just entered this swampy forest, we have encountered two sneak attacks. Who knows how many more are behind us.

Looking at the map in his hand, Jiang Xiaobai even had a headache.

I have only moved forward not long ago!

"So, is it you, Beidou Immortal Palace, who is tricking me, or is it you, Su Hai Shengzun, who is tricking me?"

"Didn't this place say that it would give me an opportunity? Is this an opportunity?"

"You've given me a huge amount of trouble!"

Jiang Xiaobai gritted his teeth. If Shengzun Suhai appeared in front of him now, he would go up and vent his anger no matter what.

It’s so cheating!

But now he has no way out. He can only move forward and seize the time to figure out what is inside.

And when Jiang Xiaobai moved forward, the many brave masters who followed him felt like they had entered hell!

Either a flying needle suddenly pops out from a corner to attack, or it is an almost undetectable thin line cutting life hidden in the dense forest.

They saw with their own eyes that a strong Hunyuan Daluo man was cut in half by the thin silver line hanging in the air!

The soul is destroyed!

These are just appetizers. As you continue to go deeper, all kinds of terrifying creatures appear!

There are giant crocodiles hiding in the swamps, violent pythons entrenched in the dense forests, and even poisonous insects everywhere!

For a moment, the many strong men who rushed in felt their heads buzzing!

Facing such a strange forbidden land in the Red Sea, they were like novices who had just stepped into the world of spiritual practice, completely unable to deal with it!

Even the powerful Hunyuan Daluo who have comprehended the high-grade divine power must walk carefully.

Many people have already thought of quitting!

"This is not the way to go!"

"There's no rush. Although it's dangerous here, there are still opportunities. If we can't resist it, then Jiang Xiaobai can resist it?"

"But we went much deeper when we came in, but we didn't see Jiang Xiaobai's body. Could it be that he was eaten?"

"...Who knows, we'd better be careful. Maybe if we don't find Jiang Xiaobai, we might have a chance in this forbidden area."

Income and risk coexist. Although the Red Sea Forbidden Land is extremely dangerous, the uncertainty in it has the advantage of making people feel numb!

Greed is the biggest motivation for monks to move forward!

While they were searching carefully, Jiang Xiaobai had already killed another scarlet beast with his sword.

There are already many such creatures around him.

Along the way, I didn't know how many people were killed, and I was even more confused about this place.

Could it be possible that he really entered a place similar to the Yantian Clan Continent?

"It's really a headache. How about exchanging it for a big formation first, just in case?"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Xiaobai directly exchanged it for a Wanxie Nirvana Formation again!

Just kidding, who knows what kind of powerful beings there are here? He has only just entered this place!

He also knew that many people followed him in, and he showed no mercy to them.

I'm just a little worried about Ao Yan and the others.

He took out the communication token to make contact, and he suddenly discovered that the communication token didn't work here!

He was so angry that he really wanted to rush back and beat up a few people from Beidou Immortal Palace first.

In order to avoid something he didn't want to see happen, he gritted his teeth and rushed to the center of the Red Sea Forbidden Land.

The closer he got to the center, the more obvious he felt that he was in the Yantian Clan's continent. He had determined that this was a gathering place for intelligent creatures in prism space!

They transformed this place into a place where they could adapt to live and avoid the pressure of heaven.

At the same time, he used various means to avoid everything, and even killed all the monks who ventured into it, so that no one would know the real secret here.

"But it seems that it should have just appeared. The special power here is not as good as that of the Yantian Clan mainland."

Jiang Xiaobai guessed again and again, and suddenly felt that maybe this place was not like this when Saint Suhai left his things.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai's eyes widened!

Passing through the trees ahead, he saw a town filled with smoke!

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