Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,375 Wang Liang’s World and Choice

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai was about to curse!

He gritted his teeth and rushed into the void portal with a desperate heart.

He thought he would see a special scarlet creature, which would trigger a super war, and he used a formation to destroy it.

As a result, after entering, I found that it was a... planet!

I wanted to turn around and go back but found that the damn door was missing!

"So where is this? Is this still Jiutian Continent?"

"You bastard, wait until I get back. If anything happens, you'll all die!"

Jiang Xiaobai gritted his teeth and roared, contacting the system in his mind.

The system was still very humane and directly told Jiang Xiaobai that this place was no longer the Jiutian Continent, but it was still the same void in the transit plane.

The Jiutian Continent, and even the entire void where he was, was just a transit world!

Responsible for connecting the three thousand worlds and the earthly immortal world, it is a channel, a bridge, and a place of transition.

Now that he knew that he had left Jiutian Continent inexplicably, Jiang Xiaobai was really going crazy!

"System, is there a way for me to teleport back? Reputation points, or a teleportation mechanism or something?"

Jiang Xiaobai was unwilling to ask. He was inexplicably worried about the situation of Ao Yan and others!

He doesn't want anything to happen!

"Congratulations to the host for triggering the selection!"

"Option 1: Spend 100 million points to teleport back to Jiutian Continent's Juling City and be rewarded with merit."

"Option 2: Explore Wang Liang's world in front of you. If the exploration completion rate exceeds 50% (according to system calculation), you will be rewarded with a large amount of merit, 500 million points, and a reward from heaven."

"Choice three: Based on choice two, destroy the conspiracy of the Yantian clan. The reward will be an additional chance of enlightenment based on choice two."

Instead of giving a reply, the system triggered a choice!

Jiang Xiaobai originally didn't want to stay here and rushed back to Jiutian Continent to settle the score with Beidou Immortal Palace, but after looking at the third choice, he seemed to be famous.

Beidou Immortal Palace…Shengzun Suhai…Wang Liang World…

There must be a connection!

Perhaps the real purpose of letting him come here is to deal with the Yantian clan in Wang Liang's world, which is also necessary for the follow-up and even for improving himself.

Go or stay?

He suddenly took out his communication token and tried to contact Ao Yan again. This time, there was no obstruction and he contacted Ao Yan.

"Xiao Bai, the situation on the dynasty's side is okay. Although it is jointly besieged by several dynasties, the reinforcements from Beidou Immortal Palace have arrived, and some strong men from the previous Immortal Road War have come to help. Everything will be fine."

"A strong man from the Immortal Road Battle?"

Jiang Xiaobai was confused: "What are they doing here?"

"I say I'm repaying your kindness. All in all, the Suhai Dynasty is in a stable situation, and Bai Liang is here, so everything will be fine."

Ao Yan replied: "Besides, Beidou Immortal Palace said that if we really encounter trouble that cannot be solved, they will have a solution."

Speaking of this, Jiang Xiaobai became angry.

"Please tell those women in Beidou Immortal Palace for me, if anything happens, don't blame me for coming back and destroying the entire Beidou Immortal Palace!"

"Besides, Yan'er, if you have any situation, you must contact me. I will come back as soon as possible."

After cutting off contact, Jiang Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief and felt much more at peace in his heart.

Since he can contact Ao Yan and can spend 100 million points to go back at any time, there is no reason to leave this selection mission alone.

The reward for choice three is a chance for enlightenment!

And there is also a heavenly reward!

"What the hell is this Wang Liang world in front of us? Are the Yantian clan so awesome that they can control the situation in the three thousand worlds from the air in the transit world?"

Jiang Xiaobai thought to himself and couldn't help but think of the Immortal Road.

The door to the Immortal Road here has not yet been opened!

According to what Caring Ning said, there is still big trouble here, and it might be related to the Yantian Clan.

"Okay, you may be able to complete two tasks at once, so go and have a look."

Jiang Xiaobai gritted his teeth and snorted, intending to vent all the dissatisfaction in his heart on the Yantian clan in Wang Liang's world!

Not counting the tasks he just accepted, he still has two unfinished tasks on hand!

One is to open the path to immortality, and the other is to kill Daluo Jinxian Hunyuan Daluo by himself in the middle of January.

There is no upper limit for the second number of tasks. The more you kill, the richer the reward will be!

There is still more than half a month to go!

Since the Wang Liang world in front of him is related to the Yantian clan, it is no problem to go in and do a wave to improve his strength.

As for the Yantian Clan, all the human monks will be killed if they find it!

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai plunged into the planet world in front of him.

This planet is terrifying in size, comparable to a star, but in terms of area, it is only about a small area of ​​the Jiutian Continent.

The mountains and rivers are no different. I don’t know why, but it’s very quiet here!

He walked through the mountains, rivers and dense forests, and didn't even see a single monster!

I checked the system and found some tips about the mission. Currently, Wang Liang’s world exploration rate is 2%!

But soon Jiang Xiaobai saw a strange stone wall.

He was in a dense forest, but a stone wall suddenly appeared here, with only one side!

It looks like there was a mountain here originally, but someone destroyed the mountain with one sword, leaving just a solitary piece of stone still here.

And on the ground, there were still traces of struggle and blood!

Jiang Xiaobai followed the trail without hesitation and found a town, among which were those guys with dark skin and six eyes.

The ground was covered with blood, as well as the shouts of struggling people and the shouts of those six eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't want to pay attention to it, but he was suddenly startled when he was halfway there. There seemed to be some familiar shouting there just now?

He turned around and took another look. Good guy, he saw that the person being put on the fire rack and tied up was Sun Gangniang!

My head was confused on the spot.

Damn it, why is he here?

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt confused. He entered from the forbidden area of ​​​​the Red Sea. Did he remember correctly that Sun Gangniang was chasing Zhao Yude?

"What the hell do you want to do? Let me go!"

Tied to the rack, Sun Gangniang scolded her angrily, her eyes were scarlet, and her body was full of breath and she was struggling.

But he is just a Golden Immortal. These six eyes are at least the Taiyi Golden Immortal. With Da Luo sitting in charge, he can make waves.

Seeing a guy about to get started will make you excited.


The flames rose high, and Jiang Xiaobai was stunned when he saw the flames.

Is this really hot?

The rarity of true fire is extremely rare. It is rarer than acquired spiritual treasures, and it may even be rarer than innate spiritual treasures!

How can these six eyes have this?

"No, it's not real fire. It has a special power of law that doesn't belong to this piece of heaven!"

Jiang Xiaobai was secretly frightened and understood one thing at the same time.

If he doesn't take action, Sun Gangniang will be burned to death!

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