Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,377 Awakening the Ancestral Tree

Naturally, Jiang Xiaobai and Sun Gangniang didn't know anything about the Yantian Clan. After killing the blood slaves of the Yantian Clan, they carefully began to walk in Wang Liang's world to escape.

Jiang Xiaobai's spiritual mind has not contracted, and he has always been paying attention to the surrounding situation, and will not let go of any slight disturbance.

He needs to do two things now. The first is to complete more than 50% of the exploration of Wang Liang's world, and the other is to see what the Yantian clan is planning here.

On the other hand, Sun Gangniang on the side didn't know anything and looked confused.

"Brother Jiang, what are we doing? Why don't we leave here?"

"The Yantian clan has something going on here, and we definitely can't let them succeed."

Jiang Xiaobai said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, Sun Gangniang instantly understood why Jiang Xiaobai had told him about the Yantian Clan and some things in the Three Thousand Worlds before.

There is a pure purpose in coming here with the other party, but coming here by yourself is just a convenience?

"Brother Jiang, since the Yantian clan is so dangerous, can you handle it alone?"

"How about we go back and bring in reinforcements?"

Sun Gangniang thought about the situation in Three Thousand Worlds: "Let everyone know that we have to fight together. You are fighting against a race alone. Isn't this a big deal?"

Jiang Xiaobai thought about it too!

But he had no choice but to say helplessly: "Brother, don't you think I will die miserably when I go back now? I don't know how many people in Jiutian Continent are thinking of killing me."

"Besides, you may not believe it, but I came to this place because I was being hunted."

For a moment, the two were silent.

Sun Gangniang's eyes suddenly looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a feeling of brothers in distress.

Immediately, he could only follow Jiang Xiaobai through Wang Liang's world, avoiding several gathering points of Yantian clan blood slaves.

"These creatures also exist in the Red Sea Forbidden Land of Jiutian Continent. They should be the chess pieces placed by the Yantian Clan on Jiutian Continent, ready to do something at any time."

Taking Sun Gangniang away from a gathering place of blood slaves, Jiang Xiaobai whispered: "I don't know where the Yantian clan is hiding. I don't know when the search will end with this slow detour."

"If it doesn't work, will we be exposed and attract the Yantian clan?" Sun Gangniang asked carefully.

"It shouldn't work now. Who knows what powerful beings there are in this world. If you can't defeat them, you will be dead. Now the enemy is in the open and I am in the dark. I just want to take this opportunity to see the opponent's strength."

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hands, but he had another thought in his mind.

He also knew that if he was exposed now, taking down some blood slaves would definitely attract the Yantian clan, and he would be able to find traces of the other party by following the clues.

But we must first complete the exploration mission, otherwise there will be no time to fight.

Of course, he didn't have a judgment on the strength of the blood slaves, so he needed to be careful.

What the two of them didn't know was that if they looked down from above, they would see blood slaves searching for their traces in all directions!

Soon, Jiang Xiaobai's exploration level reached more than 20%. He estimated that it would take another half a day to complete the task, and then he could go find trouble with the Yantian clan.

At this moment, more than ten blood slaves from the Great Luo Golden Immortal realm suddenly appeared in Jiang Xiaobai's spiritual perception.

Without waiting for a reaction, more than a dozen blood slaves appeared in the front left direction, and then his spiritual thoughts were like calling the police, and traces of blood slaves could be sensed everywhere!

"Damn it, are we being invited into a urn?" Sun Gangniang also sensed it, and everyone was confused.

He is completely useless next to Jiang Xiaobai!

"Brother Jiang, hurry up and send me into that small tower. I won't drag you down!"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows: "When did you become so self-aware?"

"Nonsense, at least they are Daluo Jinxian. If it is Taiyi Jinxian, I can still help. No way, Brother Jiang, you are the first person under heaven to cause trouble. Each enemy is stronger than the other, I am just a Jinxian, my life is always in danger if I follow you around."

"If you don't have some self-awareness, you will be dead long ago."

Jiang Xiaobai's mouth twitched for a while, and he casually put Sun Gangniang into the Qibao Exquisite Tower. At the same time, he carefully tried to find a way out without disturbing the other party through spiritual exploration.

What he never expected was that the number of blood slaves around him was too terrifying!

It was so densely packed that there was absolutely no escape route.

"Then let's escape. It's such a simple thing."

Jiang Xiaobai burrowed into the ground casually. These blood slaves had no means of spiritual detection. Even if Jiang Xiaobai's aura-concealing talisman had not expired, these guys would not be able to detect it.

Under Earth Escape, he saw countless blood slaves searching around for something.

It was obvious that he had alerted the Yantian clan, otherwise with the blood slave's method, it would be impossible to know what was happening outside from a distance.

Jiang Xiaobai stopped in place and thought for a while. He didn't plan to continue exploring the blood slaves. He wanted to complete the task first.

Now that he had gone underground, there was nothing to hold him back. Jiang Xiaobai moved quickly and shuttled hard.

In less than an hour, more than 50% of the entire Wang Liang world was explored.

The first mission was completed. Jiang Xiaobai ran for another long time and finally found a huge area of ​​blood slaves. They were like robots and had no independent cognition. When the Yantian clan asked them to search, they dropped everything and set out to search immediately.

"I want to see what happens if you can't find me."

Jiang Xiaobai made up his mind and followed secretly.

Time flew by like this. One day passed, and the Yantian clan did not find anything wrong in Wang Liang's world.

Except for a few blood slaves who died, no clues were found in the army of blood slaves scattered throughout the world.

Many powerful people in the Yantian clan base were a little confused.

"What happened? You came here to cause trouble and then ran away?"

An elder raised his eyebrows: "Or is there another method that the blood slave cannot discover?"

"That's all, let the blood slave go back, just pay more attention..."

Just as the third elder spoke, something suddenly occurred to him: "Wait a minute, let the Ancestral Tree take action to investigate. The entire planet is covered by the Ancestral Tree, and any problems can be discovered instantly."

"But Third Elder, the ancestral tree is sleeping, so just for this matter to wake it up, will it be..."

The third elder suddenly waved his hand: "The Yantian clan cannot make mistakes. It was not because the Sanqian World side believed Jiang Xiaobai's slander and thought it had been controlled. You should all know what the result will be."

Many elders were silent.

If the plan of Three Thousand Worlds had not failed, they would have been in a different situation. After all, the Transit World and Three Thousand Worlds were planned at the same time.

Now I can only look for other opportunities.

"Go and wake up the ancestral tree. At this critical moment, no mistakes can be made."

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