Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,395 Now is the best opportunity

The spirit tribe woman frowned and felt her head buzzing.

What a surprise!

Why does this place smell like a human monk?

"It's strange. The human race shouldn't be in the Nine Heavens Continent, or in other places. You can't come to such a barren land wherever you go. There is no benefit at all."

"And this is a prism space. Do they dare to go in even if their brains are crazy?"

The human race has always stayed away from the prism space.

One is because there are no benefits in prism space, and the other is because this place is also relatively dangerous.

The scarlet creatures bred in the prism space can only be resisted by those with a high level of strength. Those who are not strong enough will definitely die if they get in.

And there is no clear benefit for experts to enter it, because they have no way except to crush the scarlet creature.

After thinking about it, I still don’t know why someone has been around here, or even seemed to have entered the prism space?

Is this a dream? Are their minds really broken?

"What's wrong, sir?"

An Elf woman prepared her formation and prepared to absorb the power of the exploding prism space. Suddenly she saw the woman in a daze and stepped forward to ask.

The other party frowned: "The human race has entered here. They must have just entered. The smell is still very strong. I will never forget the disgusting stench of the human race."

"Someone has gone in...could it be Jiang Xiaobai?"

When the leader of the Spirit Race woman heard this, she immediately raised her eyebrows: "How come there are so many human races, how can you be so sure about Jiang Xiaobai?"

"The news we got from the human race is that the entire Jiutian Continent is now chasing Jiang Xiaobai. Only he has a way to clean up the prism space. It is precisely in this way that the plans of the Yantian Clan in the Three Thousand Worlds can be defeated by him. Break it."

"Moreover, not far from here is Wang Liang's World of the Yantian Clan. It is very likely that it is Jiang Xiaobai."

After hearing this, the expression of the leader of the Spirit Race woman changed in shock.

"Don't think about it, it must be that guy Jiang Xiaobai. This matter must be reported to Master Ziyi immediately!"

Now that everything has been said, there is still Wang Liang's world on the side. If we combine it, who else could it be if it wasn't Jiang Xiaobai?

Only he, a being who can purify the prism space, would think of entering it.

And now that the leadership position of the Yantian Clan has changed hands to their Spirit Clan, Lord Ancestor has also said that if you want to be interested in Jiang Xiaobai, it is best to kill him before starting the plan, or to control him!

Thinking of this, the Spirit Race woman directly sent the message back.

For a time, there was a direct riot in the void world where all races, large and small, lived in the prism space.

When the message was sent, the three major races were gathering together for a meeting, led by the Spirit Race, and they happened to be discussing how to deal with Jiang Xiaobai.

After telling the news, the three elders of the Yantian clan, the strong horned Han and Niu of the Semitic clan were all shocked.

Zu Shi's disciple Shu Tian also frowned.

"Are you sure it's Jiang Xiaobai?" Shu Tian said coldly.

This is big news. They are now discussing how to deal with Jiang Xiaobai. Now traces of the other party have appeared. This situation must be taken seriously!

It would be great fun if they arranged everything and really planned to take action, but found out after spending a huge amount of effort that it wasn't Jiang Xiaobai.

At this time, the third elder of the Yantian clan said calmly: "I have fought against that kid the most times. According to my understanding of his character, he is a person who will not let go of any benefits, and that place is in Wang Liang's world. There's an 80% chance that it's Jiang Xiaobai next to him!"

"My analysis is also the same. After all, Jiang Xiaobai is the only one in Jiutian Continent who has the means to clear the prism space to obtain the benefits of heaven. That place is of no use to other people. It is a blessed land only for Jiang Xiaobai. "

For a moment, the small room fell into silence.

Although many possibilities point to each other, no one can guarantee it.

Thinking of this, Shu Tian raised his eyebrows: "Master Ziyi, let your people from the Spiritual Clan go and take a look inside. We are all creatures born in the prism space. We can be perfectly hidden in it. We just need to confirm whether it is Jiang Xiaobai." !”

"You all have his portrait, right?"

Ziyi nodded and immediately started making arrangements.

After receiving the news from the prism space, the strong women of the Spirit Tribe were all prepared. They even withdrew the power formation that absorbed the exploding prism space, so as not to alert the enemy.

More than a dozen women from the Spiritual Tribe in the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm burrowed into this black mist together.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai was killing a scarlet creature, and the little gourd was happily absorbing the scarlet fragments.

"It's strange. It looks like a prism space here, but why does it turn into a thick fog?"

"Or is it that the prismatic space in Jiutian Continent can already change forms... Damn, if that's the case, wouldn't it be even more difficult?"

If the prism space can change its shape, it will be difficult to detect when it is disguised!

Although it is possible to feel the breath, who can guarantee that the breath of the prism space that transforms into other forms will weaken?

This time the black mist has become different. If you don’t see it with your own eyes and realize that there is a bit of prism space, otherwise it will be difficult to judge based on the breath if you pass by or even pass far away!

"It seems that it still takes a lot of effort. There are too many prism spaces in the Jiutian Continent. It seems to start from the Earth Immortal World and gradually spread downwards. There are already so many in the Three Thousand Worlds, let alone this transit world."

Jiang Xiaobai guessed in his mind, and at the same time accelerated the action of cleaning up the scarlet creatures.

With the small gourd as a guide, it was only a matter of time before he found these scarlet creatures.

He couldn't notice at all that in the darkness and black mist, more than a dozen powerful spiritual people were secretly peeping, and they left immediately after seeing his face.

"Master Qi, it's Jiang Xiaobai, he's alone!"

When the news was delivered to Zi Yi, everyone was shocked.

Shutian shouted directly: "Lord Ziyi, ask your spirit clan, Shan clan and Yantian clan to rush to that place immediately and jointly arrange a formation to prevent him from escaping here."

"In addition, put on some of your Spirit Clan's Black Room Stones to limit this person's ability and trap him as much as possible."

"I'll do the rest!"

Shutian was sent out by Zushi just to deal with him, Jiang Xiaobai.

But now everyone knows that once Jiang Xiaobai purifies the prism space, he will definitely leave.

Now is the best opportunity. If you miss this opportunity, the only chance to deal with him is to go to Jiutian Continent, the territory of the human race.

Once there is any trouble, it may attract the attention of Heavenly Dao. After all, outside the Nine Heavens Continent, the power of Heavenly Dao is too weak in the rest of the void.

This is just a transit world!

"Everyone, leave immediately!"

In an instant, the void where countless prismatic space races lived began to boil.

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