When this attack failed, Shu Tian was immediately stunned.

All the prismatic space races around who had worked hard to come here, arranged countless formations, and deployed countless methods were also confused.

People are missing?

How can we still see each other under such a blockade?

Not only did they seal off the space, they also used the Black Room Stone, which is a unique method of their Spirit Clan. Like the Yantian Clan, when they were born in the prism space, they also got a black book. , which contains many things,

The refining of the Black Room Stone is one of them, which can affect all living beings under the heaven here.

If there are a large number of them, they can restrict their connection and communication with the way of heaven, leaving the trapped monks without any means.

Under such circumstances, he, Jiang Xiaobai, actually ran away?

Just kidding? !

It's simply impossible!

"Asshole, how could this happen, why did this happen!"

Shutian was furious. He never imagined that he, Jiang Xiaobai, could escape from the trap set up by all races at such a high cost?

And he ran away the moment he reacted?

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces were livid.

Jiang Xiaobai's methods are so weird!

Even the third elder of the Yantian clan who came with him just sighed when he saw this. He found that he still underestimated Jiang Xiaobai.

They have all become real turtles in the urn, and he is the only one who can still escape.

If this method is used to deal with one Hunyuan Wuji, or even five Hunyuan Wuji, it is more than enough.

Under Shutian's powerful methods, their death was just a blink of an eye.


"Damn it, Yantian Clan, you didn't explain the matter clearly!"

Ziyi was the first to react and scolded the third elder of the Yantian clan.

The third elder of the Yantian clan looked indifferent: "I have said more than once that this man's methods are weird and unimaginable. I have even mentioned his miraculous escape and infiltration methods."

"Although I don't know exactly what it is, he just has it!"

"No one could have imagined that something like this would happen. Do you think I don't want this bitch to die?"

Ziyi's face was full of anger: "You..."

But before he could finish his words, Shu Tian stretched out his hand to interrupt.

"That's enough. Now is not the time to talk about this. We have been completely exposed and it's time to think about countermeasures."

Shu Tian frowned. Although he was angry about this failure, he was the most sober one.

There is no point in blaming anyone at this time. Things have already happened, Jiang Xiaobai escaped, and it is also a fact that the spirit tribe and their prismatic space race methods have been exposed.

The only thing that needs to be done is to quickly plan what to do next. If Jiang Xiaobai reacts, with some of his methods, even at the expense of the treasure that can clear the prism space, he will join forces with many Jiutian Continent masters.

When the time comes for them to unite, it will only be a tug-of-war and a protracted war!

The numerous prismatic space races cannot afford to drag him down!

They know the current situation too well, let alone wait another million years or a hundred thousand years.

It’s very possible that we won’t be able to wait even hundreds of years!

Once they figure out how to take action, they must attack quickly with thunderous means. They must quickly defeat Jiutian Continent.

"We can accept leaving some of the Nine Heavens Continent's powerful people and drive them away, but we cannot accept them uniting to fight against us."

Shutian said calmly: "Lord Ziyi, you are now the representative of all races. Let's go back and discuss strategies."

"No more delay!"

Seeing this, Ziyi gritted her teeth in anger and glared at the third elder of the Yantian Clan, a person who failed to achieve anything but failed. Now, in addition to blaming all her anger on the third elder of the Yantian Clan and Jiang Xiaobai, Is there any other way?

"Let's go back!"

With a cold snort, Ziyi opened the door to the void and led everyone back.

Once those black house stones are used, there is no way to recycle them.

This time they took out thousands of Black Room Stones, which can be regarded as a reserve of 100,000 years. They only had tens of thousands of stones in total, which were prepared for the powerful Hunyuan Wuji in Jiutian Continent.

It's fine now. It hurts my heart to lose thousands of yuan directly on Jiang Xiaobai.

Shutian was the last one to leave. Before he left, he took a deep look in the direction of Jiutian Continent.

His eyes were full of cold murderous intent.

"I have practiced with my master for countless years in order to contribute to the survival of the prismatic space here. However, the first attempt was a failure."

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are very good. I will remember you. Next time you let me see you, I will definitely make your life worse than death!"

With a cold snort, Shu Tian turned around and walked into the Gate of Nothingness.

He did not believe that Jiang Xiaobai could break through the realm in a short period of practice and become a powerful Hunyuan Wuji.

This is no better than a joke!

At the same time, in the wilderness on the outskirts of Jiutian Continent's Juling City, Jiang Xiaobai was kneeling on the ground, sweating all over his body, and breathing heavily!

If he had reacted just a little slower, he would have definitely died!

He knew very well that under the circumstances at that time, even hiding in the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower was useless. In a space where the space was blocked and the way of heaven was blocked, the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower's most powerful method - Dao Law - would not have any effect at all. effect!

Dao Zhe is not here, and with the opponent's strong strength, he can definitely break through the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower!

How could you not be frightened?

Fortunately, it was just a thought to contact the system and spend points to teleport it back. After all, people's thoughts are faster than anything else. No matter how powerful the sneak attacker is, he can't do it so fast!

Now think about it carefully, the fragments of acquired spiritual treasures that were seen in Tianxuan Continent might have been smashed by someone under such circumstances, and then left behind on Tianxuan Continent.

With a long sigh of relief, Jiang Xiaobai felt his cold body gradually recover.

"It's absolutely terrible!"

"What is this? Another intelligent race in the prism space?"

"They came here specifically for me... I wonder how they knew my whereabouts. It's impossible... It's so strange..."

Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head, he really couldn't understand it, it was too weird.

What he didn't know was that it was just an indescribable coincidence that it happened to be that time and that place.

After he calmed down and made sure there was no danger, he released Sun Gangniang. This guy was even more panicked than him, and his face was pale even now.

After all, he was imprisoned in the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower and had no idea what was going on outside.

If he doesn't see Jiang Xiaobai for a day, he will think that Jiang Xiaobai has died under that horrific attack!

He didn't feel it too clearly just now. Shutian's attack method was to cover both of them at the same time.

Even Jiang Xiaobai couldn't handle it, let alone a little piece of trash like him who wasn't even a Taiyi Golden Immortal!

"Jiang...Brother Jiang, what happened just now!"

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