Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1399: Siege of the Royal City

"What's this all about!"

"As for people, although this forbidden area of ​​​​the Red Sea is huge, there are so many of us searching for Jiang Xiaobai, but we can't find any trace of him. Are you kidding me?"

"What exactly is going on? Doesn't Jiang Xiaobai have any extraordinary means? Can he escape like this?"

Both inside and outside the Red Sea Forbidden Area, and even many strong men who wanted to try their luck in other places, were all complaining and talking.

Jiang Xiaobai seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. No one could be found, not even a trace or breath.

Just when everyone was worried and confused, news came from nowhere that Jiang Xiaobai's wife and friends were in the Suhai Dynasty!

As soon as this news came out, it went viral!

Many of them only knew Jiang Xiaobai, and they only came here for Jiang Xiaobai. Anyway, they knew where Jiang Xiaobai was when they came, and they just needed to find the right person.

What they want is the treasure that can clear the prism space, in order to get a gift from heaven to break through the realm that has been unable to improve for tens of thousands of years!

This is already a big deal, more important than life!

As the saying goes, if people don't do it for themselves, heaven and earth will destroy them. In order to improve their own strength, to become stronger, and for the benefit of it, these people will do anything!

After learning about the situation in Aoyan, everyone swarmed in and rushed to the Suhai Dynasty.

For a time, the Jiutian Continent was once again in turmoil, and the Suhai Dynasty became the center of the entire continent.

The moment he learned the news, Beidou Immortal Palace exploded!

The leading woman's face was cold, and her heart was even more panicked.

At most, Beidou Immortal Palace has some strength in this area. It cannot even compare with the God of War Sect. How can it face the strong men of the entire Jiutian Continent with such strength?

Just kidding, she tricked Jiang Xiaobai into leaving this place in the first place. Now Jiang Xiaobai is outside, in another place far away from Jiutian Continent, and he can't even come back!

If something happens to Ao Yan, even the Jiutian Continent will not be able to withstand Jiang Xiaobai's anger!

People can really turn over the table and stop playing.

I'm in the rain and I'm going to rip all of your umbrellas off!

She couldn't imagine the consequences!

Not only did she know the news, but Ao Yan and others also knew it. Although she was solemn, she would not blame anyone.

Regardless of whether Jiang Xiaobai will leave Suhai Dynasty or not, they will all encounter this situation, it's just the same problem.

It's just that Jiang Xiaobai is not in charge now.

"Sister, what should we do now? There should be no place to escape. I heard that the royal city has been surrounded by thousands of strong men. I have never seen so many Da Luo Jinxian in my life."

The corners of Ao Cheng's mouth twitched repeatedly.

When he knew the situation before, he secretly took a look outside. Good guy, the royal city was originally bustling, but now it has become crowded with people, and has even been cleared out by strong men!

The only ones left are Daluo Jinxian and Hunyuan Daluo!

Looking at it, he felt that under such circumstances, it would not be unusual for a dog in the Da Luo Jinxian realm to appear on the street!

Ao Yan was indifferent and kept drinking tea slowly: "Don't worry, they just want to use us to threaten Xiaobai. If Xiaobai is not here, they won't have any chips in their hands if they kill us, so they won't do anything. .”

This is true, and the other people nodded calmly. Although this situation is very dangerous, at least there will be no problems now.

Bai Liang looked indifferent.

"Don't worry, I can stop these guys."

"If Hunyuan Wuji doesn't come out, no one can enter this royal city."

As he said that, Bai Liang grinned: "That boy is just worried. Do you really think you will be in danger if you leave Jiutian Continent?"

"Everything has been arranged, haven't you noticed that Hunyuan Wuji has never appeared before?"

"Although Jiutian Continent is not as good as the Earthly Immortal Realm, it doesn't mean that there is no Hunyuan Wuji, there are all Immortal Lords!"

"It stands to reason that after Jiang Xiaobai said something like this, these top experts and experts are the ones who can't sit still the most, but why didn't they show up?"

"Don't worry. The best that the kid can do when he comes back is to scold him. You won't be in danger."

Seeing that Bai Liang, a mysterious being, was so calm, Ao Yan was no longer worried. He didn't even intend to tell Jiang Xiaobai the news.

She knew that Jiang Xiaobai must be doing something very important outside, and she couldn't disturb him because of such things.

If the other party is in a critical moment and Jiang Xiaobai is anxious and sends this message, he can do anything.

Along the way, she knew very well what Jiang Xiaobai's character was like.

"Sister, aren't you worried that Jiang Xiaobai won't be able to come back by then?" Ao Cheng raised his eyebrows.

On the side, Nangong Wuyou sneered: "I can believe anyone who can't come back, but I don't believe that guy can't come back. He has so many tricks that are unimaginable. I even feel that he can sweep away those guys outside this time when he comes back."

"Just rely on him!"

This was said with great certainty.

"Okay, since you have the energy, why not think about how to practice? What are you worried about?"

Ao Yan glared at Ao Cheng angrily: "Since the many benefits of the skills in the bloodline have been unlocked with the breakthrough, go and practice hard. With your little strength, you can't even withstand the aftermath. If you worry about this, it's better to worry about yourself. "

After being scolded, Ao Cheng shrank his neck. He just couldn't handle his elder sister being like this. She was too fierce and terrifying, and he couldn't be angry without being angry.

Ever since he was little, he couldn't bear it.

Waving his hand, since these people are not worried, he doesn't care!

It was quiet in the small courtyard, and no one was worried.

But the Beidou Immortal Palace, which was only responsible for one link outside the small courtyard, was so panicked that they didn't even dare to communicate with the powerful people outside.

We can only use everything we have, and are even planning to move the powerful formation from Beidou Immortal Palace!

How long can they delay? If something happens to Ao Yan, they really don't dare to bear Jiang Xiaobai's anger.

Hong Jingtian and Hong Jingchen were already numb,

They were no longer qualified to participate, and now the two brothers were drinking and discussing in the back garden.

They are only curious about one thing!

"So, our Suhai Dynasty will not soar into the sky all at once, but will become the center of the storm for the entire Jiutian Continent?"

Hong Jingchen sighed: "This time, can we handle it?"

"Whether we can handle it or not, I don't think it's our concern. I guess Suhai Dynasty had already planned everything when he made the arrangements, and now it's just a part of his plan."

Hong Jingtian took a sip of wine and looked up at the sky: "I don't know what Mr. Jiang will do when he sees such a scene after he comes back."

"Hmm...Hey, look over there, is there someone flying over?"

"Hey, it seems so. Two people dare to fly here openly under the current situation. Who is so brave?"

“Damn it, it’s Young Master Jiang!

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