Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,401 Then let you be the first person

If it were Jiang Xiaobai from before, he would naturally not be a match for these people, and even Bai Liang would find it difficult to unite.

Bai Liang is different from Jiang Xiaobai. He is special in his own right. It can be said that the current Bai Liang is just stronger than many Hunyuan Da Luo.

It's not like there aren't people stronger than him.

It's okay to protect yourself from getting hurt, but it's impossible to rush out from here!

Even worse, he is no match for Jiang Xiaobai now!

After Jiang Xiaobai's promotion, nearly all of the four laws have reached a 90% comprehension state. His strength is terrifying!

Quantity may not have worked before, but now, it starts to work!

Because Jiang Xiaobai has reached the level of high-grade divine power!

Under the same basic level, the greater the number of laws and the more perfect the understanding, the more terrifying the combat effectiveness will be!

What's more, Jiang Xiaobai is already very powerful. With the power of the two acquired spiritual treasures in his hands, it is not a problem to crush tens of thousands of people in front of him!

At this time, everyone could no longer bear it any longer. They came just for the little gourd in Jiang Xiaobai's hand!

"We've already surrounded this kid, we just need to take action."

"Just do it. Talking about it is just a waste of time and has no meaning at all."

"There's no need to waste words. Since this kid doesn't want to hand over the thing, just destroy it. Little Taiyi Golden Immortal, what do you really think of yourself?"

All kinds of noisy sounds came, and many strong men couldn't bear to take action, but the few Hunyuan Da Luo strong men at the front made no movement.

Because beside Jiang Xiaobai, stood Bai Liang.

They are afraid of Bai Liang!

As for Jiang Xiaobai, there is no need to take it seriously at all.

"Bai Liang, are you sure you want to become our enemy because of this kid?"

"Although you have some strength, you can't stand up to so many people, right?"

"How many laws have you just comprehended, how many have reached their limits, and what kind of quality do you have?"

A Hunyuan Da Luo spoke coldly.

After hearing this, on Jiang Xiaobai's side, Ao Yan and others were ready to fight to the death.

Things must never be given away!

They also knew that Bai Liang would definitely not give in.

Today's stop will be an earth-shattering super battle, and everyone is prepared to die.

Just when the atmosphere had solidified to a certain extent, Bai Liang suddenly laughed.

"Haha, don't worry, since you all want this kid's treasure so much, I won't stop you."

"Besides, I can't beat you."

Bai Liang said hehe, and actually walked away from Jiang Xiaobai and flew higher into the sky.

This scene stunned everyone present.

Ao Yan and the others even widened their eyes!

You know, the only one who can protect Jiang Xiaobai and provide strong combat power is Bai Liang.

As a result, he actually gave up at this juncture?

"Damn it, Bai Liang, why are you, an old boy, so shameless?"

Ao Cheng couldn't help it, and immediately pointed at Bai Liang above and burst out angrily.

Bai Liang just smiled and said nothing, but felt ashamed in his heart.

If you are really concerned, you will be confused. You have no idea how powerful this kid is!

There is no way these people can be Jiang Xiaobai's opponents!

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Those strong men who saw Bai Liang ignoring Jiang Xiaobai and preparing to take action were suddenly stunned.

Bai Liang's sudden departure at such a critical moment must have meant something.

After all, everyone knows that Bai Liang and Jiang Xiaobai are in the same group!

"What tricks are you playing? Do you really think we are all idiots?"

A Hunyuan Da Luo spoke coldly.

The corners of Bai Liang's mouth were twitching: "I said, you were the ones who asked me to leave before, okay, now I'm leaving, but you don't believe me again?"

"Why, do you have to die?"

"And to be honest, there is really no difference between you and idiots."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's mentality exploded!

Bai Liang is simply causing trouble!

They really wanted to take action and kill Jiang Xiaobai right now and take away the treasure, but Bai Liang's unusual behavior made them worried.

From a long distance away, Miao Qing, who had been staring here, also frowned.

She believes that Bai Liang will definitely help Jiang Xiaobai, because Jiang Xiaobai is the person chosen by Shengzun Suhai, and Bai Liang is a disciple of Shengzun Suhai!

Now it suddenly doesn’t matter. If you say there is no evil in it, who would believe it?

"Maybe it's an empty city strategy?"

Miao Qing narrowed his eyes: "Haha, do you want to use this method to make them suspicious and fearful so that you can find a solution?"

"You don't look down on people. There are tens of thousands of experts gathered here, and countless people are coming. Is there anything you can do to resist?"

Things have developed to the current situation and have completely lost control.

Tens of thousands of people, countless Da Luo Jinxian and Hunyuan Da Luo want to take action against Jiang Xiaobai, and no one can stop them!

Ao Yan was so nervous that she held Jiang Xiaobai's hand, with a hint of determination in her eyes.

"Xiao Bai, the war will start soon, don't worry about us."

The power of the dragon on Ao Yan's body showed, and he was about to transform into a golden dragon and prepare to fight.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai's hand suddenly rested on her shoulder.

"No need to worry, my husband, I never do anything I'm not sure about."

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, and immediately Yuan Hong danced a dazzling sword flower in the air.

He changed the expression on his face and looked at the many powerful men in front of him with a ferocious smile.

"Since you don't want to leave, then just stay."

When they heard what he said, everyone felt ridiculous!

"Hahaha, what a joke, what are you, a Taiyi Golden Immortal, doing to stop us? If it weren't for a monster from Hunyuan Daluo protecting you, no one would dare to act rashly. Do you think you can be calm and peaceful now? Are you wasting your time talking here?"

A Hunyuan Daluo sneered. He was very close to Jiang Xiaobai, and his eyes were full of disdain.

Every man in this world is innocent, but he is guilty of carrying a jade!

Jiang Xiaobai holds a treasure in his hand that can purify the prism space. Who wouldn't want it?

If Bai Liang hadn't been there, he would have taken action long ago!

However, the moment the other party finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai smiled.

"Very good. Since you think so, then let's treat you as the one who stands out."

The Hunyuan Da Luo strong man had not reacted at all, but suddenly a dark and sharp sword light appeared. It was so fast that all the Hunyuan Da Luo strong men present were unable to react!

The first thought that came to their minds was, how dare Jiang Xiaobai take the initiative?

Who gave him the courage!

However, the moment the thought flashed across his mind, the sword light had already arrived, and Hunyuan Daluo hurriedly snorted and defended with all his strength.

In his opinion, Jiang Xiaobai, a Taiyi Golden Immortal, was vastly different from him in terms of skills.

How is it possible to break down one's own defense?


But in the next second, the sword light easily tore all his law defenses into pieces.

Not only that, but also penetrated his body.

As the black sword light flashed, the opponent's figure turned into pieces of flying ash and was annihilated in the air.

For a moment, the whole place was deathly silent!

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