Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,403 I don’t dare to rob Mr. Jiang


What a massacre!

After all, before Jiang Xiaobai showed his strength, no one would have thought that he could be so strong!

It was true that it meant a sneak attack, but it was enough to prove that they couldn't do anything to Jiang Xiaobai!

"Jiang Xiaobai, this is just a misunderstanding. Let's forget about what happened before. We will never see you again in the future!"

A strong man shouted, turned around and ran away.

But Bai Liang is not happy!

He watched such a big show in the air, but he didn't want to just take a look at it. These bitches must be taken care of!


The aura on Bai Liang's body exploded, he opened his mouth and roared, the world shook, and an invisible barrier appeared!

It turned out to be a sealing law that sealed this entire world so that no one could leave easily!

"Leave? Did I, Jiang, let you go?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled evilly: "I don't care if you take action against me. After all, this is how the world is. The jungle eats the strong. You have treasures but don't have the strength to protect them. Even if you die, no one can say anything."

"But if you can't find me, are you going to attack my wife?"

"Why, all the Hunyuan Daluo have lost their face?"

This is the reason why Jiang Xiaobai is so angry, and why he will expose his strongest strength at any cost and kill these people!

Relatives and friends are Jiang Xiaobai’s only enemies!

Everyone's faces turned pale for a moment. They were not as arrogant as before, just like a bereaved dog!

They started to panic!

Jiang Xiaobai's powerful strength is the most effective rhetoric in the world today, bar none!

"Jiang Xiaobai, you can't kill us!"

"We didn't do anything to your wife, we were just waiting here!"

"That's right, since you are so strong, how about we not come to rob you? There is no need to kill them all!"

"No matter how strong you are, it doesn't matter. It's not like you are the strongest person in Jiutian Continent. If you go too far, Hunyuan Wuji will not be able to sit still!"

Everyone roared, trying to use this method to make Jiang Xiaobai stop killing.

It's really terrible!

One Ten Thousand Dao Sword Domain can kill them all!

Not to mention the two acquired spiritual treasures!

"You know this kind of rhetoric now? They are all adults and have lived for who knows how many years. Don't you know that you have to pay the price for doing wrong things?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled ferociously, his aura constantly emerging from his body, and he looked like he was about to take action again.

These people were anxious, and one person yelled angrily on the spot.

"Jiang Xiaobai, please don't be too arrogant. Even if you exhaust all your spiritual power today, you still won't be able to kill us all!"

Jiang Xiaobai was suddenly startled.

Damn, what the hell are these words of tiger and wolf, you are a bit wise as a speaker!

"You've killed quite a few people, so that's enough for today!"

A Hunyuan Daluo strongman gritted his teeth and said: "If we really make things worse, your kid will definitely die. There is no Hunyuan Wuji in Jiutian Continent. Do you think no one can cure you?"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered when he heard this: "I can kill Hunyuan Wuji, do you want to see it for yourself?"

As soon as these words came out, the muscles on everyone's faces twitched crazily.

This person is simply too arrogant!

No oil or salt is allowed! No taboos!

"Jiang Xiaobai, what do you want to do now? Why don't we just don't want it anymore?"

The strong man gritted his teeth: "My master is also a Hunyuan Wuji strong man, don't force me!"

Many strong men then realized, yes, they are not all casual cultivators, Hunyuan Wuji strong men also have backers!

Even if you shout, it means that you, Jiang Xiaobai, are really in a hurry, and you will definitely die if Hunyuan Wuji ends up!

At this time, the corners of Bai Liang's mouth raised, revealing a sneer.

He probably knows something about it. If the Hunyuan Wuji that these people talk about actually appears, it will be fun!

At this moment, ripples of law suddenly came from the sky, and a portal appeared.

A person stepped out of it.

Hunyuan Wuji strong man!

Is it true that Hunyuan Wuji has entered the market as these people said?

Bai Liang watched from above, his face almost bursting into laughter.

"Hahahaha, it was fun to watch!"

When many powerful men below saw the appearance of Hunyuan Wuji, they all breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they looked at Jiang Xiaobai with ferocious eyes.

"Hahahaha, I asked you not to let us go before, but now it's fine. Hunyuan Wuji appears, what are you going to do?"

"I want to see how arrogant you can be!"

"Boy, didn't you just say that you can kill even Hunyuan Wuji? A strong man has appeared. Let me see what you do!"

Everyone laughed wildly, thinking that the powerful Hunyuan Wuji took action because of the treasure in Jiang Xiaobai's hand.

They can't sit still anymore!

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows: "Here, are you coming to deal with me too?"

The Hunyuan Wuji strongman was an old man, wearing a blue robe, with a kind face.

When he heard this, his expression immediately changed and he waved his hands hastily.

"No, no, no, Mr. Jiang, you are joking. You have a noble status and strong strength. How dare I come to snatch the treasure from you?"

When the old man said this, everyone who was laughing suddenly became quiet.

The expressions on each face are quite wonderful!

What did they hear?

Just as he was confused, another gate to the void appeared, and at least forty or fifty powerful Hunyuan Wuji descended, all of whom were famous beings in the entire Jiutian Continent!

It can be called the real old monster in Jiutian Continent!

Are all these people here?

what's going on! ?

"Haha, Mr. Jiang, please don't misunderstand. Of course we are not here to take action against you. It's just that the matter has become such a big deal, so we are here to help Mr. Jiang deal with the aftermath."

A dignified middle-aged man was forcing a kind smile when he looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

But the other party is inherently fierce and full of anger. Such a smile may scare a child to tears!

This time it was Jiang Xiaobai's turn to be confused.

He thought that Hunyuan Wuji would appear, but he didn't expect that these people would be so kind after they appeared. Didn't they come to fight him?

Is there something fishy about it?

"If you really don't want my treasure, don't you want to get a gift from heaven?"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows.

"Of course I do, but we'll talk about this later. The most urgent task is to help Young Master Jiang deal with some troubles."

Another old man chuckled, and then he looked at the people below.

At this time, many powerful men below were dumbfounded.


Which side are you on?

Even Miao Qing, who had been watching the situation not far away, was dumbfounded. What made her even more confused was that a door to the void suddenly opened, and a beautiful woman in a gorgeous robe stepped out.

This person is the ancestor of the God of War Sect - Ancestor Lotus!

As soon as she arrived, she showed a kind smile to Jiang Xiaobai, and immediately her eyes penetrated countless distances and fell on Miao Qing.

"You bastard, get here!"

The next moment, Miao Qing felt an irresistible burst of power, dragging her directly in front of Jiang Xiaobai!

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