Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,701 It turns out to be her

The sudden appearance of the woman surprised all the powerful men, and they were even more outraged by her behavior!

The other party is only an Immortal Emperor, not even a half-step Supreme. How dare you yell at them?

Still coming together?

"Who are you? I have never seen anyone who is just an Immortal Emperor dare to be so arrogant?"

Lu Zun's handsome brows furrowed: "Even if you are from the Tiangong, you can't be so presumptuous!"

The woman in white robe said calmly without changing her expression.

"It's not the Heavenly Palace's turn to take action against you."

"Could it be that a group of supreme beings are here discussing how to deal with a Hunyuan Daluo, but they don't have the guts to take action against me?"

As soon as this statement came out, it caused public outrage!

It was already a bit embarrassing to discuss dealing with Jiang Xiaobai, but now he is so humiliated by the woman in front of him, who can bear it?

Supreme, cannot be humiliated!


Several bursts of breath erupted, and the fiery-tempered Wu Zun was the first to hold back and directly raised his sword and rushed towards the white-robed woman.

They didn't care who the other party was, even if they had some relationship with Jiang Xiaobai, it was impossible not to take action after humiliating him at this time.

Wu Zun took action, and the others were just watching the fun. In their opinion, even an Immortal Emperor couldn't handle it, so they could really kill someone.

In a flash of lightning, Wu Zun appeared in front of the white-robed woman, and the broadsword struck down mercilessly!

I saw the woman in white robe making a lightning move, and the long sword that was originally inserted on the ground suddenly lifted up horizontally. With one sword thrust, the world became dark!

It didn't have much power, but it easily forced Wu Zun's sword back!

He even knocked the sword away and landed on a nearby mountain range.

At such a scene, other supreme beings suddenly stood up!

"Impossible. You are obviously just an Immortal Emperor. How come you have reached such a level? Your level of fusion of Heavenly Dao is even more terrifying than mine?"

"In that case, why haven't you broken through and become the Supreme?"

Everyone was dumbfounded. You must know that if you reach a certain level, you can only break through, and it is impossible to integrate so many powers of heaven without breaking through!

However, the woman in white robe had no explanation at all.

"For the last time, come together, or let me do it."

The woman said coldly.

Many Supremes looked at each other, trembling in their hearts. This person was really too mysterious to figure out.

Wu Zun failed to achieve a single blow and instead became a laughing stock. How could he endure this?

"You are so rampant, I want to see if you are really that strong!"

With a wave of his hand, the flying sword reappeared in his hand. Wu Zun had no grudge in his heart and directly used terrifying methods.

The supreme battle is earth-shattering. If the power of heaven and earth is placed in some small worlds, it may destroy the entire world!

That is because this is the most powerful Earth Immortal World, and the stability of the space is not comparable to that of those small worlds.

Otherwise, this sword might destroy an entire world!

Even so, this sword still split the void in front of him, and the terrifying sword light flew towards the white-robed woman.

Seeing this, the woman in white robe also waved her long sword in her hand and swept forward with a sword.

In terms of momentum, he couldn't compare to Wu Zun, but his power shocked everyone's jaws!

Wu Zun's attack was easily neutralized by this sword, and the woman in white robe stepped forward and punched Wu Zun in the face.

With a muffled bang, Wu Zun turned into a broken kite and flew upside down. A white tooth could be vaguely seen flying in the air.

Before Wu Zun could land, the white-robed woman appeared next to him again, so fast that it was impossible to react.

Another punch struck horizontally, aiming at Wu Zun's big waist!

"Fuck, what the hell are you..."

Then everyone heard a scream, Wu Zun was lying on the ground clutching his waist and rolling continuously!

If it weren't for his already supreme body, I'm afraid this punch would have penetrated his waist!

The white-robed woman's long sword swept out a sword flower in the air, and she tilted her head and looked at the rest of the people.

"Don't do anything? Then I'll come!"

Without waiting for a reaction, a white shadow floated in front of everyone, followed by a dull sound, and three figures flew out.

The woman in white robe is like an unparalleled war god, rushing into the supreme crowd and sweeping the world!

Bang bang bang!

The violent fists and kicks were completely inconsistent with that beautiful face!

In just the blink of an eye, everyone was lying on the ground except Lu Zun!

This time, they were completely shocked!

Even the arrogant Deer Lord was trembling slightly!

It is true that the woman in white robe is suspected of sneak attack, but she is the Immortal Emperor after all, and she is facing more than a dozen supreme powerful men!

"You...who are you, and why did you suddenly take action?"

"Even the strong men in the Heavenly Palace are not so terrifying!"

Lu Zun felt that his three views were all shattered under this woman's fist!

Before this, who would have thought that the Immortal Emperor could beat the Supreme Being like a dog?

"I... belong to the boy you want to kill, Master!"

At this moment, the identity of the woman in white robe was revealed.

Gu Ning looked at Lu Zun coldly, holding the sword on her neck.

"So, do you still want to attack him?"

Everyone suddenly realized that no wonder this woman was so crazy and wanted to take action. It turned out to be Jiang Xiaobai's master! shouldn't be!

How could the Immortal Emperor be so powerful?

"Here...are you kidding us?"

Lu Zun suppressed the fear in his heart and said with a smile: "If you are an immortal-level adult, just say so, we will never dare to deal with Jiang Xiaobai again."

"Haha... I'm just an Immortal Emperor."

Gu Ning sneered: "It's just that you are too useless..."

Everyone was ashamed.

It’s already reached the supreme and supreme realm, is it still too much of a waste?

Why don't you say you're a monster?

Gu Ning put away the Xiantian Demon Suppressing Sword and looked at everyone coldly: "I will not care about the fights between peers, or even the Immortal Emperor taking action."

"As a supreme being, you don't want to seek a pure land for the troubled times. Instead, you calculate this and that every day. You even want to deal with a Hunyuan Daluo. Do you have the face?"

"This... Sir, aren't we trying to improve our strength so that we can cope with the coming of troubled times..."

Lu Zun put on a flattering face and cautiously approached Gu Ning: "Sir... we promise that we will never deal with Jiang Xiaobai again. Please show your kindness and spare the slave family once, okay?"

Lu Zun's face and figure were meant to kill both men and women. At this moment, Chu Chu looked pitiful. She didn't believe that she couldn't seduce Gu Ning.

Gu Ning didn't bother to pay attention at all, and even wanted to slap him.

But she also knew very well that it would not be good if she was pushed into a hurry.

"Forget it this time, I hope you know how to get along with my disciple in the future."

"If you are not convinced, just come to me and I will wait for you in Leize."

"My name is the Dark Night Emperor."

After saying that, Gu Ning's figure disappeared.

It only took a few minutes from the time she appeared to the time she finished beating these supreme beings.

But that strong gesture is etched in everyone’s heart!

At this time, Lu Zun suddenly recalled a legend, and his body collapsed on the ground.

"It turns out it's her..."

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