Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 269 The situation in the secret area

What Jiang Xiaobai wants to know most right now is the situation in the Mad Demon Secret Land.

He had been in a hurry to go to Qianyuan City and was imprisoned by Xiao Yuwei. He had no chance to learn more about it.

Glancing at Jiang Xiaobai, Xiao Yuwei asked out of nowhere for some reason.

"Do you have any more Mad Demon Stones?"

"Why are you asking?"

"To be honest, the Crazy Demon Stone plays an extremely important role in the Crazy Demon Secret Land, regarding chance."

Xiao Yuwei said and threw ten crazy magic stones to Jiang Xiaobai: "Take these. After all, if you work for me, you won't come back empty-handed."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the Crazy Demon Stone in front of him, and then at Xiao Yuwei.

Hiss, the sun comes out from the west?

This stubborn cock has suddenly changed his temper?

Feeling Jiang Xiaobai's surprised gaze, Xiao Yuwei suddenly felt the veins on her forehead pop out.

It's not that she is out of kindness, she just wants to use this method to make Jiang Xiaobai treat her better so that he can stay by her side to do things.

"No, this thing is of no use to me. Just tell me what opportunities there are in the Crazy Demon Secret Land and what the situation is." Jiang Xiaobai said calmly.

"The situation inside is similar to the outside, but there is light and the danger is not that great."

Xiao Yuwei nodded and said it directly without any ambiguity.

"Although there are opportunities everywhere, the biggest and best are those secret realms..."

It turns out that the most precious thing in this crazy secret place is the secret realm within it.

There are eight in total.

The secret realm is a kind of milky white light group. The light group is distributed on eight altar-like buildings, and the building is also marked with how many mad magic stones it costs to enter it.

Five of the altars are fixed opportunities, and a score is given based on the talent, ability, and speed of passing the secret realm test of the person who enters them.

Finally, according to the score, the secret realm will automatically allocate benefits to you.

Sometimes it is a treasure, sometimes it is a spiritual stone, and sometimes it may be a heaven-defying skill or even a strong special power.

In short, it is very good, very powerful, the kind that makes everyone yearn for it.

"Where are the other three altars?" Jiang Xiaobai asked in surprise.

"Few people can enter the other three altars, because it takes at least fifty mad magic stones to enter, and the situation here is more complicated."

Xiao Yuwei shook his head and said: "Thousand Yuan Dynasty has summarized it several times before and found that the situations encountered by everyone who enters it are different and have no connection at all. Moreover, those three secret realms, from the beginning to the present, have no People passed the level!”

"No one knows what is needed to clear the level and what the rewards are."

"And because the required Mad Demon Stones are too exaggerated, even if there are fifty Mad Demon Stones, no one will choose to go to those three secret realms. It is simply a waste."

After listening, Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

It seemed that the situation inside was more complicated, but he was attracted by those three secret realms. Others didn't have so many crazy magic stones, but he did!

Tens of thousands of mad magic stones were quietly staying in the storage space. Not to mention just three secret realms, even three hundred. As long as he had enough time, he could try them one by one.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that there is only one danger after entering the Mad Demon Secret Land."

"There are many ferocious beasts in the secret place. Their strength is terrifying. The worst ones are in the early stages of being out of the body. So don't wander around after entering. These ferocious beasts are really crazy and very scary."

Xiao Yuwei suddenly said: "In addition, after the Crazy Demon Secret Land is opened, it can only stay for fifteen days. If you don't come out within this period, you can only come out the next time it is opened."

"Don't think this is a good situation. You have to stay there for a full five years. At the same time, those secret realms will be completely closed, and there won't be any spiritual power in them."

After saying that, Xiao Yuwei laughed: "If you are trapped inside, you can only wait for death. If you provoke a ferocious beast in five years, you will definitely die."

Jiang Xiaobai understood, but he also became curious.

According to Xiao Yuwei, after entering, everyone rushed to find opportunities or other benefits in the secret realm. This was their own business.

So what does she need to do on her own?

As if sensing Jiang Xiaobai's doubts, Xiao Yuwei said calmly: "After entering, you only need to do two things."

"Collect as many of these things as possible..."

As he spoke, a milky white stone-like thing was thrown in front of Jiang Xiaobai. It was no more than the size of a fingernail.

"This is a unique essence of the Mad Demon Secret Land. Whether it is added to elixirs or used to assist cultivation, it is extremely useful. You should be able to feel the rich life force in it."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded. The vitality in this small piece of stuff was as much as a high-level pill.

"What about the other thing?" Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows.

I saw a joking look on Xiao Yuwei's face: "The other thing that is more difficult is to block other people as much as possible and compete with us for the secret realm."

"Fight for?"

"There is a quota for the secret realm. The quota will be refreshed every day for fifteen days. Only five people can enter it every day."

Xiao Yuwei's face turned cold as she spoke: "What you have to do is very simple. When they want to place the Mad Demon Stone into the secret realm, no matter what method they use, just stop them."

"If it's someone from my Thousand Yuan Dynasty, you have to stop them even more. Don't worry, they can't kill you. You can teleport out at any time through the token."

For a moment, the corners of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth twitched continuously.

Okay, this is simply a way to die.

It's okay to stop other people, but stop the people from the Qianyuan Dynasty?

Isn’t this life-threatening?

They say that trying to stop someone from making money is like killing your parents, let alone this kind of opportunity!

It would be strange if those heirs of the dynasty didn't chase and kill him.

"Are you sure this isn't hurting me?" Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes.

"Don't worry, this is our usual tradition. Otherwise, why do you think each of our descendants can lead people into the secret place?"

Xiao Yuwei chuckled and said: "When you get in, you will know how to stop them. It's very simple. As long as you help me seriously, I won't treat you badly."

"Tch, you think I'm a fool. You haven't given me three hundred million spirit stones yet. Do you think I will believe your nonsense?" Jiang Xiaobai sneered.

Suddenly Xiao Yuwei's face turned pale.

"Jiang Bai, don't be ungrateful. This princess has been suppressing her temper to talk to you again because she values ​​you. Don't cherish this opportunity." Xiao Yuwei gritted her teeth.

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