Jiang Xiaobai is now eager to know how this is achieved. He only thinks about one thing now, that is, to deal with Xiao Wuwei.

This piece of shit actually made people come after him several times, and it was the kind of thing that had no reason.

It's totally a yes, if you don't follow his ideas, fine, then I'll do it to you.

Jiang Xiaobai is disgusted by this kind of behavior. If he doesn't show some color, he really thinks he is Hello Kitty?

After hearing Jiang Xiaobai's inquiry, Xiao Yuwei glanced at him.

"Are you holding back your bad feelings again?"

"No, how can I do that? Didn't you say before that I would try my best to help you stop other people, especially the descendants of your Thousand Yuan Dynasty?" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

I don't know why, but after seeing Jiang Xiaobai's smile, Xiao Yuwei suddenly felt like she was committing evil.

She suddenly felt that she shouldn't let Jiang Xiaobai do such a thing.

Because Jiang Xiaobai is so capable of causing trouble, if she really goes too far, the other brothers and sisters of the Qianyuan Dynasty will eventually be blamed for this.

After all, everyone knew that Jiang Xiaobai was hers.

But when I think about the possibility of Jiang Xiaobai succeeding, she can't say she can get first place in this round, but she should still get a pretty good ranking.

After she leaves, the dynasty will reward her with many rewards. Then she will slowly manage her business, and one day she will be able to successfully surprise everyone.

"You will know after a while. Keep following me and you will reach the secret realm soon. Then I will tell you how to prevent others from entering the secret realm."

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yuwei finally said.

In this way, Jiang Xiaobai started to follow Xiao Yuwei directly to the place where the secret realm was, and they arrived in a short distance.

This place is a huge altar.

It looks like a huge mountain, but if you look closely, it is an octahedron. There is an entrance to a secret realm on each face, and there is also a mark on the secret realm number.

At this time, the secret realm has not yet reached the opening time, but there are already many people around. Jiang Xiaobai saw Zhuang Phantom in the crowd, and the other party also saw him.

Zhuang Huanling made a life-threatening gesture towards Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Xiaobai gave him a middle finger in return.

Zhuang Huanling was confused for a moment, what did this mean.

Asking Gong Shui'er, Gong Shui'er narrowed her eyes: "I don't know what it means, but according to that guy Hong Shixian's style, it is definitely not good."

"Damn it, just let him continue dancing for a while. Then I will make him look good." Zhuang Huanling snorted coldly.

Now, among everyone's worries is the secret realm in front of them.

They first came to find the best position to facilitate the subsequent competition, and they also had to arrange strategies. After all, only five people could enter a secret realm every day.

Having so many people present is simply not enough.

Of course it won't work without some means.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at it and didn't pay much attention. He looked directly at Xiao Yuwei: "Speak quickly, it will be too late by then."

"So anxious?"

"You don't know that Xiao Wuwei is chasing me? I can't stand it when we meet and get fucked again."

Jiang Xiaobai's face was full of contempt: "That guy is like a mad dog, very difficult to deal with."

"Haha, wouldn't it be an honor for my third brother to make you, the troublemaker, feel so difficult?"

Xiao Yuwei smiled contemptuously, and then gestured towards Xiao Wu.

Although Xiao Wu was very unhappy with Jiang Xiaobai, he still had to do things for Xiao Yuwei, so he naturally didn't dare to neglect.

Then Xiao Wu walked out directly and pulled Jiang Xiaobai to the gate of the secret realm.

"I saw that there is no stone trough here. It is marked on the side that three mad demon stones are needed to enter it. The mad demon stone will be placed in the stone trough when the time comes."

"At this time, a wonderful power will come to the secret realm, which can imprint your breath into it. Then the door to the secret realm will open. Note that at this time, the imprinting is completed, and only you can enter it."

"The key is here. If the Mad Demon Stone is taken away during the branding process, or the branding process is interrupted, the branding will inevitably fail, and within one day, that person will not have the chance to enter the secret realm again."

Jiang Xiaobai subconsciously said: "Is it because that person's imprint is already on it? But does this respond to the next person?

? "

Xiao Wu chuckled: "Of course not. Only five people can enter the secret realm. If they don't enter, it won't count."

As a result, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt enlightened, and many solutions immediately appeared in his mind.

This blocking method is simply a natural fit for him!

He can escape into the ground and interrupt with a hand mark at the critical moment, and no one will know!

"Absolutely awesome!"

"Hmph, Xiao Wuwei, right? This time it depends on whether your father kills you or not!"

For a moment, Jiang Xiaobai sneered in his heart, and he could even see Xiao Wuwei looking crazy.

Next, he needs to test whether his plan is truly practical.

"Don't go too far. I won't be able to protect you when the time comes." Xiao Yuwei said coldly.

"Don't worry, if I don't let you be tortured to death, my surname will not be Jiang."

Well, of course, these words were said in the heart. If Xiao Yuwei dared to say it directly, Xiao Yuwei would probably turn her back on the person on the spot.

Nodding, Jiang Xiaobai took An Ran away directly.

He wanted to find an opportunity to try it out.

It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at a place less than five miles away from the altar. Jiang Xiaobai asked An Ran to be vigilant around him, while he himself went underground through Earth Escape.

Slowly, Youyou came to the altar again. With the help of his divine concealment, no one around him could detect him.

Then he carefully walked to the door of the secret realm. There was no rejection or danger. He didn't know if it was because the secret realm had not been opened yet.

Anyway, there is no problem at all now.

"I don't know if there will be any special obstacles after the secret realm is opened. If that happens, it will be difficult to deal with it."

Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes.

If this is the case, if he wants to stop others, he must use other means, and this will risk exposure.

"Whatever, don't worry, there will be a road to the mountain. I still don't believe that I can't kill you. At worst, I will follow you and make you have diarrhea every day for fifteen days."

Jiang Xiaobai snorted in his heart, but he did not rush back directly. Instead, he walked to the three secret realm entrances behind to check.

Next to the gate of the secret realm, there is indeed a mark on how many mad magic stones are needed.

It is true that entering the sixth gate requires fifty mad demon stones, but the seventh gate is an exaggeration, requiring one hundred mad demon stones.

The eighth gate is even more terrifying, with two hundred mad demon stones.

"Are you kidding? If it weren't for a wall-hanger like me, who would have been able to get two hundred Crazy Magic Stones alone, unless they had to look for them for several days!"

When Jiang Xiaobai saw such numbers, he was shocked for a moment.

Because it’s simply impossible to do it!

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