These are all points!

Jiang Xiaobai studied it for a while, and then summoned a large net.

The virtual thunder secretly attached to the big net, just for a moment, just like the way he used the virtual thunder to break through the core formation of the metal puppet.

Once the net is put down, many beetles can be electrocuted in one stroke.

Then points are collected.

That’s a huge amount of points!

One hundred points will be saved if you go online!

The number of these beetles is too dense, a good way to gain points!

But Jiang Xiaobai would not be greedy for such a little bit. He knew that it would be useless even if he wasted all his time on such a beetle.

Although you can get a lot of points, you can't see other points.

If you earn points by working hard for an hour, others can get them if they collect one.

Isn't this blood loss?

And Jiang Xiaobai also knew that this beetle was dangerous.

He had discovered that beetles could be stacked one on top of the other.

If you stand still for a long time, you may be surrounded by beetles without even realizing it.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to test what would happen if these things climbed up on his body.

Can't afford to test.

He just cast the net in one place for a while, then continued to run away, making sure that his surroundings were safe before continuing to cast the net.

Move slowly in one direction.

Not long after, Jiang Xiaobai raised his head and glanced at the list. He had almost reached 10,000 points.

On the list, there were more than ten geniuses who were killed.

These people also discovered the black beetle, but they were very conceited, not vigilant at all, and did not care about the capabilities of the beetle.

As a result, I was accidentally surrounded by beetles.

After the beetle climbed onto the body, its terrifying bite force caused a small wound in one bite.

One beetle doesn't matter, but a thousand or ten thousand?

These guys were swallowed up by beetles accidentally.

Those watching from the outside felt pity.

This way of death is too painful.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't waste much time on the black beetles, but he found that the tracking persistence of these beetles was too strong.

After my mother discovered Jiang Xiaobai, she kept chasing him.

Jiang Xiaobai ran and chased him wherever he went, but there were already countless waves of beetles around him.

It is estimated that the unit of measurement is ten thousand.

If you can kill them all, you will get a lot of points.

But Jiang Xiaobai is cautious and stubborn. He will keep it first and talk about it later. Anyway, he can easily get rid of it.

There are also many geniuses in the secret realm who have discovered these black beetles. They are naturally vigilant, and they are not the few idiots who were killed.

Everyone discovered that these beetles would rush towards them without them having to actively search for them.

Then they began to use their own methods to kill the beetles.

A young man held a flame spear and easily swept through a large area.

The charming woman flipped her wrist, and countless water appeared to wrap the beetles, and all the beetles that were touched were corroded into ashes.

There was also a young man in linen clothes, wielding a woodcutter in his hand like a tiger in the wind.

There are endless means of this kind.

The beetles are constantly being harvested, and the points are rising steadily.

A huge distance suddenly opened up.

The same goes for Ao Yan and Ao Cheng. After discovering that beetles can gain points, they began to use range attacks to harvest beetles.

Looking at everything, it seems that Jiang Xiaobai is the only one who does a little bit here and a little bit there.

A completely careless feeling.

Outside, An Ran was a little stunned when he saw this scene.

"Boss, what do you mean? Other geniuses have far more points than him!"

"Of course he has his own plans."

Zhuang Huanling said calmly.

After the first round of trials, they all knew that Jiang Xiaobai had his own plans, otherwise he would not be able to survive the first round.

It is precisely because Jiang Xiaobai has been conserving spiritual energy from the beginning, otherwise, he would have died long ago.

Time passed slowly, half an hour later.

The points gap between everyone has widened hugely.

Jiang Xiaobai has become more than 8,000 and is about to reach 9,000.

Almost at the bottom.

His points are only 20,000 to 30,000.

But the first place has almost reached more than 100,000!

But Jiang Xiaobai was not worried at all. He still slowly and leisurely led countless beetles to wander on the plain.

Suddenly, he saw a place suddenly collapse in the beetle tide.

Then all the beetles walked around the black hole.

Jiang Xiaobai immediately understood that this might be a trap in the plain.

Who knows what's in the trap.

For a moment, Jiang Xiaobai's expression became more solemn.

"It seems you have to be careful every step from now on."

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground suddenly loosened slightly, and small snakes came out one after another.

The little snake is colorful and can easily blend in among the beetles.

He crushed several small snakes on the ground with his foot and found that the points for the small snakes were three points.

Could it be that this is like a maze, with many dangers appearing as time goes by?

But when I suddenly thought about it, it was wrong.

How long has it been since you entered the plains trial?

At this speed, within a few hours the entire grassland would be in danger.

“Maybe it’s divided into regions!”

Jiang Xiaobai thought about it carefully before murmuring.

At the same time, he kept moving his hands. The virtual thunder was hidden in the big net in his hand. Once the net was put down, many beetles and small snakes were electrocuted instantly.

Points also increased significantly.

But Jiang Xiaobai still had no intention of competing with these things.

He keeps going!

It has been almost an hour and a half since entering the plane, and Jiang Xiaobai has not seen anyone on the plain.

However, he encountered collapse traps on the grassland a few times. He carefully looked at the entrance of the cave and found that many places were just small pits.

After some places collapsed, there were still many bones inside.

But Jiang Xiaobai was very keen and could see at a glance that the walls of the small pit were very smooth.

The pit is at least three to four meters deep.

Smoothness means that you can't use the force to rush up in the first place, and then think of those beetle waves.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt ashamed.

It’s really scary!

"The people who designed these things are really insidious!"

Jiang Xiaobai snorted in his heart, and then planned to speed up.

He won't give up until he at least finds something that can significantly increase his points.

Another hour passed.

The points for first place have reached 150,000.

And Jiang Xiaobai barely reached 60,000, still ranking over 7,000.

But after walking for such a long time, Jiang Xiaobai saw nothing.

Except for beetles and small snakes, it’s just rocks.

Nothing special at all.

"Do you think that's it?"

"That's too boring."

Jiang Xiaobai said as he casually slashed out a burst of sword energy and sword light.

All the beetles and small snakes within a distance of at least a hundred meters in front of him disappeared completely.

This is where sword cultivators become perverted!

The sword energy does not need to be consumed at all, but the total amount is terrifying and the range is vast.

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