Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 810 A test of understanding

Chapter 810 A test of understanding

In the lounge, everyone was exhausted.

Although the God of War space is entered by spiritual power, the loss of spiritual power in such a high-intensity battle is also serious.

Fortunately, the kind of drink that restores mental strength will be delivered.

Otherwise, no one would be able to think about this situation.

Jiang Xiaobai was sitting in the middle of Ao Yan in Aocheng, and the three of them were discussing the third round.

"I feel like the third round won't be like this again, and we can gain a lot of points."

Jiang Xiaobai drank wine and analyzed calmly: "If you can always get a lot of points, it is unfair in a sense."

Ao Yan also nodded slightly: "What do you think the first round of tests will be?"

Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a few seconds.

"The first and second rounds are all tests."

"It's like the metal puppets in the first round. The swordsmen in white and black have different attributes and different abilities to deal with. The second round is even more powerful. The waves of ferocious beasts are all over the mountains and plains. They are not fast and have no large range. Those who attack will be eliminated."

"But the first round tests the state of mind in critical moments, and the second round takes into account courage and IQ."

After Jiang Xiaobai's analysis, Ao Yan also nodded slowly.

That seems to be the case.

Although they are all comprehensive, they also have a certain focus.

If you were in a bad mood in the first round, you might not have chosen to escape after several waves of vicious beasts appeared.

In the second round, anyone who didn't have a large-scale attack method really didn't get good results.

And the second round is really a test of courage and IQ.

Who would have thought that there would be a lair underground, and that there would be things in the lair that could earn a lot of points?

Even if you can think of the nest underground, if you really see the insect beast inside that looks like waves, would you dare to go down?

Do you dare to gamble desperately?

"I think since it's all-round, the third round should be related to understanding."

"After all, it's the last round! Since the powerful forces behind the God of War space want to select disciples, we must take this into consideration? In terms of understanding, only what is truly reflected is understanding. You can't rely on your current strength to express it, right? ?”

Jiang Xiaobai's final analysis is considered to be in place.

Ao Yan felt the same way.

Because almost every large-scale trial they have experienced is inextricably related to their understanding.

When he was in the Void Dragon Realm, Ao Yan participated in several trials, in which he learned many techniques, all of which tested his understanding.

The more they think about it, the more relieved they feel.

Because the understanding of the three of them is not bad.

"Of course, it's not absolute. Maybe there will be more things in the third round of tests."

Jiang Xiaobai added: "But don't think too much, just come and cover up the water and earth."

"Well, there's nothing to be afraid of when I'm with you."

Ao Yan chuckled and gently held Jiang Xiaobai's palm with his hand.

She really cherished every time she spent with Jiang Xiaobai.

"Xiao Bai, hurry up, I'll see you soon."

Ao Yan said secretly in his heart.

The two-hour break finally passed.

The man in black robe walked into the lounge again, and everyone's expressions became solemn when they saw him coming in.

"Everyone, the third round of trials in the first phase is about to begin."

"No one is allowed to attack others during this trial. Those who do it will be deemed to have violated the rules and will be disqualified and will not be allowed to enter the God of War space forever."

"The third round of trials is about your understanding. There will be many exercises in the trial space, and points will be determined based on the difficulty of understanding the exercises."

"You only have seven days!"

"In seven days, you will get as many points as you can. After the final end, everyone's points will be fixed. Everyone will go to the real world to rest for three days before the second phase of the trial begins."

"Did you hear that clearly?"

As the black-robed man's voice fell, everyone nodded.

Immediately afterwards, a black light curtain appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone raced against time to rush in.

In seven days, I don’t know how many techniques I can master.

But that's not what Jiang Xiaobai had in mind. Needless to say, his understanding was that with the bug-like thing of the innate Tao body, he didn't believe that he could be weaker than others.

But the only thing that made him curious was, would the technique he understood belong to him?

Almost everyone entered the black light curtain, but Jiang Xiaobai still stayed in place.

The man in black robe was stunned when he saw that he was not leaving.

"Why don't you get in there?"

"Well, I want to ask, are the techniques learned in it considered mine?"

Jiang Xiaobai pondered for two seconds and said.

The man in black robe chuckled: "Since I can take it out for you to understand, it is your opportunity. If you have the ability to understand and practice as much as you can, it will be imprinted in your souls."

"Of course, the premise is that you must fully comprehend one side. If you just want to remember it after reading it once, it is impossible to comprehend and practice after going out."

"All of this will be recorded in your souls."

The man in black robe pointed at his brain.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and suddenly rushed into the black light curtain.

He was the last one to go in.

The man in black robe looked at Jiang Xiaobai's figure, the corners of his mouth in the black robe raised slightly.

"This kid is quite interesting."

Jiang Xiaobai felt a trance in front of him, and he entered a special space.

It's all black and red inside, and in the middle is a little girl hiding hundreds of millions # ^^! said.

A wealthy man with hundreds of thousands of jade slips said!

There are countless martial arts and martial arts in it!

It is estimated that they are all the top ones, at least incomparable to those in Tianxuan Continent and even Tianyuan World.

Many genius monsters were stunned for a moment, and then started frantically searching for techniques.

This is a small place with hundreds of thousands of # ^^! It is quite reliable to say that it is divided into many areas, and the areas will be specially marked with how many points can be obtained by the exercises here.

The starting points are just 10,000!

All the way up to half a million, or even one million!

Seeing this, a few reckless guys rushed directly to the highest Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and picked out a book worth millions of points.

"Look at them like this, they look like they can understand!"

On the side, Yuan Chongwei sneered repeatedly: "Jiang Xiaobai, what kind of technique are you going to choose?"

"Me? Let's try it with someone with 300,000 points first. If it doesn't work, just change it."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and went straight to the area of ​​300,000 points.

There are Kung Fu, martial arts, even special Kung Fu, even secret books!

Jiang Xiaobai casually browsed through it and found that there were techniques similar to the Rage Blood Limit, but the effect was not as good as the Rage Blood Limit.

Even if it can match the blood rage limit, the side effects are exaggerated.

Among them, Jiang Xiaobai also saw that a special secret book can double the strength at the last moment, but the cost is extremely heavy, almost destroying the foundation!

If you don't die, there will be no hope of promotion from now on.

Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Xiaobai randomly picked a book of swordsmanship and began to sit cross-legged in a quiet corner.

Slowly comprehend!

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