Chapter 812 Killing Trial

After the man in black robe finished speaking, the expressions on everyone's faces almost became solemn.

There were even many expressions of excitement.

Among them, more than half of the guys looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

The meaning is obvious, you boy wait!

Jiang Xiaobai stood in the middle of the crowd, enjoying the attention of everyone, not afraid at all.

Ahead, the man in black robe has probably finished explaining the rules for this first round.

It means putting everyone into a world with mountains, plains, and desert environments.

Hunt each other!

Kill one person and get one thousand points.

If the person you kill already has killing points, you can get half of them from him, but the other person will lose half!

The most critical thing is that the scoring rules for the total score appear.

"The points in the first stage will be used to calculate the total score."

"Kill points remain unchanged!"

After the man in black robe said this, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

In other words, the second stage of the killing trial is the highlight!

After all, no matter how many points you get in the first stage, only 10% will be used to calculate it!

Just like Jiang Xiaobai, he had more than 5 million points, but in the end he only had 500,000.

And in the killing trial, if you kill 500 people, you will get 500,000!

The speed for latecomers to catch up will be greatly increased!

"Okay, no more talking nonsense, let's start the first round of the second phase!"

After the man in black robe finished speaking, a black light curtain appeared in front of him.

Everyone rushed into it quickly!

Jiang Xiaobai held Ao Yan's hand tightly, with a solemn expression on his face.

"Let's get together as soon as possible."

Ao Yan said softly.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and then the two of them rushed into the light curtain.

Behind him, Ao Cheng looked confused.

"No, you two should meet up as soon as possible, what about me?"

"Wow, sister, you are really my sister. You don't care about me anymore?"

Ao Cheng cursed angrily, and finally braved the situation and rushed into the light screen.

After rushing into the trial space, Jiang Xiaobai felt weightless under his feet.

"Holy shit, it's on the water again?"

Jiang Xiaobai was extremely angry.

There is something really wrong with my physique!


Jiang Xiaobai hit the lake hard and his whole body sank.

To his surprise, the lake gradually became darker.

And among them, countless pairs of scarlet eyes appeared, which looked really penetrating!

Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to hesitate at all and rushed out directly.

Here, there are no restrictions on flying!

The moment he rushed out, a dozen ferocious giant crocodiles emerged from the water.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai was not afraid of these things when he flew into the sky.

"Good guys, all of them are at the level of swordsmen in white?"

After feeling the breath of these giant crocodiles, Jiang Xiaobai was shocked.

More than a dozen giant crocodiles are still in their home territory in the water.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai reacted quickly, otherwise he might have been seriously injured or even eliminated!

He didn't expect that there would be ferocious beasts in the killing trial!

"Sure enough, at this point we are still testing the all-round abilities of many geniuses!"

Jiang Xiaobai sighed in his heart.

Then without any hesitation, he rushed ashore and began to escape.

Well, earth escape is no problem here.

In Earth Escape, Jiang Xiaobai also has the Shenyin Kung Fu. Although this thing has not been improved until now, as his strength increases, the effect will gradually increase.

He can't be found at all under the True Immortal.

Jiang Xiaobai had just been in the earth for a few minutes when he saw someone fighting in front of him.

And it’s still a melee!

Four people are fighting!

He immediately hid in the earth and watched carefully.

The fight between the four of them was extremely fierce. They were all geniuses on the list of three thousand monsters. Their fighting methods were extremely ferocious and their moves were deadly.

There is no glamor at all, everything is quite practical, and they are just here to kill you!

This is a truly practical means.

However, in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, he was still a little immature. He had experienced countless life and death battles.

Now, Jiang Xiaobai is hiding in the land, looking for favorable opportunities.

And those who also observed Jiang Xiaobai were also shocked!

Because they found that Jiang Xiaobai was simply a monster!

What if you can use a special method to get into the soil and hide under the feet of four people without being discovered?

"Where does this Jiang Xiaobai come from?"

"That is to say, even many super sects may not have this method, right?"

"But having said that, I feel that many of his methods are just like him, shameless and a bitch!"

"Yes, yes, I feel the same way. Especially when you look at the way this guy is squatting in the dirt now, I can imagine what will happen next. It's so mean!"

People's comments about Jiang Xiaobai are mixed.

But after all, I don't like him.

He is too arrogant!

Although he has arrogant capital, everyone does not agree with him!

After all, you, Jiang Xiaobai, are not a celebrity or a disciple of a super power.

Who convinces you?

Jiang Xiaobai naturally didn't care about this. It was very interesting for him to watch the four people fighting back and forth.

Four people, you hit me and I hit you, and they can even join forces to hit others.

Like a child playing house, playing for more than ten minutes has no effect.

"Will you continue to fight like this until the end of time?"

Jiang Xiaobai simply didn't bother to observe and just broke out of the ground!


No one thought that there was someone hiding under their feet!

It was so exciting.

When Jiang Xiaobai came out, none of the four people reacted.

On the spot, Jiang Xiaobai blocked their throats with a sword.

While the remaining two people were still in a daze, Jiang Xiaobai had already rushed forward, forcing Wang Jianxin to reveal himself, and a price blind suddenly appeared.

At this time, the other two people thought of defending, but it was already too late.


The sword light penetrated the two of them easily.

Four kills secured!

"They are really a bunch of flowers in a greenhouse. They don't even have the ability to defend themselves. Without the protection of the sect, it would be strange if you don't kill others when you go out."

Jiang Xiaobai's face was filled with contempt.

These so-called geniuses may seem bright and beautiful, but they are completely incomparable to people like him who have worked their way out of the world.

The awareness of crisis prevention is still too weak.

"It seems like it's not that difficult."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and looked up at the list. He was once again ranked first!

Four thousand kill points.

Everyone else only got zero points!

Just when Jiang Xiaobai was about to find the next person and fight quickly.

Suddenly I was shocked.

The threat of death enveloped him.

Without any hesitation, he disappeared to the ground instantly.

Almost at the same time, a white sword light exploded where he appeared before.

There are still people hiding!

The other party is also very good at hiding!

At this time, a feminine man appeared.

He was holding a long sword, with a soft and cold expression, and a sinister smile on his lips.

"Jiang Xiaobai, when you tricked me, did you ever think that I would deal with you like this now?"

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