At the same time, the killing trial was going on.

Jiang Xiaobai was running away like crazy.

He can no longer escape, and the place where this killing trial is taking place does not seem to be very big.

After snatching the spirit fruit, Jiang Xiaobai wanted to hide, but there were people everywhere he went!

Moreover, these people all wanted to kill him.

Jiang Xiaobai felt what it meant to shoot oneself in the foot.

There are at least a dozen geniuses behind him now chasing him, and he doesn't know how many more are chasing and blocking him in front of him.

"I'm really convinced, the God of War space is not moral!"

"Since it's said to be an all-round trial, why can't I use my methods?"

Jiang Xiaobai felt very unhappy.

If the God of War space hadn't interfered with it, could his traces have been exposed and could he have been chased?


Just as he was thinking about it, an attack hit him hard.

A large crater of several meters was instantly made on the ground.

"Jiang Xiaobai, where are you running!"

It's Jiang Yu!

Jiang Xiaobai had a toothache: "Why are you here to participate again?"

"Hmph, you teased me like this before, can I let you go?"

Jiang Yu roared angrily and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai with a spear. Jiang Xiaobai saw that it was impossible to escape, so he could only slash out with the Nine Heavens Star Sword Technique.


The dazzling star sword light and the terrifying fire dragon that destroyed the world collided in the air.

The powerful spiritual power fluctuations can be felt by people within a dozen radius.

"You can't run away this time!"


Jiang Yu roared, he was really angry.

The spear in his hand refused to stop at all and aimed at Jiang Xiaobai's heart.

Jiang Xiaobai turned sideways to resist, and at the same time made a feint with his long sword, piercing Jiang Yu's forehead.

This kid also reacted quickly, instantly changing his attack path to block Jiang Xiaobai's attack, and his fierce strength knocked back both of them!

Before the life-and-death struggle could continue, a dozen figures had already emerged.

"You bastard Jiang Xiaobai, run, keep running?"

"This time we finally caught him, brothers, fuck him!"

"I swear I won't be a human unless I kill you!"

These guys' hatred for Jiang Xiaobai was so deep that after surrounding him, more than a dozen people directly joined forces to unleash their martial arts, not giving Jiang Xiaobai any extra chance.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai was shocked.

All hidden strengths are activated.

"Nine Heavens Star Sword Technique!"

With the blessing of King Jiexin, the power of the starlight sword light was increased by an unknown amount, like an arc, erupting in all directions with Jiang Xiaobai as the center.

Boom boom boom!

Terrifying martial arts collided with each other in the air, spiritual power exploded, and the aftermath shook, and the sky of this small world was distorted.

The remaining waves carried the sand and soil, covering the sky and the sun.

Such a scene is simply like the end of the world!

Everyone was shocked. They never thought that Jiang Xiaobai could have such terrifying strength!

"Gan Li Niang, do you think I'm easy to bully?"

Jiang Xiaobai needed a dental crown, and she would have fought tooth and nail.

His figure immediately turned into a sword light, and he randomly selected a target and rushed towards it. His speed was something that few geniuses could capture.


The sound of metal colliding was heard on the spot. Jiang Xiaobai was like a mad dog, completely ignoring the siege of the people around him.

Just focus on a target and attack like crazy.

The sword intention wandered around his body, and the terrifying sword light exploded out like it was free of charge, sweeping across the surroundings. No one could get close to Jiang Xiaobai.

The guy chosen by Jiang Xiaobai couldn't withstand such a fierce attack for even ten seconds, and was pierced between the eyebrows with a long sword on the spot.

After killing one person, Jiang Xiaobai didn't hesitate at all and rushed out aiming at the remaining people.

He is still like a mad dog. After he falls in love with someone, he will beat him to death.

And the terrifying sword intention permeated the whole body, and the people around him could not get close in a short time.

Jiang Xiaobai kills people very quickly.

Three people died in less than a minute, and everyone was terrified!

Only then did they realize that Jiang Xiaobai was so powerful!

It was definitely not a boast that he had such results in the first two rounds of the first stage!

"What are you afraid of him doing? With so many of us, can't we kill him?"

Suddenly, someone in the crowd roared.

This time, everyone who was a little panicked could cheer up again.

That's right, Jiang Xiaobai is alone, there are more than a dozen of them and there is the terrifying Jiang Yu!

Everyone is at the peak of their strength in the late Dacheng period. To be honest, there is no need to be afraid.

And Jiang Xiaobai naturally knows this. This is not the real world. Although his hard power is strong, he may not be able to withstand so many people.

But he still kills people.

He also has a temper!

"Humph, I'm trying to trick you? That's survival of the fittest. Damn it, you guys have completed the siege in the one-on-one trial, and you still have the face?"

Jiang Xiaobai roared angrily, firing on all cylinders.

The starry sword light suddenly appeared violently, completely ignoring the consumption of spiritual power in the body.

The Nine Heavens Star Sword Technique, the first level of Immortal Level, combined with the Zixiao Yuanshen, is extremely powerful.

With Jiang Xiaobai at full fire, even Jiang Yu's fire dragon would be afraid of him.

"Damn it, if I had the spear passed down to me by my master, I could kill you instantly!"

Jiang Yu roared.

Jiang Xiaobai, who was in the middle of the chaos, was not inferior at all: "Ms. Cao, I have Yuan Hong in my hands. You can die hundreds of times without knowing it!"

Jiang Xiaobai roared angrily and fired another shocking sword light.

Everyone in front of them dodged one after another. Those who couldn't dodge could only join forces to attack. Even so, they were knocked away by Jiang Xiaobai.

Such a scene is so terrifying!

At this moment, Jiang Yu saw the right opportunity, quickly rushed forward with a spear in hand, and stabbed Jiang Xiaobai.

After all, it was difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. Jiang Xiaobai was already struggling to fight, and he could only barely dodge such attacks.


The spear penetrated Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder easily.

"Right now, what are you doing standing still!"

Jiang Yu roared angrily and kept attacking Jiang Xiaobai with his spear.

Behind them, everyone reacted quickly and continued the siege.

Jiang Xiaobai really couldn't stop him this time. He didn't have any defensive skills and his own defense was very weak.

Bang bang bang!

Many attacks came to Jiang Xiaobai, and he could only use the power of Zixiao Yuanshen to defend himself.

The result was that he was kicked out from nowhere.


Smashing to the ground hard, Jiang Xiaobai rolled several times before stopping, and the crowd was already attacking him.

This is the rhythm that must kill him here!

"You bastard, I, Jiang Xiaobai, will remember today's revenge!"

Jiang Xiaobai roared angrily.

The Nine Heavens Star Sword Technique was used again, smoke and dust were scattered, and violent spiritual power leaked out.

After barely blocking everyone's attacks, Jiang Xiaobai was almost exhausted.

He took out a spiritual fruit from his arms and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Just wait for me!"

After putting down the harsh words, Jiang Xiaobai ran away.

There is no way, so many people can't defeat him.

You can only run backwards.

"Chase, we must not let this bitch escape!"

One person roared.

More than a dozen geniuses chased after him, howling and screaming.

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