Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 856 Qiao Yunshen’s little gourd

Chapter 856 Qiao Yunshen’s little gourd

At that moment, Jiang Xiaobai felt hairy all over his body.

Just kidding, what if this guy succeeds?

Jiang Xiaobai didn't understand why this guy was waiting here for this, or even got these inheritances and treasures.

But the most important thing now is to get Qiong Yu out of danger!

No matter what, this bastard can't kill Qiong Yu's soul and seize her body!

Jiang Xiaobai didn't hesitate at all, he raised his hand and struck out with a sword. The power of the Houtian Lingbao is still extremely strong. Even if this guy has fairy bones, he can break them to pieces!

However, the skeleton obviously noticed the power of Yuan Hong in Jiang Xiaobai's hand. He was extremely fast and easily dodged this attack.

He looked at Jiang Xiaobai, the flames in his eyes beating violently.

"Boy, this treasure is really good. I have never seen anything like this in my three thousand worlds."

"This emperor said that this is mine!"

"Let me deal with this girl first, then you will be next. Don't worry, I won't be too kind to you."

After saying that, a ball of flame appeared in the skeleton's hand, wrapping Qiong Yu on the spot.

At that moment, Qiongyu, who was struggling, had passed out.

Then the skeleton disappeared instantly, and I don’t know where it went!

"I'm drafting uncle!"

"Is this how you play? Is it so deceptive?"

Jiang Xiaobai cursed angrily.

Who would have thought that the legendary inheritance is actually to select a suitable bearer for this guy?

As expected, people's hearts are vicious, and Jiang Xiaobai, a young man who has never experienced anything in the world, still suffered a big loss.

"Son of a bitch, wait, let me take a look in the system mall."

Jiang Xiaobai snorted coldly and kept browsing the system mall.

He currently has more than 20 million points, which is enough, but for a while he really couldn't figure out how to deal with it.

What's more important is that he doesn't know where the skeleton has gone now!

Jiang Xiaobai had no choice but to directly deploy Zixiao Yuanshen, and the terrifying power continued to search throughout the hall, not sparing every corner.

The skeleton and Qiong Yu were not found.

"I think he ran away, but where can he go..."

Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes: "There are geniuses from other forces outside. It is definitely impossible for this guy to get out, so he can only find a place in the underground palace..."

"Damn it, it's bad, Qiao Yunshen and the others are in danger!"

Jiang Xiaobai was dumbfounded.

This has caused big trouble.

He wanted to use the summons token to escape and contact the outside world, but it was useless. The skeleton had already blocked and sealed the underground palace with special means.

Then Jiang Xiaobai felt his head buzzing.

"No matter what, rush out and talk about it later!"

He inquired with the system, and the system recommended Jiang Xiaobai a gadget worth more than three million yuan, which could break the seal set by the skeleton.

After breaking the seal, he rushed towards the underground palace passage without any hesitation, constantly releasing the power of Zixiao Yuanshen to search for traces while running wildly.

At this moment, it’s a race against time!

In the other direction of the underground palace passage, several people were walking slowly as if sightseeing under the leadership of Qiao Yunshen.

"Now, I said, there is no danger here."

Qiao Yunshen said quietly: "Don't worry, Xiaobai must be in there too, we might just run into each other as we walk."

"But this place is like a maze. Who knows where Jiang Xiaobai is? What if one of us misses it?"

Han Yulong raised his eyebrows: "I think the first priority is to find the exit first. Then there will be no problem in calling people in to help search for Jiang Xiaobai."

Han Yulong didn't have a good impression of Jiang Xiaobai to begin with, and what happened to Song Xue made him even more jealous!

How come you, Jiang Xiaobai, could have sex with a beautiful woman like Senior Sister Song Xue just after you came to the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect?

We are not uglier than you!

But Qiao Yunshen didn't think so: "Why are you going up there? This underground palace is so fun and there is no danger. Although it is a bit dark, the maze is very interesting!"

"Also, what do you mean, have you forgotten that Xiaobai is our group?"

"We can't help but save him!"

Qiao Yunshen looked at Han Yulong and warned.

Han Yulong's face turned red, and he was very embarrassed when his little thoughts were exposed.

The others also glanced at him with a sneer.

There are indeed grievances between disciples in the Sword Sect, but everyone laughs at them within the Sword Sect and generally does not magnify the grievances and take them outside.

Han Yulong's behavior is indeed a bit disgusting.

They had no choice but to continue walking in the underground palace passages, wondering if they could see Jiang Xiaobai.

At the same time, he was also worried about the elf woman who came in before.

Just when a few people rounded a corner, they suddenly saw two clusters of red fire in front of them.

It was very scary to see this thing in such a dark passage!

An invisible sense of panic spread slightly.

No one knows what is in this place.

"Don't be afraid, we have so many true immortals."

Qiao Yunshen bravely shouted: "Let's go forward, I don't believe that so many of us can't handle it?"

Everyone also nodded. Of course, they and Qiao Yunshen had different ideas.

Everyone knows that this underground palace is so big, so what if you avoid it now, you might not encounter it again.

It's better to face it directly.

Several people slowly came forward. In front of them, the red flame gradually became brighter, and at the same time, the outline of a skeleton emerged.

What is shocking is that the skeleton is sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a woman lying in front of it.

It was the Elf woman who brought them in before!

At this time, black thin lines were slowly appearing on Qiong Yu's face, and it was extremely oozing to see something like this on her beautiful face.

But now, one person and one skeleton were lying quietly on the ground, unable to move.

I have to say that this girl Qiao Yunshen is quite courageous. She actually dared to reach out and poke the skull.

But there was no reaction at all.

"Good guy, what's going on?"

Qiao Yunshen became curious: "Can you see it?"

Several people in the back also shook their heads. They did not feel any fluctuations from these two guys.

It's like being dead.

But the red flames in the skull's eyes were still beating, and Qiong Yu's chest was also rising and falling.

This situation is really strange.

"Well, I think we'd better be careful and don't touch them randomly."

Su Qingchen said cautiously: "I think this skeleton is very scary."

"Ahaha, what's there to be afraid of? Don't worry, I'll protect you!"

Qiao Yunshen clapped his chest and shouted, then he was stunned as he looked at the flames in the skull's eyes.

While everyone was thinking, a small gourd appeared in Qiao Yunshen's hand.

"No, you..."

Before Su Qingchen could stop him, Qiao Yunshen had already used the gourd's opening to approach the flame.

In an instant, the gourd rioted, and a terrifying suction force gathered at the mouth of the bottle.

The red flame visible to the naked eye was sucked into the gourd bit by bit!

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