Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 873 The excitement is a must-see

Chapter 873 The excitement is a must-see!

The moment Chen Yulu saw this thing, she was stunned.

"You...why do you still have this thing?"

"Can not be done?"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows: "This thing is also very important. Is it also used for formations?"

"Then you are really rich and powerful. The effect of Tianyu Xuanjing is so great. Even if it is used in the formation, it will not be completely consumed even if it takes hundreds of thousands of years."

Looking at the Tianyu Xuanjing in Jiang Xiaobai's hand, Chen Yulu's face lit up with excitement.

"Xiao Bai, tell me under what conditions you can give me this thing, otherwise I will commit myself to you!"

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes.

"No way, even though you are a bit pretty, I, Jiang, am not without principles!"

"Since you don't want to say it, forget it."

Now, Chen Yulu's promise has been fulfilled, and Jiang Xiaobai also knows that Tianyu Xuanshi is a material used for the formation.

After some thought, could it be said that Saint Suhai needs this thing to maintain some formation?

"Forget it, your business is done, it's time for me to do mine."

Since everything has been given to people, there is no point in leaving it here.

Although the man in black at the pawn shop said that Purple Dragon Jade Jue was of great use.

But who knows what the specific function is?

What if it’s just the superficial inheritance effect?

You can't even speak clearly!

Jiang Xiaobai is too lazy to bother looking for this thing. Besides, there is no news about Zilong Yujue yet. If he doesn't have the time, he might as well trouble Tang Yuanhua.

It just so happens that he has been unhappy with this guy for a long time.

Also take this opportunity to become a true immortal and experience the terrifying power of the immortal realm!

However, Chen Yulu asked a question.

"Purple Dragon Yujue, you really don't want it?"

"Why? Isn't it just a legacy?" Jiang Xiaobai sneered.

"No, no, no, this thing is not as simple as inheritance. There are big secrets in it. Do you want to know?"

Chen Yulu started to use this method!

Jiang Xiaobai took a deep breath, he really wanted to know.

But at this moment, the atmosphere in the entire restaurant was rioting, and it was very chaotic.

When Jiang Xiaobai rushed out, he found that almost all the monks in the restaurant were rushing in the same direction.

"what's the situation?"

Yuan Chongwei and others also rushed out and asked curiously.

At this time, Qi Chuan came excitedly and said, "We have news. Purple Dragon Yujue has appeared in the outer suburbs to the east of the city."

"Let's go over and watch the fun!"

Yuan Chongwei, the fighting maniac, is excited and can fight!

Jiang Xiaobai was the only one standing there stunned. Is it such a coincidence?

"Come on, don't you want to know some secret? Let's go and find out together."

Chen Yulu approached Jiang Xiaobai very familiarly, and even reached out to hug his arm, but Jiang Xiaobai dodged.

Then, with Chen Yulu's resentful eyes, several people rushed towards the east of the city.

Yuheng City was directly shaken by the incident involving Purple Dragon Yujue.

In the entire city, more than 90% of the monks came here for the Purple Dragon Jade Jue.

Now that the news came out, everyone was shocked.

Soon, Jiang Xiaobai and others arrived in the mountains and forests outside the east side of the city.

The place is already overcrowded.

There were many people gathered in the sky, but they had no intention of taking action.

In the middle of the crowd, there were three groups of people standing.

They were a group of women, a group of people holding special long knives, and another two people, a man and a woman.

A man and a woman were surrounded by two other groups.

"Hand it over, and I will spare your life."

The man headed by the swordsman is a short, fat old man. The long sword in his hand is taller than the others!

The fat old man looked at the man and woman coldly: "The Purple Dragon Jade Jue is of great importance. It is the inheritance of the Purple Dragon Emperor, and it can open up endless treasures."

"Such a treasure is not for you two little guys to enjoy. Hand it over quickly, otherwise don't blame me for waiting!"

After the fat old man finished speaking, violent sword anger filled the air.

The other group of women also chuckled: "Little girl, in fact, you don't have to hand it over. As long as you become a disciple of the Tiannv Sect, it doesn't matter if you keep the Purple Dragon Jade Jue. As long as you are your friend, our Tiannv Sect can also make an exception. He came in and became a disciple."

This method is much smarter than that of the fat old man, and it makes people feel much more comfortable.

If you really have to choose, you can't say which man or woman will choose the Tiannv Sect.

"What's going on? How did they get it?" Jiang Yu asked curiously.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai had already asked around.

Things are quite expected.

The man and woman seemed to have known that such a treasure was here for a long time, and they also knew the exact location.

Sneaking out things under the noses of the major forces.

Everything was fine at first, but who knew that after the birth of Zilong Yujue, it would trigger auspicious signs!

It directly alarmed the entire Yuheng City.

So it became the current situation. Thousands of monks surrounded them, and it was impossible to escape!

"Are we going to cause trouble?"

Yuan Chongwei rubbed his fists, excited: "Brother Jiang, Brother Qi, what do you mean, do you want to do it or not?"

Jiang Xiaobai had a headache because of this. What else could he think about besides fighting?

We didn’t even understand the situation, so we took action.

Who will bear the consequences of a war?

"Let's take a look first and then talk."

Jiang Xiaobai stared at the man and woman closely.

These are two true immortals in the late stage, and they should have special confidence.

Faced with this situation, the two of them didn't panic at all, and the woman even had a faint smile on her face.

That’s very interesting!

However, in the corner where no one noticed, Chen Yulu clenched her fists slightly.

She stared at the two men, her lips moving slightly.


The fat old swordsman's perception was extremely sharp, and he immediately looked over when Chen Yulu made a small move.

Fortunately, Chen Yulu didn't make any movement.

And the fat old man obviously didn’t know who he was!

"It's hard to say that these two little guys still have support?"

The fat old swordsman sneered: "So what if you have support? If you don't hand over your things today, I will kill as many people as you come!"

As he spoke, the heavenly aura from his body burst out, shocking the entire audience.

"Everyone, to be honest, we are the descendants of the Purple Dragon Emperor. Otherwise, we would not know the location of the Purple Dragon Jade Jue, right?"

At this time, the young man spoke: "The thing is indeed in my hands, but isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to rob it like this?"

"It's a joke. What's inappropriate? A piece of trash like you deserves to have a Purple Dragon Jade Jue?"

The fat old man sneered: "I'll give you one last chance, otherwise, I'll be waiting for you!"

A burst of sword light rose into the sky, which was the method used by the immortals.

It makes everyone tremble!

The two young men also had ugly expressions, and then they actually looked at each other.


The next second, the center point of the encirclement flashed with a dazzling purple light!

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