Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 875 The Tribulation of Immortality Arrives

Chapter 875 The calamity of immortality is coming!

One day later, Jiang Xiaobai was floating quietly on the sea.

His whole body exuded a terrifying aura, and the originally clear sky had become gloomy, with black clouds slowly gathering.

If you look carefully, there is no living thing in the sea under Jiang Xiaobai's feet!

A thunderstorm is about to come, and creatures are extremely sensitive to the way of heaven.

This is a big danger, so naturally we have escaped long ago.

In the morning, Jiang Xiaobai left Big Beard's ship, found a good place by flying, and began to make a breakthrough.

In fact, there was nothing to prepare, but Jiang Xiaobai spared some extra energy to pay attention to his status.

Many people have told him that this is a watershed moment for him to break through and become a true immortal.

Big changes will happen!

Jiang Xiaobai's foundation is already incomparably solid, with no gaps at all.

The foundation and realm are in perfect harmony!

The more such a breakthrough, the more extremely difficult it is, and the more terrifying the thunder disaster faced.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know why he wasn't afraid of thunder, but he guessed it had something to do with Zixiao Yuanshen.

What he needs to pay attention to now is his own foundation and Zixiao Yuanshen!

He had experienced the baptism of immortal energy a long time ago. After the baptism of immortal energy, Jiang Xiaobai could use immortal swordsmanship, and he was even more comfortable using acquired spiritual treasures.

This is why he is so strong.

Moreover, he had also received the baptism of Jiuyou Divine Water before, and it brought out too many benefits anyway.

Jiang Xiaobai wanted to see if anything would change drastically after he became a true immortal.


While I was thinking about it, suddenly there was a loud thunder crash in the sky.

Looking up, I saw endless thunderclouds rolling in. Ordinary people would be frightened to see such a situation.

Is Leiyun who has passed through the Immortal Tribulation so terrifying?

Such thunder clouds and such movement attracted the attention of many people on the surrounding sea who were attracted from the Wood Spirit Realm.

"Damn it, is this the catastrophe of becoming an immortal? Who can withstand such a huge thunder cloud and not kill him?"

"Niubi, it's true that people are so angry when compared with each other. When I went through the tribulation, were the tribulation clouds one percent as big as this?"

"Well, with this size and appearance... it must be one of the ten major thunder tribulations?"

"The thunder tribulation of becoming an immortal is different. It is extremely terrifying. It's a pity that this genius will never be able to withstand such a terrifying thunder tribulation."

Everyone stopped and watched not far away. They couldn't pass by anyway, so they just needed to see what Lei Jie looked like from afar.

I don’t know how much time has passed before the calamity cloud is truly brewing, and its terrifying size makes people marvel at it.

The pressure between heaven and earth, even if they are hundreds of miles apart, is heart-stopping.


The terrifying sound of thunder sounded, and for a moment, the whole world seemed to be shaking!

Everyone only saw a purple thunder tower made of thunder appearing in the sky!

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

"This is... the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation?"

"And it's the God of Destruction Thunder Tower?"

"Who the hell is going through this calamity? Is this a calamity that anyone can survive?"

People who have seen this thing from legends are immediately confused.

The stronger the talent and the stronger the foundation, the more terrifying the thunder disasters experienced.

This is a means of checks and balances between heaven and earth.

You are strong, and if you can handle it, you will be even stronger.

If he can't resist, the world will lose a genius, which is good news for others.

But at this time, everyone just wanted to know, who could cause such a terrifying thunder disaster?

If this person can really survive the Immortal Tribulation to such an extent, wouldn't he be able to beat the Earth Immortal to death directly after becoming an Immortal?

Even fighting against immortals is not a problem?

No one can give an answer, and the scope of the calamity cloud is too wide, and it is impossible for anyone to go in and see who is going through the calamity.

Are you here to die?

At this time, in the center of the thunder tribulation, Jiang Xiaobai was also stunned.

He knew that the immortality tribulation was different from the previous ones. This immortality tribulation was divided into grades.

Forty-nine heavenly tribulations, sixty-nine heavenly tribulations, ninety-nine heavenly tribulations, and so on.

The thunder tribulation that appeared at this time was comparable to the chaotic body thunder that Master Tiandao struck him at that time!

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai could even feel the waves of anger coming from the World-Destroying God Thunder Tower in the sky.

It seems that he is furious because such a monster could appear in the world and violate the laws of heaven!

"Come on, I'll be waiting for you here. If you move, I lose!"

Jiang Xiaobai shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, the God of Destruction Thunder Tower in the sky seemed to receive a response, and a bolt of thunder struck down.

The good guy just struck with a thunder calamity as thick as a finger?

"Ah hahaha, this kid is dead!"

"You were such a strong thunder tribulation when you first took action, but in the end, there were ninety-nine and eighty-one heavenly tribulations coming. If you can withstand it, I will eat shit!"

"It's a pity. This world will lose a monster genius, hiss, but I haven't heard of any super geniuses in the water spirit world?"

At the same time, the heavenly tribulation struck Jiang Xiaobai hard. This lightning tribulation was neither painful nor itchy for Jiang Xiaobai.

no response.

The people watching the excitement thought that this time it was over and the disaster was about to end.

But after staring for a long time, I found that not only did it not disperse, but the catastrophe rained down on the central location like rain!

Everyone was completely confused.

Can you withstand this?

And Jiang Xiaobai was indeed standing motionless at this time. Around him, the sea water was surging, and the angry sea was roaring!

It looks like the end of the world.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't take Thunder Tribulation seriously at all. He was now focusing all his energy on himself.

There is a milky white fairy power standing at his foundation, which is slowly extending, and everything about him is changing!

The foundation of the immortal body created by the Nine Nether Divine Water was also at work, frantically absorbing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

As for Zixiao Yuanshen, Jiang Xiaobai found that this thing had changed the most, and was slowly developing from purple to black.

Everything has changed!

As for what will happen, it can only be revealed after the tribulation of immortality.

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned, the Heavenly Tribulation had already struck dozens of times!

Ninety-nine heavenly tribulations are not eighty-one heavenly tribulations falling at once.

But nine paths at a time, slowly getting stronger every time!

Finally, it was time for the final nine heavenly tribulations.

All kinds of tricks have been used before, dragons, phoenixes, and catastrophes as thick as a bucket, but they all have no effect on Jiang Xiaobai.

Then in the sky, the God of Destruction Thunder Tower was slowly expanding and getting bigger, and then a palm made of purple thunder fell from the sky and hit Jiang Xiaobai hard.

It felt like someone was giving him an ancient Thai massage!

Very cool!

Then there was another sword light,



Finally, the first eight heavenly tribulations have ended, including weapons and so on.

Not only was Jiang Xiaobai okay, he was still looking forward to it

As a result, that scene made him feel suffocated!

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