Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 877 True Fairyland and Its Consequences

Chapter 877 True Wonderland and the Consequences

Jiang Xiaobai studied his situation carefully and found that this was indeed the case.

What before, the Nine Nether Divine Water, the baptism of immortal energy, the Zixiao Yuanshen,

It seems like nothing has changed since he broke through and became a true immortal?

"I promised that I would understand when I get to the True Immortal..."

Jiang Xiaobai muttered.

Then he lowered his head, shook his wrist slightly, and a purple thunder flashed in his hand.

The third level of Xu Lei!

This is already a very high realm, and going up is the final realm of virtual thunder.

Even so, Jiang Xiaobai had to eat countless thunderbolts to break Xu Lei into the third realm.

Jiang Xiaobai had absorbed the previous lightning strike and the previous Chaos God's thunder and punishment, but he had no reaction and was still unable to break through.

Now, this immortal calamity has come true for Xu Lei.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly hit the stone wall in front with a virtual thunder.


The whole cave was shaking.

The rock wall hit by the virtual lightning exploded directly, and the sea water from outside poured in crazily.

Jiang Xiaobai was slightly dumbfounded.

Why is the attack strength of this virtual thunder so high?

He had tested it before when he was in the second realm, and he could barely reach the state of distraction and hit it with all his strength.

Can't help at all.

But now, the good guys have caught up with the masters of the three thousand earth immortals in the eight classics and struck with all their strength!

What's happening here?

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but get excited, this Xu Lei would be of great help in the future!

"Is it because I became a true immortal?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the virtual thunder and lightning in his hand in disbelief.

It really shocked him.

In fact, not all of them were the reasons why Jiang Xiaobai broke through and became a true immortal.

Among them, Zixiao Yuanshen played a big role, Xu Lei broke through to the third realm, and Jiuyou Divine Water helped Jiang Xiaobai condense his immortal body!

With the blessing of many effects, the virtual thunder effect explodes!

It's just that Jiang Xiaobai didn't understand it himself. After a long time, he was shocked when he discovered the effect of the Nine Nether Divine Water.

Of course, that's all for later.

Now Jiang Xiaobai is obsessed with the power of Xu Lei and cannot extricate himself.

He can fight against the Earth Immortal with just Xu Lei!

Not to mention the leap in strength brought about by breaking through to the True Immortal!

That was really a leap to a level that even Jiang Xiaobai could not imagine.

Nowadays, the Earth Immortal can be killed easily!

A heavenly being can kill with all his strength or even with one strike of a divine sword!

As for the immortals, forget it, he has never seen such a being take action!

But, this is also extremely strong!

"Hahaha, Tang Yuanhua, I'll see how you deal with me this time!"

Jiang Xiaobai laughed loudly: "If you have the guts, just hide in your black water formation and never come out in this life. When I become an earthly immortal or even a heavenly immortal, I can easily kill you instantly!"

Only in this way could Jiang Xiaobai recover from his previous disappointment.

It’s so celestial, it smells so good!

The opponents he once couldn't fight against are no longer so strong.

If Tao Chenhu appeared again now, Jiang Xiaobai would be able to fight on his own without Lin Zijin's help, and that immortal was not very strong either.

"Now the strength has improved again, which is very good."

As for breaking through to the True Immortal, the rewards from the previous training plan 2 have arrived.

Points, rewards, and a designated skill!

Jiang Xiaobai asked about this technique. As long as it is in the system, he will get whatever he wants!

It can be said that this is a quite powerful reward!

Jiang Xiaobai can even master the strongest swordsmanship!

However, this would be a loss, because Jiang Xiaobai's current strength is not at all useful.

The super powerful skills in the system are all gray. Although they can be purchased, the system prompts that the host is not strong enough to practice them.

Jiang Xiaobai was a little hesitant now. What kind of exercise should he choose?

He doesn't need to practice the exercises.

The task to improve Kunpeng's Sky-Swallowing Technique has been released. After it is completed, including another elf task, it can be forcibly improved once more.

Swordsmanship is not needed at the moment.

Shenfa, Blood Sea Zongheng is enough.

"Otherwise, I need to develop a defensive technique. My defense seems to have always been relatively weak."

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly remembered.

He has always believed in the concept that the strongest defense is attack.

Use force to defeat force!

Endless power!

However, this sometimes still has disadvantages. Against high-level experts, this theory is not very effective.

The opponent could withstand Jiang Xiaobai's several attacks, but Jiang Xiaobai could not.

People can make countless mistakes, but Jiang Xiaobai will be finished after just a few mistakes.

"That's all, let's leave it for now. When the time comes, we'll go back to Elder Song to ask and refer to his experience."

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head secretly.

Now that he is familiar with the power, Xu Lei's strength really shocked Jiang Xiaobai.

So what needs to be done now is to find Shengzun Suhai, or to find out about Purple Dragon Yujue.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly rushed out of the cave that was already filled with sea water.

For two consecutive days, Jiang Xiaobai was running around in the sea, either flying in the sky or sloshing in the sea.

Didn't see anyone!

Others, however, were frantically searching for traces of Jiang Xiaobai, the man who had overcome the tribulation.

The power of overcoming the tribulation that day was too great, and the impact it caused was also too great.

The Immortal Alliance has sent experts over!

The water spirit world was originally peaceful and stable.

But after Jiang Xiaobai overcame the tribulation here, my dear, the entire water spirit world became lively.

Many forces were dispatched one after another, running around in search of the genius who could overcome the calamity.

Almost people who are in the early stage of true immortality are caught and questioned when they see it.

If you can't ask, just hold down and double-check whether you just made a breakthrough!

So much so that many of the true immortals who were attracted from the Wood Spirit Realm looked confused.

Among them, Yuan Chongwei, Jiang Yu Qichuan and others were interrogated several times.

Despite Yuan Chongwei's bad temper, he was relatively cooperative at first and even asked what happened.

Later, when things got too much, he just exploded!

Is Niang Xipi’s story over?

He started fighting, but some people were destined to be defeated, such as some immortals.

Then he was held down and punished, and that was it, but he refused to accept it!

A group with tough mouths!

But luckily he met Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu said that when someone interrogated him, just say that he had been interrogated!

"I have inquired about it, and I heard that a monster has passed through a tribulation and become an immortal. The circumstances of the tribulation are terrifying and unprecedented!"

Jiang Yu said to Yuan Chongwei mysteriously: "I heard that the Immortal League has been searching for that guy, just to find and pocket it."

"But along the way I saw several people from different factions, and they don't seem to be from the Immortal Alliance."

In this case, Yuan Chongwei also scratched his head and said in confusion: "Is it a breakthrough from a true immortal?"

"As for that, of course that's all!"

Jiang Yu said seriously: "The stronger the talent and the stronger the foundation, the more terrifying the thunder disaster will be!"

"Future achievements will be even more terrifying!"

Yuan Chongwei was stunned: "Hey, why do I feel like the person you are talking about is Jiang Xiaobai?"

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