Chapter 880 Beast Control Sect

To be honest, Jiang Xiaobai never expected that things would develop like this.

Co-author Chen Yulu is the key to the statue of Shengzun Suhai?

If Chen Yulu is not found and Jiang Xiaobai does not know about this matter, he is afraid that even if Jiang Xiaobai comes to the other side of the sea, he will not be found here for several years.

Entering this light curtain world, all you can see are dilapidated ruins.

Under the dim sky, there was a blood-red stream flowing slowly, with no discernible source and end point.

On the left side of the red stream are ruins, and on the right side is a huge statue of the young master.

Holy Lord Suhai!

He was tall and handsome, but he was dressed like a scholar and held a fan in his hand.

He looks like a gentleman.

"Is this the statue of Saint Suhai?"

Jiang Xiaobai murmured: "How old is he?"

Chen Yulu also sighed at the side: "I don't know, but it is estimated to be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years?"

"Our sect is very strange, it's called the Beast Control Sect!"

"The main method is to cultivate ferocious beasts and control ferocious beasts to fight. Of course, according to what my master said, when the entire sect was at its most prosperous, there were countless ferocious beasts, and their fighting traditions were not weaker than any other super force! "

"Compared to the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect, I'm not afraid at all!"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded. If this is the case, Holy Lord Suhai really lived tens of thousands of years ago.

The Purgatory Divine Sword Sect also has a long history of tens of thousands of years.

Jiang Xiaobai carefully looked at the statue in front of him with a solemn expression.

The task on the system is to come and see the statue of Saint Suhai, and then save thousands of sealed beasts.

Who are these ferocious beasts? Jiang Xiaobai has probably seen them before.

It's the two guys trapped in the secret realm.

Each one had a terrifying aura. Jiang Xiaobai calculated it and found that they should all be Heavenly Immortals, or even Golden Immortals!

If they can really be rescued...

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t dare to think about it!

Thousands of golden immortal beasts help him to become a super army?

Damn it!

At that time, wouldn't it be enough for him to let the ferocious beast come to see who is unhappy?

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but get excited.

"By the way, the Tianyu Xuanshi you want is also for the statue of Saint Suhai, right?"

Chen Yulu shook her head slightly when she heard this: "Not entirely. There is a formation here that isolates the entire Beast Control Sect."

"It's another kind of secret realm. Although it's not a created world, with that super formation, not even the terrifying Golden Immortal masters can discover this place."

"The Tianyu Xuan Stone is the key material used to stabilize this formation. I have been looking for it for many years, but I couldn't find it. Until I heard that there was a chance to obtain the Tianyu Xuan Stone in the God of War space, so I went there, and then I met you."

Chen Yulu chuckled: "Everything in the world is impermanent. Things like fate are really destined by God and cannot be explained."

"This is good. Not only can the formation be completed, but the legendary prophecy can also be fulfilled."

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned: "What prophecy?"

"The sect fell for unknown reasons before, and the founder seemed to have passed away. However, before he passed away, he left a prophecy that a guy would come over tens of thousands of years later to fulfill his legacy and revive the Beast Control Sect. of brilliance.”

Chen Yulu looked at Jiang Xiaobai as she spoke: "This person is talking about you."

"How come I'm the one who talks about bullshit?"

Jiang Xiaobai shouted loudly: "I just came here to meet the statue of Saint Suhai!"

"Then why did the old man give you your Tianyu Xuanshi?"

Chen Yulu looked like she had seen through everything: "Xiaobai, don't be polite. Don't worry. In the future, you will be the sect master and I will obey you. I will do whatever you ask me to do?"

"Really, what do you do when I ask you to do it?"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows.

Then Chen Yulu nodded wildly, so excited.

But immediately she felt something was wrong, and her face turned slightly red.

As a result, the next second Jiang Xiaobai said: "You are the leader of this sect, I am not."

Chen Yulu was stunned.

Oh, it turns out that the person who is wrong is me.

"No, Jiang Xiaobai, how can I be qualified to be the sect leader?"

"No matter, you must be the person in the prophecy anyway, I don't care."

Chen Yulu started to act rogue.

Jiang Xiaobai had no choice but to grit his teeth and look at the statue of Saint Suhai in front of him.

"That's all...anyway, we want to save thousands of ferocious beasts..."

Feeling underestimated in his heart, Jiang Xiaobai began to understand the situation in detail with Chen Yulu.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai has been regarded as the person who saved the Beast Control Sect, and Chen Yulu knew everything and said everything!

The first thing that needs to be done is to use the Tianyu Xuanshi to stabilize the formation, and then use the Purple Dragon Jade Jue to enter the secret realm left by the ancestor to accept the inheritance.

For the follow-up, let’s first look at the inheritance.

"Are you going to accept this inheritance?" Chen Yulu looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

"I'm not going, go to hell!"

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and refused directly.

At that time, the inheritance of the Blood Demon Emperor almost killed him. If Tang Yuanhua had not been able to attack with all his strength at that time, he would have died on the spot!

The last time, Qiong Yu's inheritance was also in a mess.

So much so that Jiang Xiaobai was a little resistant to this matter.

Helpless, Chen Yulu could only use Tianyu Xuanshi to stabilize the formation. Now even if Jinxian walked to the door, he would not be able to find this place.

Of course, the powerful ones above the Golden Immortal don’t know.

Not long after, Chen Yulu was stunned with the Purple Dragon Jade.

"That's not right. Master said that using the Purple Dragon Jade Jue can open up the inheritance. Why doesn't it have any effect at all?"

Chen Yulu was puzzled. They had just tried various methods with the Purple Dragon Jade Jue, but there was no response.

It seems that this thing can only transport them from the wood spirit world to the water spirit world.

"Could there be any missing steps?" Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously.

"Is it related to the statue?"

Chen Yulu nodded: "Well, Master said before that the inheritance is inside the statue. There is a secret space. The function of the statue of the Patriarch is to accept the inheritance."

"But we have no use for it. Could it be that something inside the statue is broken?"

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged his shoulders and took out the khaki Tianyu Xuanjing.

I originally wanted to give this thing a try. After all, the series of task rewards given by the system at that time should all be useful.

The moment the results were taken out, the statue shook violently.

Tianyu Xuanjing was then absorbed by the statue.

A flash of light suddenly appeared, and the statue's empty eyes opened!

The whole statue even seemed to come alive, looking down at Jiang Xiaobai with a smile.

"Boy, you're finally here!"

"I've been waiting for you for so long, and I had such a comfortable sleep this time."

The statue of Saint Suhai came to life, and even spoke!

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