Chapter 882 It’s him!

Chen Yulu sighed beside him.

She also didn't expect that the divine idea left behind by her ancestor would be so unreliable.

At this time the statue was in distress.

"You can't blame me entirely. I just woke up and don't remember many things."

"It's just...annoying."

"Oh, by the way, there is another thing. The Holy Lord seems to have left some treasure for the prophecy."

"It's a pity that he's gone, what to do with this treasure..."

Jiang Xiaobai and Qiong Yu left the ruins of the Beast Control Sect and reappeared on the island.

There were black lines all over his face.

This time the water spirit world really came for nothing!

I originally thought that Zilong Yujue could gain something, but now it seems that there is nothing.

After knowing that this was the sea on the other side, I thought I could complete the mission.

As a result, the prerequisite for completing the mission is to inherit the inheritance?

Jiang Xiaobai must not be happy about this!

From the beginning, he was a person who didn't like trouble, and he didn't like any profound righteousness.

It was an accident when I accepted the inheritance from the Blood Demon Emperor, but I was tricked by the system and the Blood Demon Emperor.

So much so that he is in trouble and even has to shoulder the burden of the Blood Demon Sect?

If another beast-controlling sect came now, Jiang Xiaobai would be exhausted to death.

So he decisively refused.

Jiang Xiaobai was never a hero or a great man.

What he wants to do is very simple, just stay with his wife every day.

If you can practice, just practice. If you can't practice, what if you become a waste?

He is now invincible in Tianxuan Continent, so it would be nice to go back and become a landlord in a small world.

But things always deviate from the expected direction.

No one can stop it.

Looking at the endless ocean, Jiang Xiaobai took a deep breath.

"It doesn't matter what the Purple Dragon Jade Jue or the Beast Control Sect is, it's none of my business. Anyway, this woman Chen Yulu can be promoted to become an Earth Immortal when the time comes."

"Qiongyu, let's go back..."

Before Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, the ground suddenly trembled and the entire sea wave rolled.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely huge ruin rose up from the bottom of the water.

This ruins is like a continent!

It was rising with great force and the waves were rolling.

Such a movement would probably be noticed by the entire water world!

Jiang Xiaobai was completely stunned. When he saw the small red stream not far away and the statue waving to him, he was stunned on the spot.

"Jiang Xiaobai, it's nice to see you again."

"You haven't left yet? That's just right. I have something I haven't finished telling you just now... Hey, what's going on? Why did I forget it again?"

The statue chuckled, looking quite honest.

But Jiang Xiaobai really wanted to rush forward and slap him.

"Xiao Bai, don't leave in a hurry, the Holy Lord has left you a treasure!"

Chen Yulu waved excitedly at Jiang Xiaobai. She felt that using treasures could attract Jiang Xiaobai.

"What kind of treasure is it? Don't try to use this kind of thing to kidnap me. Am I, Jiang, that kind of person?"

Jiang Xiaobai shouted righteously, and then very quickly rushed to the statue and stretched out his hand.

"Where's the treasure?"

Everyone's head is full of black lines. Jiang Xiaobai, are you so principled?

"Oh yes, treasure!"

The statue nodded hurriedly: "Over there, I will take you there."

Soon, Jiang Xiaobai was led by the statue to the door of a palace. The whole place was full of ruins, but this palace looked as lifelike as new no matter how many years had passed.

Then the statue waved slightly, and the door of the palace in front of him was opened directly.

Reveal the mountains of resource treasures inside!

Good guy, this situation shocked Jiang Xiaobai.

"You are reliable for once!"

With these resources, he can improve his strength a lot!

This time when I go back, I can practice well!

Just when Jiang Xiaobai was about to go in, a shout suddenly came from the distance.

"over there!"

"It's him, it's this guy, don't let him get away!"

"You are my biological father, please don't run away, can you just stand still and don't move?"

A group of people shouted at Jiang Xiaobai.

These people flew across the vast ocean for an unknown amount of time, searching countless nooks and crannies, but could not see any trace of Jiang Xiaobai.

Originally, they all thought that Jiang Xiaobai might have left the water spirit world, but suddenly a strange phenomenon appeared, and everyone rushed here out of curiosity.

Sure enough, I saw the guy in the portrait of the Immortal Alliance.

Jiang Xiaobai was also stunned.

But he didn't run away this time. He already knew that the Immortal Alliance was looking for him to train him well. Why did he run away?

It would also be good to steal a batch of resources from it.

Soon everyone fell down and surrounded Jiang Xiaobai. They must not let this guy escape.

"Don't be so cautious, I won't leave." Jiang Xiaobai smiled awkwardly.

"Who can say for sure?"

The leader of the gods sighed, and then grabbed Jiang Xiaobai's arm with a look of joy on his face.

"That's right, it's you. You have an extremely solid foundation, and you just broke through and became a true immortal. You are the one who has passed through the tribulation of becoming an immortal, right?"

"Well, it's me."

Jiang Xiaobai admitted frankly, which made these people even more excited.

They are the first ones to find Jiang Xiaobai, and there will be a lot of rewards from the Immortal Alliance when the time comes!

The news was immediately passed to the Immortal Alliance. After receiving it, the Immortal Alliance headquarters immediately sent many experts in the water spirit world to rush over.

Let’s bring the person back first. As for whether it’s true or not, we can determine it through testing at that time!

Then everyone felt completely at ease, and then their eyes fell on the resources in the hall, looking at the mountains of resources inside, those immortal stones, and those materials.

Everyone was swallowing saliva.

"What are you looking at? Don't look around. This is my thing!"

Jiang Xiaobai shouted: "Don't even think about snatching it."

"That's right, this is Xiaobai's stuff, not yours!"

The statue also said seriously, exuding a terrifying aura.

At this time, everyone discovered that this statue was actually a golden immortal!

The few immortals present who were searching for Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to move at all. Although they were eager for these resources, who dared to be presumptuous with the Jinxian in charge?

Jiang Xiaobai also had no ink, so he put all the resources into his pocket.

When the time comes, some people will be jealous when they see you.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished cleaning up, another large number of masters arrived.

Among them are Yuan Chongwei, Jiang Yu, Qi Chuan and others.

"Brother Jiang, the commotion you made is really big!"

Yuan Chongwei laughed at Jiang Xiaobai.

"Did you do this too?"

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head firmly and denied it.

At the same time, several real big men from the Immortal Alliance had already walked up to Jiang Xiaobai.

Their eyes were sharp and they could see the difference in Jiang Xiaobai at a glance.

"Good guy, is this the little guy who attracted the World-Destroying God Thunder Tower?"

"That's enough. Let's go and return to the Immortal League. You will be the focus of the Immortal League's training in the future!"

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