And Jiang Xiaobai didn't expect that the conditions offered by the Immortal Alliance were so good!

Can a true immortal mobilize all the resources he wants?

Then Jiang Xiaobai went too far and asked for billions of high-grade immortal stones. Wouldn't that mean he would ascend directly?

Of course, this is all a matter for later. The premise is that he can pass this test.

"Now, that's what you said!"

Jiang Xiaobai said seriously: "Then I'll go!"

After saying that, he plunged into the wooden man alley.

Suddenly all the wooden puppets inside started to move, their eyes glowed, and the wooden blades in their hands were aimed at Jiang Xiaobai.

high speed!

Jiang Xiaobai was frightened for a moment. Was this really a test for him to be made by a true immortal?

The opponent's speed has almost reached Tang Yuanhua's level!

But now, he is a true immortal, and attacks that he could not avoid before can now be easily avoided.

Then he struck the wooden man with a sword.


A wooden man fell apart on the spot, and then Jiang Xiaobai continued to attack at an extremely fast speed.

He didn't know under what circumstances it would be considered as clearing the level, but now he just had to smash all the wooden puppets.

One sword, one sword!

Later, Jiang Xiaobai even used the Nine Heavens Star Sword Technique to easily sweep the wooden puppet across a large area.

He didn't seem to have any difficulty.

But everyone watching outside was extremely frightened.

This wooden man's lane seems to be a challenge for the true immortal's trial, but in fact they know exactly how powerful this thing is.

Not to mention true immortals, even earth immortals have difficulty.

Only the top true immortals of the Immortal League can break through here, but Jiang Xiaobai looks extremely relaxed?

"This kid is a monster!"

"It's really him. It's really not easy to trigger such a person to become an immortal!"

"If this is cultivated, it will be a great deterrent to our Immortal Alliance!"

"Even beyond all of us."

"In this case, the situation over there can be alleviated a lot..."

When someone mentioned the situation over there, all twelve people fell silent.

"I don't know how many years it will take for this kid to grow up."

"Haha, I can accept it in ten or twenty years."

"Okay, let's not talk about those depressing things. Today I'm just looking at the kid to show off."

Everyone laughed.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai had already planned to clean up all the wooden puppets in the wooden puppet alley!

Another minute passed, and all the wooden figures were shattered into pieces.

Jiang Xiaobai stood in the Muren Alley formation and nodded slightly.

"Such a test is quite powerful. Anyone who can pass this wooden man alley is probably a genius."

Then he turned to look at the people watching the battle outside: "How's it going? Has it passed?"

At this time, the wine gourd sword cultivator pointed at a hole in front of him, dumbfounded.

"Did you see the hole? You can just go through there. There is no need to break the wooden puppet."

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly had black lines on his head: "Zhuo, didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You didn't even ask. When you heard the conditions that Elder Murong put forward for you, you went in directly."


There was a dark cloud on Jiang Xiaobai's head, and then he rushed into the cave with a strong stride, thus completely passing the test.

The big men of the Immortal Alliance and the Golden Immortal outside were all smiling, and their eyes were shining when they looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

This son’s talent is the best among monsters!

"That's right, that's right. From now on, you will enjoy the treatment of a genius named Tian Tian in our Immortal Alliance."

"Since you are a disciple of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect, let your people from the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect handle the follow-up matters for you."

After saying that, the remaining eleven people immediately disappeared, leaving only the sword cultivator carrying the wine gourd.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, you really opened the eyes of these people, hahahaha, I didn't expect that our Purgatory Divine Sword Sect could find a genius like you."

"The sect leader already knows about this matter, and plans to give you a good reward after returning. You can't escape the position of a direct successor."

The wine gourd sword cultivator smiled lightly: "Let's go, take you to register and other things, and then take away your offerings for this year first."

"Didn't you say I want as much as I want?" Jiang Xiaobai was stunned and curious.

"Theoretically, this is true, but the Immortal League has a lot of talents to cultivate, and there are many places to use resources."

"It's impossible to give it all to you alone, and the Immortal Alliance doesn't recommend directly using immortal stones to break through quickly. The realm you rush to like this has a weak foundation and is just a charade."

"But even so, you still have a lot of resources, 30 million high-grade immortal stones, a year, so many resources, even if you don't use them for cultivation, you can't spend them all even if you travel around three thousand worlds!"

As a result, Jiang Xiaobai curled his lips.

Damn, I was cheated!

Soon, Jiu Gourd Sword Cultivator had taken Jiang Xiaobai around and had everything done.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai also knew that this product was codenamed Jiujianxian!

He is a serious swordsman, a swordsman of the Golden Immortal level, and his strength is absolutely terrifying!

"After all the general matters have been taken care of, do you want to practice in the Immortal Alliance or go back to the sect?"

"Can I go to the Wood Spirit Realm?"

Jiang Xiaobai still couldn't let go of the wood spirit world.

"Why do you have to go there? Do you have something to do or an enemy?"

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while: "It's not like I'm in such a hurry."

"That's fine. It's best to go to the sect to practice during this period. You seem to have just joined the Sword Sect. It's important to stabilize your practice in the initial stage."

"There are also rewards and resources for you in the sect. In addition, it is best to do more tasks. In this way, your cultivation will improve quickly. Cultivation is not a boring matter of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It also requires fighting!"

The Jiujianxian smiled and said: "Every powerful sword cultivator is trained in countless battles. It cannot be achieved overnight. It is a long process."

"You are so talented and improve very quickly, so you need more polishing."

"Xiao Bai, you are only in the early stage of becoming a True Immortal. There are still many things in this world waiting for you to discover, so there is no need to be in such a hurry."

Jiang Xiaobai did agree with these words.

To be fair, he has been fighting crazily along the way, so he has a solid foundation, and his cultivation speed will be faster after fighting!

"Wait a minute, Senior Jiujianxian, I have one last question..."

Jiang Xiaobai briefly explained his situation, and then asked: "What kind of exercise should I choose now?"

Jiujianxian narrowed his eyes: "It's not difficult to get there. If you can, just practice a Yuanshen technique."

"Yuan Shen Kung Fu? The kind that enhances Yuan Shen?"

"Yes, your sword skills, body skills, etc. are all very good. There is no point in looking for others at this stage."

"But the Yuan Shen is very important. The Yuan Shen was already extremely important before you became immortals. Even after the distraction is over and you reach the tribulation, the Yuan Shen plays a vital role in combat."

"Ke Xian, you need Yuan Shen even more. If you have a choice, choose a Yuan Shen Kung Fu. The benefits of a powerful Yuan Shen are unimaginable."

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