Chapter 907 Are you still alive?

Jiang Xiaobai broke out in cold sweat when the woman looked at him like this.

What kind of horrible people are these?

Killing a few elders of the Immortal Alliance and massacring half the world is considered a small matter?

Especially the woman at the back, she seems to be more awesome?

Damn it, Jiang Xiaobai finally knew why these people were suppressed here!

Why should such a terrible person wait to die if he is not suppressed?

"Xianchen, we have always been curious, why on earth were you surrounded by the four armies of the Immortal Alliance?"

The beautiful woman looked at the handsome woman curiously, as if they didn't know what she had done.

The woman named Xian Chen sneered, and a dagger appeared in her hand.

"It's nothing. It's just that I almost killed the leader of the Immortal Alliance."

The moment he finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai felt a fragrant breeze in front of him and a cold feeling on his neck.

Xianchen has already put a dagger on his neck!

"Then the old man should be your master, tsk tsk tsk, can he really think of letting us people be used by you?"

"Isn't he afraid that after we have been suppressed for so many years, he will get angry and kill you when he comes out?"

Xianchen sneered again and again, and the eyes of those around him looking at Jiang Xiaobai were also full of coldness and resentment.

Jiang Xiaobai can understand this. After all, if he had been suppressed for tens of thousands of years without any chance or speech, he would definitely go crazy and take revenge.

But now he doesn’t know anything!

How many things did that damn old man do, and how many deceptive things did he leave behind?

"Haha, seniors, to be honest with you, I have never met that old man, but I have heard of him."

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly explained that if he didn't explain, he would probably have no choice but to die.

In front of these big guys, all his methods are useless!

He is a little desperate!

"Giggle, kid, don't be so scared. I won't eat you, my dear."

The beautiful woman continued to caress Jiang Xiaobai's cheek, seeming to be fascinated by it.

"No, seniors, this matter really has nothing to do with me. You see, you were all big shots tens of thousands of years ago. You and I are not from the same era at all!"

"I don't know that old guy either. To be honest, if you have any grudges, I can help you find this old guy. He has tricked me many times."

Jiang Xiaobai originally thought that such a delaying strategy would be useful, but who would have thought that these people's resentment towards the old man was not so great!

The moment he finished speaking, he only felt the dagger on his neck getting deeper!

If you use any more force, he'll be dead!

"How dare you mention that old man in front of me?"

Xianchen snorted: "Tell me, where is he."

Jiang Xiaobai pondered for three seconds: "I don't know."

"Are you really not afraid of death?" Xianchen narrowed his eyes, his body already filled with murderous intent.

But at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly laughed.

"Haha, seniors, if I'm not wrong, the old man must have restricted some things for you, and you can't take action against me at all!"

As soon as these words came out, several people's expressions turned gloomy.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai smiled secretly in his heart, knowing that he was right.

He was quite panicked just now, thinking that these people would use him to vent their anger, but after thinking about it, he realized that these people were obviously super bosses. If anything happened, he could just suppress him first.

There's no need to do this.

Therefore, it can be inferred that they must be subject to some restrictions and cannot take action against him.

"Sure enough, the old man is so insidious and cunning, how can the chosen one be so stupid?"

Xianchen said, letting go of Jiang Xiaobai and putting away the dagger.

But immediately she slapped Jiang Xiaobai on the head, which made Jiang Xiaobai dizzy and fell to the ground.

Damn it?


"Why did you hit me?" Jiang Xiaobai shouted at Xianchen.

"Why don't we beat you? We really can't kill you, but we didn't say we can't beat you."

"what do you want?"

Xianchen looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a smile. There was no murderous intention in his eyes, but Jiang Xiaobai could understand that if there were no restrictions, he would have turned into ashes!

"Yes, I didn't say I couldn't hit you."

"Brothers, beat him!"

The others seemed to have reacted, and immediately rolled up their sleeves and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaobai was frightened and hurriedly wanted to dodge and escape, but was imprisoned on the spot by an invisible force.

Then those guys stepped forward with a grin and started behaving inappropriately.

On the side, Gu Wanqing was confused as she watched this scene.

A group of golden immortal bosses, even beings above the golden immortal, directly attacked a true immortal like this.

Is this really good?


Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai shouted: "I've beaten you enough, can you give me some face? My friend is watching!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone stopped.

"You're a smart kid. You don't resist or scold me. You also have such a shameless look that I really admire. The first prerequisite for being a bad guy is to be thick-skinned."

One man chuckled.

Jiang Xiaobai was speechless, and then the invisible power on his body disappeared, and then he staggered up.

"To be honest, I didn't expect that old man to be so good at deceiving people, and he even caught me to deceive me alone!"

"Even if you are trying to pluck the wool, you can't just grab a sheep and pluck it like this. Are you afraid that the skin will be bald for me?"

Jiang Xiaobai covered his face and said something vaguely. Just when he was about to continue speaking, two figures suddenly crashed down from above.

"You bastard, is this Golden Immortal void beast leader so strong?"

"The idea is prickly and shakes people up!"

Wei Changqing looked like a gangster, gritted his teeth and took out his token to call someone.

But he was immediately stunned.

He looked around and found that a bunch of people had appeared here at some point.

And everyone looked at him in a not very good way.

More importantly, Wei Changqing didn't know why he felt that these people looked familiar?

"Hey, tell me who's coming, isn't this the squad leader of the Immortal Alliance Suzaku?"

The beautiful woman chuckled: "Everyone, do you want some entertainment?"

At this time, Wei Changqing finally remembered who this person was.

He has seen it on the Scarlet Wanted List of the Immortal League. The Scarlet Wanted List is the most terrifying list in the entire Immortal League. Once you are on the list, it is absolutely impossible to get off the list unless you die or are caught!

And isn't this beautiful woman in front of him...

"Empress Yunting, the peak of the late stage of immortality??"

Wei Changqing exclaimed, then looked around and named each one: "Demon Sea Evil Lord, Lu Daoren, Zheng Hai..."

When his eyes fell on Xian Chen, his pupils shrank. -

" are Fairy Wenhua..."

"Why are you all here? Are you still alive?"

For a moment, Wei Changqing felt that he might as well die just because he appeared here!

These guys are all guys who have an eternal blood feud with the Immortal Alliance!

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