Chapter 909 It really works!

Looking at the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower in his hand, Jiang Xiaobai showed an innocent smile on his face.

"Seniors, please use all your means to break my restrictions."

"Half an hour, I'll wait for you."

After saying that, Jiang Xiaobai put the Qibao Exquisite Tower aside and actually sat down and waited for the time to pass.

Wei Changqing finally regained some composure, and his eyes looked at Jiang Xiaobai full of shock.

"Don't talk to me yet, I have something to do."

Suddenly Jiang Xiaobai stood up from the ground, as if thinking of something, he walked straight to the leader of the void beast.

When this guy was caught, he had already been suppressed here by several big guys and couldn't move at all.

He couldn't even speak, he could only watch Jiang Xiaobai walk up to it.

Then...Jiang Xiaobai gestured at it, and then took out Yuan Hong.

"What are you going to do?" Gu Wanqing was stunned.

Jiang Xiaobai did not reply, but used Yuan Hong to cut the neck of the void beast leader.

Black and purple blood spurted out from his neck.

At that moment, the blood was suspended in the air, boiling continuously and finally turned all the blood into a black pillar.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai was very happy.

This really works!

This is a blood bead. If you swallow it, you can use the bloodthirsty Wuji technique to increase your strength.

If you can condense it, you can absorb and improve it!

"I didn't expect the Void Beast to have such an effect. Come on, let me try it and see how much improvement you can bring to me."

As he spoke, Jiang Xiaobai swallowed the blood beads in front of the void beast leader.

The void beast leader's eyes widened with anger, wishing to kill Jiang Xiaobai with his eyes.

But under the suppression, I couldn't do anything.

You can only watch Jiang Xiaobai's expression of enjoyment on his face.

"It's not bad. It can improve your strength a little bit...but, don't you make the best use of everything..."

"What else do you want to do?"

Gu Wanqing exclaimed that Jiang Xiaobai's behavior was simply seeking death.

He is the only one in the world who dares to absorb the blood of the void beast!

Wei Changqing and Li Feng were both stunned.

"You kid, you have endless tricks? What's going on?"

Wei Changqing narrowed his eyes: "But the devil's method?"

"Hey, hey, hey? Don't label me randomly, it's not like that, I'm on the right track."

After saying that, Jiang Xiaobai continued to look at the void beast leader. He planned to swallow this guy's soul.

But with so many people watching, it would be bad if he was discovered.

After all, Wei Changqing misunderstood Wei Changqing for his extremely bloodthirsty methods. If he swallowed this guy's soul, there was no way Wei Changqing would report him to the Immortal Alliance as an evil spirit.

At that time, either Jiang Xiaobai will explain, or he will become a wanted target like Xian Chen and others.

Although Jiang Xiaobai didn't use such methods to do anything harmful to the world, the methods were indeed terrible. If someone used them with deliberate intentions, it would be a disaster for the three thousand worlds.

"System, is there anything that can seal the soul?"

"Yes, once you score 100,000 points, the system will personally help you seal it!"

The voice of the system came, a little cheerful.

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned, why is the current system so user-friendly?

But he didn't pay much attention. He secretly discussed with the system and killed the leader of the void beast with a sword.

To outsiders, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to have killed it, but in an invisible corner, the system had sealed its soul!

No one notices!

Seeing this, Wei Changqing and others didn't say much. Their eyes all fell on the Qibao Exquisite Tower.

Because a few minutes had passed, and the golden little tower showed no reaction at all.

Could it be that Jiang Xiaobai really has a way to restrict those powerful people?

"Don't worry, I said I can restrict them if I can, and I won't lie to you."

A few people didn't say anything, and just kept staring at the Qibao Exquisite Tower, trying to figure out what kind of treasure it was.

But they could only feel the mysterious aura, but they didn't know that it was an acquired spiritual treasure!

Seeing their appearance, Jiang Xiaobai also started to think.

He discovered the problem and knew that there were very few people who had acquired spiritual treasures.

Bai He, Gu Ning, Lin Tian, ​​and that old man Li from the abyss of Tianxuan Continent!

Other than that, they don't know that this thing is called Houtian Lingbao.

Many people don’t even know about the Pseudo Acquired Lingbao!

This made Jiang Xiaobai curious, why do some people know and others don't?

"There is a cognitive gap?"

"And it seems that this fault appeared over tens of thousands of years, at least that's what Lin Tian told me."

Jiang Xiaobai thought silently in his heart. What is certain is that something big happened tens of thousands of years ago, and that time was called ancient times.

"Wei Changqing, let me ask you a question."

Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously: "Do you know what happened in ancient times?"

"I don't know. The Immortal Alliance doesn't have any records about this, so don't think about it. Everything in ancient times is ancient. It's useless for you to know."

"With this free time, you should think about how to explain to the Immortal Alliance. The Immortal Alliance knows that they exist and will never give up."

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned: "F*ck, you can't rely on my face?"

"Are you a bit more arrogant? To give me your face, your face is nothing?"

Wei Changqing sarcastically took out the token and contacted the Immortal Alliance.

Jiang Xiaobai knew that he probably couldn't hide this matter.

Do you really want to hand it over?

They have all signed a contract with heaven, and after a while, they will become Jiang Xiaobai's followers.

These are all super invincible thugs!

Will Jiang Xiaobai walk sideways from now on?

So Tang Yuanhua wasn't scared to death when he saw this lineup?

"How about we discuss it?" Jiang Xiaobai continued.

But Wei Changqing ignored him, and five minutes later, the space channel opened directly here.

Dozens of big men from the Immortal Alliance arrived, and Jiang Xiaobai even saw the Jiujianxian.

After they and Wei Changqing understood the situation, they looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

"So, you released them?"

The Jiujianxian exclaimed: "Okay, since when did our Purgatory Divine Sword Sect have a disciple as powerful as you?"

"This is not a problem. The problem is, how do you, Jiang Xiaobai, plan to deal with it?"

An elder of the Immortal Alliance snorted coldly: "These people have been fighting with the Immortal Alliance until death. Although they have been sealed here for tens of thousands of years for some unknown reason, they are on the Scarlet Wanted List. Unless they die, they cannot come down again!"

"The majesty of the Immortal Alliance cannot be violated!"

It can be seen that the attitude of the Immortal Alliance is extremely tough, and Jiang Xiaobai is now entangled.

If he doesn't give it to others, he will end up like Xian Chen and others.

Give it, but don’t want to part with it.

Just as he was hesitating, the time suddenly arrived.

A wave of heavenly will came down, and Jiang Xiaobai vaguely felt that he had an invisible connection with Xianchen and others.

It seems that a single thought can control their life and death!

Suddenly he became excited.

Have a chance to talk!


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