Chapter 991 Shock and excitement!

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't find a way for a while, so he returned to a few hundred meters in front of the city gate.

Once you get closer, the armor will attack from a distance.

He tried Earth Escape, but found that there seemed to be some formation guarding the city underground. After approaching a hundred meters away, Earth Escape could no longer move forward.

And if he wanted to fly there... Jiang Xiaobai quickly gave up the idea.

If he were to fly over, he would definitely be pricked into a hedgehog by these armors in the air.

Is there really no way to get in?

"It's such a pity. Such a big secret is right in front of us. Maybe there is something good in it..."

Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head anxiously for a while.

"Forget it, let's ignore this for now and go look for other good things."

Jiang Xiaobai underestimated, returned to Qiong Yu, and informed him of the conclusion he had reached.

Qiong Yu couldn't help laughing: "Why waste time here, are you so greedy for money?"

"Who doesn't love money? No saint dares to say that he doesn't love money."

Jiang Xiaobai curled his lips and said: "You don't know, I want to practice, but I can't do it without resources..."

"It consumes too much. Since there is a black armor guarding it, there might be something special being guarded. What if there are a lot of resources? Don't miss it!"

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai like this, Qiong Yu smiled broadly for some reason.

In my heart, I feel like this guy is like a child sometimes.

"Since you want money so much, I still have nearly 100 million medium-grade immortal stones, give them to you." Qiong Yu said and handed him the storage ring.

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand quickly: "No, it's not necessary."

"I don't need so much anyway..." Qiong Yu said.

But Jiang Xiaobai still rejected him. First of all, he couldn't do such behavior.

Secondly, one hundred million middle-grade immortal stones... is really not enough!

Can he say this? Obviously not!

After all, it was Qiong Yu's good intentions, but this was too shocking.

"Anyway, it's safe here. Let's rest first. I'll try again later. If it doesn't work, I'll trick those people to death. Mother, I can't come here in vain this time!"

Jiang Xiaobai sat on the ground. If he had known that the situation in this secret realm was like this, he would not have come even to death.


Qiong Yu also sat quietly next to Jiang Xiaobai, quietly looking at the giant city below from the hill.

She felt that this scene was very comfortable and comfortable.

Jiang Xiaobai thought about how to get in, but in the end he really had no idea and had no choice but to give up.

The black-red sword appeared in his mind again.

The long sword was very simple. It was suspended in front of Jiang Xiaobai at that time. There were no patterns on the sword. Even recalling it carefully, there was not even a protective shield.

Unchecked sword.

But the palpitating aura emanating from it made Jiang Xiaobai unable to leave for a long time.

The kind that is completely imprinted on the soul!

The more he looked at it, the more excited Jiang Xiaobai became, and the more he couldn't help but condense it on his own.

Then the sword intent around him continued to fluctuate, trying to condense an invisible sword in front of him.

But only one prototype can be condensed at a time. Once you want to continue to condense it, it will be extremely difficult!

Even Jiang Xiaobai shattered the prototype of the long sword several times.

"Is it so difficult?" Jiang Xiaobai muttered and continued to try.

Qiong Yu was watching beside her, and time passed slowly.

As time went by, one night passed.

Jiang Xiaobai was still immersed in the ocean of sword spirit, and Qiong Yu also closed her eyes to practice, realizing the dark realm brought by the sword spirit.

What purpose do the two of them have in coming to the secret realm for a trial?

At the same time, everyone else in the secret realm was at a loss.

Those two guys obviously came in, why can't they be found now?

They searched almost all the places except the central area, and found not a single person, not even hair!

The person who was even more shocked was the Great Elder of Tianhai Sect. He and many experts initially thought that they would be able to find traces of Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xiaobai very quickly.

It turned out that there was no one, and then he started to disperse the team, but still no one!

So much so that he was shocked and wondered if those two idiots had gone to the central area!

This secret realm was discovered by Tianhaizong. They organized many people to explore it immediately, but it was really difficult to get close to the central area.

As soon as we entered the central area, many people disappeared inexplicably.

After a while, the soul cards of these masters will break into pieces. Some people can see that the formation is causing trouble, but if they want to master the formation, they can only enter the formation.

But once they enter the formation, no one can come out alive.

As time passed, Tianhaizong didn't bother to pay attention to this secret realm. It spent so much manpower and material resources and got nothing, so it was better to let those guys explore it.

Maybe some people are so lucky that they can succeed, and then the Tianhai Sect will come out to harvest.

So now the great elder wonders whether Jiang Xiaobai and Qiong Yu really went to the central area.

"Go and have a look at the formation in the central area!"

The great elder gave an order, and many Tianhaizong masters rushed to the Zhongxin area.

If the formation is still there, either they have died in the formation, or they have never been here and are in other places in the secret realm.

Of course, the great elder didn't think that the formation would be broken.

There are two guys, one is an immortal who has understood a strange field, and the other has no strength.

No matter how capable these two people are, how can they compare with their Tianhai Sect?

The Tianhai Sect has spent so much time on the formation that it cannot break, how can you do it?

So the great elder just arrived at the central area with the attitude of giving it a try, and then he was confused.

"How is it possible? What about the formation here?"

He was so shocked that he couldn't feel any fluctuations in the formation!

After thinking for a while, the great elder looked at the few casual cultivators who were following secretly not far away.

Then he looked at a disciple of Tianhai Sect, and immediately the disciple rushed over and caught a few casual cultivators.

In their frightened screams, they were thrown into the area where the formation was originally located.

People are still there and have not disappeared out of thin air.

This proves that the formation is really gone!

"Good guys, you two are really capable. You can actually break through this weird formation!"

The great elder was amazed in his heart, awesome!

Then came the excitement.

In the opinion of their Tianhai Sect, the most difficult formation has been solved, and maybe they can enter the central area to see what's inside!

Immediately, he rushed into it with many Tianhaizong disciples.

Along the way, they saw the corpses and traces of many ferocious beasts, which proved that the two guys they were chasing had really entered the central area by their own means!

How is this possible?

Soon, a group of experts from the Tianhai Sect arrived at a small hill. Standing on the top of the hill, they saw the magnificent black Tianhe City!

and Jiang Xiaobai, who was sitting cross-legged and practicing.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes and looked behind him calmly.

I couldn't help but be a little curious. Judging from his clothes, he was from the Tianhai Sect.

How did they catch up?

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