Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1149 Asking for information

Fu Yong placed the bamboo basket behind a tree. There was a small flat area surrounded by several trees, which was more suitable for them to put their things.

Fu Yong asked Guan Er to take two people to the front to have a look, "See if there is Changting and anyone?"

Guan Er agreed, and climbed up the mountain with two good friends. They climbed over halfway up the mountain and looked down. After a while, he ran back excitedly and said: "Brother Fu, I didn't see it." Pavilion, but I saw a teahouse with many people drinking tea and eating there."

After saying this, everyone's stomach growled. One of them sniffed and said, "No wonder I always feel like I smell the aroma of wheat. They must be making steamed buns."

Fu Yong thought for a while and called Dong Shu, the oldest and most stable among them, "Brother Dong, take Fu Hong and Guan Er to inquire about the news. I will take them to wait here."

When Dong Shu heard this, he became a little nervous and quickly shook his head and said, "I can't. I'll stay here and watch them. You can take Fu Hong and Guan Er with you."

Fu Yong lowered his eyes and thought for a while. He did have a lot of things he wanted to ask about, so he stood up and said, "Okay, I'll go, and two more people will go up the mountain and watch us. If something happens, I will find a way to give you a sign, and you will leave immediately and go back directly." In the mountains.”

When the young people heard the commotion, they asked, "Aren't you going to buy the farm tools?"

Fu Yong: "If we receive a signal, it means we can't buy farm tools and will die. It's important to save our lives at this time."

Before leaving the mountain, the old people repeatedly told them to listen to Fu Yong after coming out, so the young people looked at each other and nodded in agreement even though they were unwilling to do so.

Fu Yong led four people over the mountain, leaving two on the mountainside and took Fu Hong and Guan Er down.

When we got down to the foot of the mountain, we saw a pavilion obscured by trees.

The pavilion was a bit old, and there was no one inside. However, there were many people sitting in the tea house set up on the grass across the road. There were also ox carts and mule carts parked on the roadside.

Fu Yong had just left his money bag in the team and only brought a bunch of copper coins with him.

He led the two of them into the teahouse, glanced at it, then walked to a table, clasped his fists and asked, "Brother, can we share a seat?"

There were two people sitting at this table, and they looked like they were together. They had wide sleeves and wore cloth shoes on a hot day. They looked like they were well-off people.

The seated guest officer looked up at Fu Yong and saw that he was wearing a narrow-sleeved shirt with patches on his elbows and straw sandals on his feet. However, he had a gentle temperament and was not like an ordinary farmer.

In this era, even relatives of the emperor may become beggars, so the guests did not look down on Fu Yong. Seeing that he was polite, they nodded in agreement.

Fu Yong glanced at Fu Hong and Guan Er and sat down on a bench.

Fu Hong and Guan Er looked at the two guests and followed their example, sitting on a bench. Five people sat at a full table.

Fu Yong ordered three steamed buns, three cakes and three bowls of tea and was waiting to eat.

When the tea was served, Fu Yong smiled and asked the two of them, "Brother, are you going into the city or just leaving the city?"

"At this hour, of course we have to enter the city."

Fu Yong raised his head and glanced at the sun, and said with a smile: "I was so busy that I didn't realize it was late."

The two guests agreed and asked him in turn, "Are you cutting wheat?"

Fu Yong responded vaguely. They did not grow spring wheat in the mountains, but only winter wheat. The wheat was harvested as early as April. After harvesting the wheat, they started planting rice seedlings.

This area is in the Fenshui area. It is said that winter wheat is also planted. The wheat is harvested at this time. It seems that there was an accident last year, so spring wheat was planted at the beginning of spring.

I don’t know if this accident was a natural disaster or a man-made disaster.

Fu Yong: "I think you two are scholars. Is this trip for study?"

The two looked at each other and smiled and said: "We have obtained the documents for the state examination and are going to Luoyang to take the talent recruitment examination."

Fu Yong's eyes widened when he heard this, and his heart beat violently. He knew that the Talent Recruitment Examination was an exam held by Yuzhou to select talents. At that time, the announcement of the list was very sensational. For this reason, some people in the court said that Zhao Hanzhang wanted to recruit talents from all over the world to rebel.

The recruitment examination was in Luoyang. Did Zhao Hanzhang occupy Luoyang, or did the Huns borrow her method?

But he couldn't ask directly, so he could only feel itchy. Just when he was about to ask insinuatingly, the waiter brought their steamed buns and cakes. With this interruption, the two guests turned around and talked on their own.

Fu Yong could only suppress his excitement and wait for the opportunity to ask again, but...

"Hey, I heard that there are a lot of people going to Luoyang to take the exam this year. We don't know if we can pass the exam. It is said that the new exam system has just been promulgated, so there shouldn't be so many people."

"General Zhao set up two mailboxes at the entrance of the imperial city, one is a slanderous wood and the other is a lung stone. The slanderous wood is for listening to the world's advice. Everyone in the world can discuss the government affairs. The hermits who live in seclusion in the mountains can only have opinions on the government affairs. , can throw a slanderous wooden box into the wooden box. How many hermits do you think we can attract by opening up the way of speech so widely?"

When my partner heard this, he couldn't help but sigh, "I should be happy that the country is prosperous, but when I think about so many talented people rushing to come out at this time, my future is slim, and I can't be happy again. I heard that this time there will be Jiangnan. The Northern Returned Gentlemen will participate, and the background of those big aristocratic families is not comparable to ours."

The other person was not discouraged and said with a smile: "If you can't be a county magistrate, how can you not even be a county magistrate?"

"Now that the world has decided, there is a shortage of people everywhere. Since we can pass the state examination, I don't believe that General Zhao will not use us," he said with high spirits: "We should thank General Zhao. Without her recruitment examination, you It’s really hard for me to be an official with my status.”

Fu Yong suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked with bright eyes: "I see that the two brothers are elegant and elegant. They should be scholars. How can they have such emotion?"

The man smiled and waved his hand and said: "I am a scholar, but my family only has a few acres of thin farmland. I am lucky enough to survive in this troubled world. If I wait for a family like this, if it is a fixed-price banquet, we will not be able to enter the fixed-order banquet." .”

What he didn't say was that his grandfather was a widower in the county government. He accumulated some money and was lucky enough to buy a few books. His father later went into business and was inexplicably recruited into the army, and even joined the Zhao Family Army. Become a team leader.

With such a family background, let alone him, he may not be able to enter the banquet for three generations.

But now, these are not important. As long as they have knowledge and ability, they can take the talent recruitment exam. If they fail the national exam, they can pass the state exam. If they fail the state exam, they can pass the county exam. They can always get ahead.

In addition to the literary test, they can also take the martial arts test.

However, I heard that the martial arts exam is also very difficult. It not only tests martial arts, riding and archery, but also the art of war and arithmetic. I even heard that there will also be a few questions on medical skills on the paper, which is not at all easier than the literary exam.

"Besides, the literary and martial arts tests for talent recruitment are staggered. I will take the literary test first. If I fail, I will take the martial arts test."

His good friend laughed and asked, "What if I fail the martial arts exam?"

"Then I will take the Taixue exam. The Taixue exam will be in the first month of next year. What I am best at in this state exam is arithmetic. After entering Taixue, I will find a way to become a disciple of Fu Shangshu. If I can be his apprentice, it will be great. Can you rise to the top?"

His good friend couldn't help but said: "You are a treacherous person, but I want to wish you all your wishes come true. When he becomes successful, don't forget me."

"No, no, I will never forget it."

Fu Yong quickly asked: "May I ask who Master Fu is? Could it be Fu Zhi from the North? Isn't he Zhongshu?"

"Brother, how long has it been since you went to the city to read the notice? Fu Shangshu is naturally Fu Changrong, and Fu Zhongshu is his grandfather, but he died not long ago. General Zhao and Fu Shangshu went to Yongzhou in person to help Ling return to the capital."

Good night

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