Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 125 Is your uncle okay?

Zhao Hanzhang asked them concernedly about the losses of each family.

The heads of each family looked sad and talked about their tragic experiences from last night to today.

Property was robbed and many people were killed.

Zhao Hanzhang shed two tears as he listened. He was really sad. After all, so many people had died.

Someone hinted: "I heard that Sanniang took back a lot of gold and silver jewelry from the rebels..."

Zhao Hanzhang sighed and said: "They took a lot with them when they fled. They went mainly to rescue people, but they captured about a hundred people and came back, which was barely of any use."

"I heard that Sanniang just returned to the city and let all the women she rescued go?"

Zhao Hanzhang: "Although the county has just gone through the war and it looks messy, my family's tribe is spread out in all the lanes, and there is no doubt about their safety, so I let them go home separately. Why does the Song family leader think it's inappropriate?"

"I'm just worried that they will be robbed again on the road, and I thought it would be better if Sanniang sent someone to send them home."

Zhao Hanzhang said nonchalantly: "I can't guarantee it outside the city. If anyone dares to reach out inside the city, I will cut off his hand. I don't mind killing a few people to scare the monkeys."

The heads of each family laughed sarcastically and praised Zhao Hanzhang for his good governance.

Zhao Hanzhang said: "Magistrate Fan's family died in the city, leaving only an orphan girl. The city is in chaos now. I hope that each family can restrain their own clansmen. It would be better if they can help the common people in the city."

Each family hurriedly said: "We will do our best to help each other."

Zhao Hanzhang expressed that he was very satisfied, took out a few blank booklets and said: "There is one more thing I want to ask all the family heads."

She said: "This time in the Battle of Xiping, every family suffered heavy losses, but it will not be long before the day of food delivery, so every family is asked to report the list of casualties so that when the next county magistrate arrives, there will be no confusion. "

Each family took the blank book blankly, but this book was done by the county magistrate. The new county magistrate hadn't arrived yet, so why should they do it? Maybe they could survive this year's autumn tax.

But meeting Zhao Hanzhang's gaze, no one refuted for a moment and silently accepted the booklet.

Zhao Hanzhang said: "Gaoyang also lit up the smoke. Now that the Huns are moving south, there is no guarantee when another group of rebels will come. So I plan to recruit civilians to build the city gate so that we can resist it if someone comes again."

When everyone heard this, they immediately asked: "Why did the Huns come to Xiping?"

Zhao Hanzhang sighed: "They withdrew from Luoyang and went south."

"Where is the imperial army? What is King Donghai doing?"

Zhao Hanzhang thought, are they busy fighting among themselves?

But no matter what they were busy with, Zhao Hanzhang said: "It is better to save ourselves than to wait for reinforcements who don't know where they are."

No one objected.

Zhao Hanzhang said: "Okay, everyone should go back and prepare. After counting the casualties, we should also choose those who will support the city construction. I hope everyone can do their part for Xiping."

Everyone stood up and agreed, but when they were about to leave, someone still couldn't help but ask: "Sanniang, are your uncle and son Nian still in good health?"

Zhao Hanzhang raised her eyelids and looked at them, which made them tremble with fear. After a while, she said slowly: "Don't worry, he is still alive, and his body... is still healthy."

Everyone laughed and said awkwardly: "As long as you are healthy, you will be healthy."

Everyone retreated.

Zhao Ju saw them leaving and couldn't help but ask: "Sanniang, they are clearly suspecting that you killed the husband of the fifth house, why don't you explain clearly?"

"Do they believe me after I explain it?" Zhao Hanzhang said: "When uncle comes to Xiping County for a visit when he has time, his doubts will disappear. Now, it is not a bad thing to have such doubts."

If you are afraid, things will go more smoothly.

Zhao Hanzhang said: "Let people clean up the corpses in the city. Let them take away the corpses that are claimed. Let them take the corpses that are not claimed by digging a hole outside the city and burning them."

Zhao Ju said, "Burn it? Isn't that bad? Why don't we dig a bigger hole and bury it?"

Zhao Hanzhang thought for a while and nodded, "Okay, if one is not enough, dig out a few more. All the corpses on the road outside the city will be collected. We can't expose the corpses to the wilderness."


Fu Tinghan brought a thick book over and said, "There are only some things left in the county government's warehouse that are difficult to move. These are the original account books."

Zhao Hanzhang took it and turned it over roughly, "Where is the household room?"

"I have people seal it up so no one can get in or out for the time being."

Zhao Hanzhang glanced at him approvingly and said, "Well done, we will clean up the household after the situation is more stable."

The things inside are the foundation of a county. Household registration, taxes, land properties, etc. are all recorded in it.

Fu Tinghan asked, "Are you planning to take over Xiping County?"

Zhao Hanzhang said: "I have this plan, but I can't do it alone. I need the support of Zhao's Wubao."

Without Zhao's support, even if she controls Xiping County now, it will be difficult to manage it in the future.

Fu Tinghan said: "Zhao Ming seems to have some misunderstandings about you."

Zhao Hanzhang didn't care, "He is starting from the perspective of the clan. As long as this matter is beneficial to the Zhao family, do you think he will refuse?"

Fu Tinghan thought for a while and nodded, "He won't."

"I also need your help to calculate the cost of building the gate of Xiping County. I will ask someone to find the chief registrar and county magistrate of Xiping County. You can count the current population and land in the county. I will use it later."

Fu Tinghan was curious: "Then what do you do?"

"I'm going to appease people's hearts," Zhao Hanzhang said: "Many people escaped from the city today, and there are still some who are fleeing. Since I have plans to take over Xiping County, I can't let them all escape, otherwise I will become a bare county. Order?"

Fu Tinghan thought about it, took the booklet and went down to calculate and count.

Ji Ping ran back quickly and said, "Sanniang, we found out. The chief clerk and Magistrate Fan died in the battle together. The magistrate and his family ran away. We don't know where they are now."

When Zhao Hanzhang heard this, he waved his hand and said, "Then there's no need to look for him. Is there anyone else in the principal's family?"

"Yes, his wife and children are still here. The eldest son is fifteen years old this year. I heard that he was going to work as an official in the county government."

"That means literacy and numeracy. Settling his family well and recruiting him into the county." Zhao Hanzhang said: "Now we are short of literate people. You can post a notice on the bulletin wall of the county government office to recruit those who are qualified." A man of knowledge.”

"Yes." Ji Ping responded and stepped back.

Zhao Ju on the side reminded again: "Sanniang is short of people, why don't you go back to Wubao to ask for someone?"

Zhao Hanzhang said: "Don't rush now. Once we have arranged the manpower, we will fill the remaining positions with the clan members. By the way, remember to leave a good position for Mr. Ji."

After walking out of the county government office, Zhao Hanzhang mounted his horse and was about to appease the people. He thought of something and turned around and asked, "Did we send someone back to tell the clan the battle report?"

"The person who sent the Fan family girl back should be able to say that, right?"

Zhao Hanzhang thought about it, put the matter behind him, and waved his hand: "Let's go around the county and see what the casualties are."

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