Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1337 Old Garden

It is said that once you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea, but in Zhao Hanzhang's palace, this matter does not exist.

Not to mention that she would run away every once in a while, let's talk about Fu Tinghan, because he is now mainly responsible for the affairs of the Gewu Division. Not only does he go to the Gewu Division every now and then, but he also sometimes lives there, often for more than ten days at a time. Something.

The palace is not his bondage, and it certainly does not belong to the Wang family.

As the Queen Mother, she was not restricted to the palace. She could leave the palace whenever she wanted, and she could even live in the Zhao residence if she wanted.

Zhao Hanzhang assigned her personal guards and palace attendants. Whether she was in the palace or outside the palace, she only needed to take them with her.

Nowadays, the people in Luoyang City are used to seeing the emperor's family on the street from time to time.

All the officials admired Zeng Yue. In the past two years, not a single assassination had occurred, but Commander Zeng became more and more silent as he watched. All the officials admired and sympathized with him.

Wang Huifeng was in charge of the Empress Dowager's Plum Appreciation Banquet. She not only sent posts to the family members of fourth-rank and above officials in the capital, but also to the aristocratic families who stayed in the capital and the wealthy families in several nearby counties. Finally, she chose It is held on a day when everyone has a rest.

After learning about it, Chen Siniang suggested that she select some outstanding students from several universities under the Imperial Academy to go there, firstly to let them help take care of the banquet, and secondly to train them as a reward for their excellent performance.

Wang Huifeng knew that this move was aimed at students from poor families or children of noble families who did not have officials above the fourth rank in their families.

She thought for a moment and agreed.

Therefore, the plum blossom appreciation banquet on the tenth day was very large and grand, and the Queen Mother also went there early in the morning.

The plum garden was surrounded, and the imperial guards cut off the roads. Only those holding invitations could enter, but this still could not stop the vendors' enthusiasm for making money.

They set up stalls on the roadside following the lines pulled by the Imperial Guards. They were staring at the passing carriages with sharp eyes, and occasionally got together to comment on each carriage and driver.

Of course, their target of solicitation is not the distinguished guests in the car, but the accompanying coachmen, maids, servants, guards, etc.

Everyone has to eat, and servants are humans too, right?

A distinguished customer will bring many servants. In the eyes of vendors, the purchasing power of these servants is not small. If the flow of people is large, won’t the demand increase?

Wang Huifeng did not stop the vendors from setting up stalls on both sides of the road. This was a suburb, the roads were very wide, and there were large open spaces on both sides of the roads.

People's lives are difficult, especially after winter. Because of the cold, few people go out to go shopping and eat, so business dwindles as soon as winter comes.

Various banquets will promote consumption, but the emperor advocates frugality. She herself does not like banquets, let alone holding banquets.

She usually leaves this kind of thing to the Queen Mother and Princess Hongnong, and uses them to release the string, allowing the wealthy people in the capital to pursue trends and spend money, but she also pulls the string in her hand from time to time to prevent the kite from getting out of her control. , put an end to extravagance and excessive waste.

The Queen Mother does not understand these principles, and even Princess Hongnong has only a partial understanding of them. However, the former Crown Princess Wang Huifeng, who was trained as the mother of the country, knows this kind of thing best.

The back house is very important. It is opposite to the front hall. There is a blurred line between the two. The male is in charge of the front hall and the female is in charge of the back house. They divide the world into two.

The harems in the world are led by the harem, and the women in the world are headed by the queen. They have always been led vaguely.

Therefore, the queen is the mother of the country.

But the emperor of the new dynasty is a woman, and there are also women in the officials in the court. The line between the front hall and the back house has gradually disappeared. The couple no longer has one person standing in front and the other guarding the rear, but they have to go hand in hand, advance and retreat together, then As the leader of the harem, the harem must also change.

This change is not only due to the Queen Mother who was pushed to the front, but also Zhao Hanzhang, the emperor, and Fu Tinghan, the emperor's husband, must also participate. Otherwise, the world will be uneasy.

In addition to them, there is also Princess Hongnong's Mansion. Although she lives outside the palace, she is Fu Tinghan's mother and a relative of the emperor.

Wang Huifeng stands in the middle of the four parties, guiding them to do the right things at the right time and balancing their relationships.

The goal was set by Zhao Hanzhang, and as a courtier, she only obeyed Zhao Hanzhang.

Zhao Hanzhang lamented that the economy was declining in winter and people's livelihood was difficult, so she organized a palace banquet;

Zhao Hanzhang lamented that it was snowing and cold, and the children were afraid of frostbite, so she donated cloth, charcoal, and coal to Yushantang as charity in the name of the royal family...

She did not become a queen in the previous dynasty, and had no place to put her skills to use. Unexpectedly, when Zhao Hanzhang became the emperor, she, the deposed crown princess of the previous dynasty, would put all her skills to use.

Wang Huifeng was standing in front of the plum garden in official uniform. When he saw a carriage stopping in front of him, he stepped forward with a smile on his face, bowed and said, "Princess Langya."

Mother Yu quickly moved to avoid it, knelt down and said, "I don't dare to accept it, Mr. Wang."

Yu Meng's mother was in poor health. According to the historical process, she died of illness two years ago. However, after she and her husband moved back to the capital, she survived a serious illness.

The aristocratic families of this era would alienate the previous royal family and spurn Wang Dun who rebelled midway. However, Wang Huifeng, who changed the family leader midway, would respect and admire Wang Huifeng.

Even Ji Yuan and Zhao Ming, when facing her, had to give half a step before saluting, and then returned the full salute.

Zhao Hanzhang took it seriously, but never stopped him. Instead, he persuaded Wang Huifeng to accept it.

She is not afraid of Wang Huifeng becoming powerful. If one day she uses the power in her hands to do something she shouldn't do, her prestige will naturally disappear, and she also has the ability to reduce her privileges.

Now, the world respects her and loves her because they are moved by her loyalty and justice. If you respect good moral character, you will learn good moral character. Isn’t this an excellent moral trend?

So far, Wang Huifeng has failed her and the world.

Wang Huifeng picked up the three princesses and their wives and personally led them to the depths of the plum garden.

The three of them saw the collapsed and broken wall. Because of the winter, the vines on it had fallen and withered, and only the dead vines were wrapped around it, revealing the blue-black bricks and stones below. They couldn't help but pause.

Mrs. Wang, an aunt of Wang Huifeng, said: "I remember that this area used to be surrounded by walls, but now most of it has collapsed. Why not repair it?"

Wang Huifeng said: "This was destroyed when Wang Mi and Liu Cong entered Luoyang. The entire plum garden was looted and burned down."

This is Liu Cong's fault.

After he led his troops into Luoyang, he looted and set fire everywhere.

Wang Mi didn't care about human life, and he also launched troops to loot, but he was unwilling to destroy the buildings. He also persuaded Liu Cong that Luoyang was an ancient capital and it was so difficult to build it, so it was better to keep it because they could use it if they occupied it in the future. .

Liu Cong did not listen to the advice. At that time, he was not sure whether he could hold Luoyang, so he was naturally unwilling to leave good things to future generations, so he burned several gardens in the suburbs of Beijing after looting them.

Wang Mi was so angry that he cursed.

Ironically, when Wang Mi later fled for his life, he also prevented fire from burning Luoyang City in order to gain more time.

I'm too tired today, so I only have one chapter. Please take a day off.

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