Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1362 Straightening out

The ministers of Chengguo looked at all this, and the last bit of arrogance and stubbornness in their hearts was shattered. Zhao Hanzhang knew things even they didn't know even in Luoyang. What else could Chengguo hide from her, and what could he use to fight against her? ?

Even if there is no proposal from King Cheng to cut down the feudal vassalage and retreat, Chengguo will one day be cut off and return to the rule of the imperial court.

This time, the ministers of Chengguo finally lowered their heads and obeyed Zhao Hanzhang from the heart.

The court meeting lasted until dawn. After Zhao Hanzhang had dealt with everyone, he finally asked someone to open the tent and let everyone out.

The outside of the big tent has been clean. Not only the blood stains, but also the holes on the ground have been filled up. There are only sporadic black scorched earth on the ground, which cannot be covered by the new soil. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell that this place briefly became a battlefield last night. , and many people died.

Everyone restrained their minds, did not dare to look any further, and retreated honestly.

Zhao Hanzhang left King Cheng to have breakfast together, and they would appear in front of people together later to appease the nearby Bashu subjects.

The turmoil last night was only limited to the inner periphery, and there were more than ten thousand subjects on the outer periphery. There was a lot of movement here. They must have been frightened last night, right?

To avoid false rumors, she and King Cheng should appear hand in hand in front of others.

Sure enough, when the subjects waiting on the outside saw King Cheng and the Emperor coming hand in hand, they felt relieved. They didn't know what happened last night, but as long as King Cheng and the Emperor were fine, it would be fine.

They like the emperor and they like to become a king.

When Zhao Hanzhang entered Chengguo, she made more than just arrangements. When she left Chengguo, in addition to taking away many of Chengguo's original ministers and generals, she also left behind a large army with Ji Ping as general to guard Yizhou.

King Cheng Li Xiong was appointed governor of Yizhou, and Li Xiang was appointed governor of Yizhou. She also made new arrangements for the officials at all levels below. Most of them were Li Xiong's original team, and only a few additional officials were transferred in from outside.

In the past, the state was a vassal state, with a prime minister, a censor, a Sima, and a lieutenant. Now, the vassal state has become a state, and several places have been assigned to Liangzhou. All official positions have changed. Naturally, the vassal state has become a state. The number of people has also changed.

Zhao Hanzhang streamlined it, screened it, and took away several old ministers of Chengguo.

They are all still usable, and she plans to take them back to Luoyang for transformation and use them elsewhere.

Nowadays, talents are needed everywhere in the world. If these people can emerge from troubled times and be able to govern, they cannot be incompetent.

As for virtue, let's look at it first. If it doesn't work, there are still laws that can be used as a basis to confiscate people.

Zhao Hanzhang cut through the mess quickly and managed the entire Chengguo in less than ten days. Li Xiong was beside her, watching her issue one decree after another. The Chengguo court, which was originally like a ball of tangled silk threads, was destroyed one by one by her. The silk was pulled out smoothly and turned into a soft silk thread.

Hanging in the palm of your hand, it is silky smooth.

The seemingly insignificant transfers and arrangements allowed them to cooperate with each other. They would no longer fight secretly for various reasons. There was someone supervising them nearby, so they couldn't do bad things together even if they wanted to.

Li Xiong was completely impressed. This time, it had nothing to do with his character, but was completely impressed by Zhao Hanzhang's ability.

At this moment, he finally understood Fan Changsheng.

He twice persuaded him to join Zhao Hanzhang, not only because of Zhao Hanzhang's character, but also because of her ability.

She has this ability, even if she doesn't have the moral character to conquer the world, no one in the world can be her opponent, not to mention she has the moral character to conquer the world.

How could the world not be in her hands?

Zhao Hanzhang spent the first Lantern Festival in Yizhou with the people of Bashu, and then returned to Luoyang the next day.

Chengdu has been very lively these days. The imperial palace, no, the orders of the Yizhou Governor's Office are announced one by one. The three items that concern them most are, first, Chengguo will be changed to Yizhou, and the Governor's Office will be in Yizhou. Common people with Yongye fields less than ten acres are divided into land;

Second, Yizhou is the Yizhou of the Chinese state, and all laws abide by the Chinese state. From now on, Yizhou students can take part in the talent recruitment examination in Yizhou, regardless of gender or nationality, and there is no need to go out of Yizhou to participate in other states' exams. Recruitment test.

Third, many officials have been transferred away, and some heard that the entire clan has been taken away. From now on, they will never wake up to two county magistrates fighting, each insisting that they are the county magistrate, or that they have officers and soldiers. Break into your home and say that your land is occupying the road and needs to be freed up...

Like the people outside the mountains, they will be allocated certain fertile fields for farming; their children can also attend school for three years for free like the children outside the mountains; they can also learn other skills...

They don't have to go through customs when they leave the mountain. Instead, like people in other states, they only need to get their household registration and road guide to leave. Like people in other states, they will not be subject to recruitment examinations just because they are vassal states...

Whether they were ordinary people or literati, they were all excited.

Chengguo is just a region of Bashu. To serve as an official in Chengdu, the highest level is to become prime minister, which is equivalent to the history of a state. How can it compare with the vast world outside the mountains?

But Chengguo is a vassal state, and the court has no direct jurisdiction over it. The laws here are independent, the official system is independent, and so is education.

If talents from Shu want to enter the imperial court, they must either be very famous and go directly to Luoyang to seek officials, or they must try their best to take the talent recruitment examination in other states outside.

And now, their path to recruitment has been opened up.

On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, the people of Chengdu enthusiastically bid farewell to Zhao Hanzhang. When she walked out of Chengdu, hundreds of people followed her.

Zeng Yue sent someone to ask. After a while, the guard came back and said: "Your Majesty, they are students from Yizhou and some businessmen. They want to follow your Majesty to Luoyang to study and... do business."

The guard asked: "Do you want to be expelled?"

Zhao Hanzhang waved his hand and said: "Let them follow, you take care of them."

The guard responded.

Zeng Yue was not afraid of them following, but he was worried that they would have internal conflicts and it would be bad if they disturbed Zhao Hanzhang. He simply sent someone to organize and take over them, so that he could return to Luoyang safely all the way.

Zhao Hanzhang ordered Zuo Min to guard Hanzhong County and serve as the general of the Liangzhou garrison. At this point, the area from Hanzhong to the southwest also completely belonged to the Chinese state, and the territory of Dahua was roughly determined.

After leaving Bashu, Zhao Hanzhang hurried back.

Luoyang only learned that their emperor had fled to Chengguo when Zhao Hanzhang appeared in Bashu. Although all the officials complained in their hearts, they showed little on the surface. The entire court was proceeding step by step.

Ji Yuan, Ming Yu and Zhao Ming were the three leaders who controlled the court. Fu Tinghan would appear at the small court meeting with the princess in hand every day.

Zhao Mingming just opened her big eyes and listened to her uncles and uncles saying some words that she didn't quite understand, but it didn't matter. My father said that she was a needle, the needle that fixed the sea when my mother was not around. As long as she sat here, she could Stabilize the court.

Having said that, Zhao Mingming still tried to understand the things they discussed. My father said that these things are done by my mother now and she will do them in the future.

If she learned this earlier, it would be faster to handle in the future, wouldn't it save a lot of time?

She was very busy. She was supposed to have fun during the Chinese New Year, but because her mother-in-law was away, she had to spend more than an hour every day meeting with the ministers, which directly cut into her entertainment time.

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