Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1392 Extra Zhao Changyu (6)

Lady Wang became thoughtful after hearing this, so she sent Zhao Zhi to pick him up.

Although Mrs. Wang's plan was not engraved on her face, Zhao Changyu and Zhao Zhi were both smart people. As soon as she opened her mouth, the father and son knew her plan.

Zhao Changyu asked Zhao Zhi privately, "What do you think of your cousin Lihua?"

Zhao Zhi: "...Father, our family is already like this, why bother to implicate good people?"

Good people can't be implicated, and he doesn't care about implicating bad people. Zhao Zhi wants to be single even more.

Zhao Changyu thought seriously and shook his head after a moment, "No, I can only send you away after you get married."

Before a child gets married, he and his parents are one, and those who stare at him will also stare hard at Zhao Zhi.

But things are different after a child gets married. He has his own family and is considered an adult. He can have his own political opinions, choose to live in seclusion, or choose political opinions that are opposite to his own. This gives him more room for maneuver.

So Zhao Zhi still had to start a family.

Zhao Zhi is smart and transparent, and he knows in his heart that this is the best way.

He went to pick up his cousins.

Although the girls of the Wang family received the same education and read similar books, their talents and conduct are very different.

Wang Lihua turned out to be the most outstanding of those who came. Although she would not hide her face, in Zhao Zhi's view, it was integrity and innocence, revealing a pure loveliness.

The best thing is that she is not ignorant of the plot, she is aware of it, but she just can't bear it a little bit.

The whole figure is like a glowing golden crow, warm but noisy.

Even though there was a sharp sword hanging on her head, Zhao Zhi couldn't help but laugh when he saw her bickering with those from the Wang family.

Seeing his son becoming more and more cheerful, not to mention Madam Wang, even Zhao Changyu knew what he was thinking.

So Zhao Changyu proposed marriage to the Wang family in Taiyuan.

When Zhao Zhi knew that the letter had been delivered to Taiyuan, his expression changed and he ran to find his father, panting and saying: "Father, I don't want to marry my cousin."

Zhao Changyu said: "When you get married, you will go back to Xiping, study, and take care of your family business. After you get married, you will be an adult. You should have your own political opinions and your own reputation. If I don't write to you, you don't want to go back to Luoyang." .”

Zhao Zhi was startled. His father was trying to separate father and son.

He pursed his lips, his eyes slightly moist, "No, how can I abandon my father and ignore him?"

Zhao Changyu: "I hate Wang Yan and his like because he can do something but doesn't do it; I also don't approve of your Uncle Fu, because he does it knowing that he can't do it, regardless of damage or sacrifice."

"I hope you won't be a hypocritical gentleman like Wang Yan, but also don't be as upright as your Uncle Fu," he sighed: "Both you and I know that this is the best way to protect you, the Zhao family and the Zhao family. . You die with me, but you only give the world one more source of sorrow to talk about, and let history praise you. In fact, there are no benefits at all. I don’t like this."

Zhao Changyu prefers something more practical.

He hopes his son can learn this from him.

The young Zhao Zhi was obviously unwilling.

Zhao Changyu was also prepared. He said, "If you don't marry Lihua, do you know who she will be betrothed to when she returns to Taiyuan?"

Zhao Zhi frowned.

Zhao Changyu said: "After the death of the late emperor, the Huns in the north were ready to take action, and Taiyuan was the first to bear the brunt. In order to attract troops, the Wang family of Taiyuan is planning to marry the King of Taiyuan and the King of Donghai."

Zhao Zhi's face changed slightly.

The King of Taiyuan and the King of Donghai are both old, and both have princesses. The Wang family is still very aloof, so naturally they will not take a fancy to two and a half old men, but their children and grandchildren, as well as their generals, counselors, etc., are all fine The chosen one.

But no matter who it is, it is a troubled time, and they marry at this time. The King of Taiyuan and the King of Donghai may be fine, but who knows how many people under his command will die during the political struggle?

When Wang Lihua married those people, she was half-stepping into the widowhood.

Zhao Zhi's chest rose and fell.

"Do you want to mention this marriage?" Zhao Changyu said leisurely: "Although marrying you will risk the collapse of the whole family, you will return to your hometown after getting married. Even if Empress Jia wants to deal with us like she dealt with the Wei family, you will have some breathing space. Opportunity to react. In Xiping, you have fields, land, houses and people, and your life will not be bad. What are you afraid of?"

Zhao Zhi was convinced by his father.

Wang Lihua has no right to say anything about her marriage, but she is very satisfied with it.

"Instead of marrying someone you don't know, it's better to marry your cousin. My cousin is good-looking and smart. His family has a lot of assets and his character is good. He will definitely live a comfortable life in the future."

Qinggu added: "The most important thing is that my young master has his heart set on a girl."

Wang Lihua's face turned red and she pushed Qing Gu, "What are you talking about?"

Qinggu couldn't help but laugh out loud, "I'm not talking nonsense. After two months in the capital, my cousin only looks for girls to play with. Girls who send things into the backyard have girls that others have, and girls that others don't have. Girls are afraid of girls. After being bullied by other girls, I specifically told my servants to take more care of our yard. Isn’t this intentional?”

The most wonderful thing in the world is just getting married to a matchmaker after two people are happy with each other.

Zhao Zhi and Wang Lihua had a very sweet period, and later Wang Lihua became pregnant. Unfortunately, Lady Wang died of a serious illness not long after.

After her son got married, she seemed to have let go of one of her worries, but there were still many things that she couldn't let go of. But with her destiny at this point, she could only leave with infinite regret.

Zhao Changyu was sad for a while, and then took advantage of his wife's death to submit a letter of resignation.

The emperor did not agree.

What can the stupid emperor know?

It was Empress Jia who disagreed, and neither did the courtiers.

The courtiers who had been avoiding Zhao's house couldn't help but come to the door this time. They grabbed Zhao Changyu and said, "When Duke Wei leaves, you will be the head of the court and the pillar of the country. If you resign, the Jin Dynasty will be in danger. Your Majesty." It’s dangerous.”

Now in the entire court, Zhao Changyu and Wang Yan were the only ones who could come out to confront Empress Jia and the eager princes of the Sima family.

But Wang Yan basically let it go, and once Zhao Changyu left, the country was really over.

Zhao Changyu also knew this in his heart, so although he complained in his heart that they were pursuing advantages and avoiding disadvantages, he really couldn't rest assured.

In his position and in planning his affairs, one day he is Zhongshu Ling, and the next day he has to perform the duties of Zhongshu Ling.

If the country falls apart because of his willful resignation, he himself will not be able to forgive himself.

Therefore, as soon as the courtiers persuaded him to stay, the idea of ​​​​escape that came up was suppressed. Zhao Changyu did not leave. He asked his son to return to his hometown and continued to stay in Luoyang, diligently repairing the tattered dynasty of the Jin Dynasty.

But Zhao Changyu's resignation made Empress Jia see his importance.

Why did she stay?

Because as soon as Zhao Changyu's resignation letter was submitted, King Zhao Sima Lun was ready to make a move and secretly contacted the prince.

Prince Sima Yu is different from his stupid father. He is a very smart and excellent heir.

Why did Emperor Wu of Jin insist on his stupid son succeeding to the throne? Sima Yu is an important reason.

He was personally raised by Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty since he was born, and he had a force in his hands. Jia Hou just took power, and he seized power by killing Yang Jun and Wei Guan, and deployed his own people in the court. At this time, he had not yet established a firm foothold. Woolen cloth.

Now in the court, she is a force, the prince is a force, the princes who were surrendered by the Sima family are a force, and the other force is Zhao Changyu.

Zhao Changyu protects both the prince and the emperor. If he resigns and leaves, it is likely that the courtiers protected by both sides will be completely biased towards the prince. If the princes who have resigned from the Sima family unite with the prince again, she will undoubtedly die.

They will not kill the emperor, but they can ignore him and then kill the queen...

Although Queen Jia was narrow-minded, she had a superior IQ. After noticing such signs, she immediately asked the emperor to retain Zhao Changyu.

But he was not happy at all, so one day he persuaded the emperor to ask Zhao Changyu, "You once said that I cannot take charge of state affairs, what do you say now?"

Zhao Changyu was unhurried, bent down and said respectfully: "I did say such a thing to the emperor in the past. Fortunately, it never came true. It is a blessing to the country. However, I dare not escape the blame. Please forgive me."

The emperor was honest and honest. When he saw Zhao Changyu apologizing and pleading guilty, he quickly said: "Not guilty, not guilty. I forgive you."

Empress Jia, who was listening behind the screen, said:...

Zhao Changyu burst into tears with gratitude, knelt down and said, "Your Majesty is generous, but I cannot forgive myself. When I go back, I will shut myself up and think about my mistakes. I will pray for your Majesty's vegetarian diet for three months to atone for my sins."

Zhao Changyu left the palace with a moved expression, and did not put away the expression on his face until he entered his carriage.

He felt very complicated.

The emperor was a kind-hearted man, but he was a fool.

Zhao Changyu felt a little regretful. After his proposal to abolish the crown prince failed, he should have proposed to kill the crown prince and replace her with a virtuous crown princess. How could he give up?

But thinking about the ambitious Sima princes now, he was a little uncertain. If it weren't for Empress Jia, she might not be able to suppress those princes. If he wanted to stabilize the country, he might have to propose to the late emperor to bring his other sons and cousins ​​together with him. All his descendants must be killed.

Even if you think about it with your toes, it's impossible.

Before his death, Emperor Pianxian made another foolish move and divided his sons among his own, thus creating the current chaotic situation.

Zhao Changyu sighed and leaned his forehead on one side.

In just two short years, his hair turned gray. He put in more effort in these two years than in the past twenty years.

Zhao Changyu went back to eat vegetarian food.

It is impossible to be completely vegetarian, so he is not a person who wrongs himself.

He only followed protocol.

When his mother passed away, he observed filial piety at home and only followed etiquette. He cried when he should cry and offered sacrifices when he should. He also felt sad and missed her, but he still ate when he should.

At this time, he promised the emperor to become a vegetarian to pray for blessings, but the current vegetarian diet means that there is no trace of meat or fish.

Then I won’t see you.

The vegetables are boiled in water, and the soup is made from stewed chicken.

Eggs are not meaty, so he eats poached eggs, boiled eggs, fried eggs, duck eggs, bird eggs, and all kinds of eggs.

His hair was already gray, and he could no longer wrong himself.

It's only been three months, and it's gone patiently.

Therefore, Zhao Changyu, who had been a vegetarian for three months, not only did not lose weight, but also gained a little weight, which made Fu Zhi, Zhang Hua and others look at him frequently.

Zhao Changyu regarded them as if they were nothing and ignored them.

Empress Jia couldn't help grinding her teeth and found out that Zhao Zhongyu was at odds with his brother, so she asked the emperor to transfer Zhao Zhongyu back from outside.

Even if she wanted to use his ability to maintain the emperor's authority, she would still want him to live an uncomfortable life.

Moreover, Zhao Zhi returned to his hometown as a filial piety, so she couldn't recruit him as an official and couldn't control him, but there must be Zhao Changyu's weakness here in Luoyang, right?

When Zhao Zhongyu comes back, we will know whether he is a knife to stab Zhao Changyu or a weakness in Zhao Changyu's chest.

No matter which one it is, Empress Jia will use it.

Zhao Changyu sighed when he heard the order, knowing that this matter was inevitable.

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