Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 172 To Prevent the Future

Zhao Hanzhang used gold, silver and colored glaze to buy a large amount of grain at a price that was 10% higher than the market price. Magistrate Chai County was stunned when he heard the news, "What did she buy so much grain for? No, she... brought troops Now that the horses are here, why are we still buying grain at a high price? Shouldn’t the price be lowered?”

Chang Ning: "I'm afraid no one is willing to sell grain at this 10% higher price, right?"

Yes, it was already winter. Yingchuan on the south side of Runan was hit by the disaster. In addition, the Xiongnu army was attacking Luoyang and Yuzhou, and the price of food outside had gone crazy.

Although the food prices in Runan County are relatively stable now, that is because the autumn harvest has just ended. If we wait for a while, the food prices in Runan will definitely soar due to external influences.

No matter what happens, if they set up a caravan to transport food out, they can still make a lot of money. That is not just a 10% or 20% increase, but a double or triple increase.

However, Zhao Hanzhang claimed that three thousand soldiers and horses were outside the city, and no one dared not sell them.

Fortunately, she still has some conscience, and the grain she wants to buy will be shared equally among several families. Although it will still cause them pain, it will not empty their grain storehouse. They can seize the opportunity to make a fortune in the future.

So they gritted their teeth and sold it.

Regarding Zhao Hanzhang's seemingly generous offer of a price that was 10% higher than the market price, the gentry and wealthy businessmen wondered, do they think they were surprised?

Especially the grain merchants in Shangcai County. They are now controlling the amount of grain they sell every day, just to save more grain for the future. They are not at all surprised by the price that is 10% higher than the market price.

But what people in business fear most are gangsters like Zhao Hanzhang. If they don't reason, they can only admit that they are unlucky.

After Zhao Hanzhang paid to take away the grain, they immediately went to the county government office to complain to Magistrate Chai.

It's okay to have such a day come once or twice, but it can't last forever, otherwise they won't be able to survive it?

Magistrate Chai wanted to hide away, but he couldn't. He was blocked in the county office, so he could only sit down and listen to their complaints.

"When it comes to having the most land, who in Shangcai County can compare with her Zhao Sanniang? In the end, she even forced her to buy our food. County Lord, you are a parent official, so you can't ignore this matter."

"Yes, the Zhao family already dominates the sky in Xiping. Do they want to be Cai's master? That's too domineering!"

"Yeah, it's so overbearing!"

Magistrate Chai leaned his forehead on the low table and sighed: "I have no choice. The deal has been completed. How can I ask her to judge something that you and I agree on?"

Everyone got excited and said, "Why is it something you and I agree on? County Lord, she has three thousand troops outside the city. Do we dare to say we won't sell her?"

Magistrate Chai County: "Ke'er didn't come to me before the business was completed, and she didn't buy it at a low price. She even paid a higher price than the market price."

Magistrate Chai was confused when talking about this, and asked doubtfully: "If she lowered the price of grain, it can be said that she bought it by force, but she paid a price higher than the market price. You all have to sell grain anyway, who do you want to sell it to?" Not for sale?"

He asked: "Why don't you want to sell it to her?"

Everyone was silent.

Chang Ning raised his eyelids and glanced at them. After they were choked by Magistrate Chai, he explained to Magistrate Chai, "They are hoarding."

Although Magistrate Chai County is not very smart, he has good understanding. He understood it as soon as he heard it, and his face turned red with anger. "At this time, I still want to hoard. It is already difficult enough to go to Cai County this year. They will be so high-spirited." With the price of food, how many people will be left in my county by next year?”

After saying that, she became worried again, "Zhao Sanniang bought so much grain from Shangcai at once, won't the price of our grain in Shangcai rise higher and faster in the future?"

Chang Ning said: "The county king can think of a way to prevent them from controlling food prices."

"any solution?"

Chang Ning said: "Why don't we take advantage of Zhao Hanzhang's trend and take the opportunity to purchase some grain with them to fill the grain storehouse, as well as this autumn tax? In fact, we can only hand over part of it and find some reason to withhold the other part until after winter." It will be released during the lean season in February and March next year, which can stabilize prices."

Chang Ning said bewilderedly: "In this way, not only will the people benefit and not be harmed by high food prices, but the county prince can also take the opportunity to make a fortune, and the county government can also save a sum of money. Repeat this operation next year, which will stabilize prices and make money." In this way, sharing the benefits with the people will not be cut off."

Magistrate Chai said nothing.

Chang Ning gave him an example and calculated the specific data, "Now the price of wheat has risen to fifteen cents per dou. With the current rate of increase and the chaos outside, I am afraid it will rise to eighteen cents or more after winter. Twenty coins, and there are still at least four months left between winter and summer harvest.”

He said: "Four months, judging from the skyrocketing trend every time there is chaos in the past two years, it will not be a problem to double or triple the price by then. The county prince bought it at the price of fifteen cents per dou at this time. When spring comes, even if we sell it slowly for twenty cents, we can make a lot of money."

Chang Ning’s suggestion was, “Among them, the cost of fifteen cents still belongs to the county government, and the remaining five cents can be regarded as the private property of the county prince. The price of twenty cents per dou of grain is still a bit high, but compared to thirty cents , fifty cents, or even higher food prices, ordinary people can barely pay this price. With you stabilizing prices, other families’ food prices can only be pushed down. This is a benefit to Good things for the people.”

"The county monarch not only made money by doing this, but also gained a good reputation and merit. Why not do it?"

As soon as the data was laid out, Magistrate Chai became excited, but he still hesitated, "If I buy, they will sell?"

Chang Ning said: "The county magistrate should be tougher. They have just been scared by Zhao Hanzhang. They are in shock now. Even if they are heartbroken, they will betray the county magistrate."

At the same time, Zhao Hanzhang was also talking to Ji Yuan: "Sir, you still have to find a way to buy grain from various places. I don't mind paying a higher price than the market price. If there are ordinary people who are willing to sell grain, I will buy it back. "

Ji Yuan thought for a moment and then asked, "Is the girl trying to stabilize the price of food in the coming year?"

Zhao Hanzhang sighed: "We have too many people under our control, so I'm afraid it won't be of much use. I can only try my best to keep the people under my control from going hungry. If there is time to spare, we can stabilize prices, so we can buy as much as possible." food."

“What’s the price limit?”

"No more than 50% of the market price." It was too high and she felt distressed.

Ji Yuan understood, nodded and said, "I will start sending people to various places to purchase them tomorrow."

Zhao Hanzhang nodded with satisfaction, "I will take my mother back to Xiping this time. I'll leave it to Mr. Cai to go to Cai."

She had to find a way as soon as possible to get Ji Yuan out of Shangcai's affairs. Xiping also needed him very much.

Just as he was thinking about it, a Bu Qu came in carefully from the outside and whispered in Ji Yuan's ear.

Ji Yuan was slightly surprised and turned to look at Zhao Hanzhang.

Zhao Hanzhang raised his eyes and looked at him, "What's wrong?"

Ji Yuan smiled and said: "The girl once said that she wanted to take Chang Ning as her own?"

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