Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 206 Tables and Chairs

Zhao Hanzhang and Fu Tinghan returned to the county office and entered the study.

Tinghe put the burned charcoal into a basin and put it under their feet.

Zhao Hanzhang was sitting cross-legged on the couch writing "The Thousand-Character Essay". He stretched out his hand to rub his legs and then remembered, "Didn't you say you want to make tables and chairs? Why are you missing?"

Fu Tinghan said without raising his head: "The carpenter is not available."

"But it's winter now and there's no work to do outside."

When Fu Tinghan thought it was true, he raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "Then let them try?"

It is not difficult to make tables and chairs. Carpenters can make wooden couches, benches and low tables. The tables and chairs Zhao Hanzhang and the others want are just taller and bigger. The craftsmanship is the same, the only difference is the size.

Fu Tinghan drew a picture for them, and the carpenters could make it as soon as they got it. Moreover, because of the previous repairs to the city, there was a lot of scattered wood left, which could still be used after planing.

Within three days, the carpenters delivered the finished tables and chairs.

Zhao Hanzhang was very satisfied with it and asked people to put it in the room. Even the front of the county government office was changed.

The low tables and seats in the county government hall were removed and replaced with high tables and high chairs. A set of tables and chairs were also placed below to accommodate guests and for subordinate officials to sit and record things.

In this era, the county government lobby was more of a reception room than a residence where cases were tried.

Speaking of the trial, Zhao Hanzhang remembered, "It seems that no case has happened since I took over the county. Are we in Xiping County so innocent?"

Fu Tinghan didn't know anymore. Chang Ning, who was staring at him and came to watch the fun, couldn't stand it. He explained: "It's not a big case. It can't be brought to court. Some trivial matters can be solved by finding the right person. The only way is to dissatisfy the truth." Only when the verdict is correct or the case is too serious will it be reported to the Yamen."

After Zhao Hanzhang took over Xiping County, she has been obsessed with building the county seat. Everyone in the city is so busy that she even spared five-year-old children and asked them to scavenge in the fields. Everyone was so busy, and even if there were conflicts, they would stay nearby. To solve the problem, who will come to the county government?

Zhao Hanzhang felt regretful for a moment. Although it was good for the people to have peace of mind, he didn't feel like being a county magistrate at all.

She also wanted to get addicted to going to court.

Chang Ning didn't know what she was thinking. He looked at the tables and chairs she had set up, frowned and asked, "Why do you want to replace it with these chairs and tables?"

Zhao Hanzhang said: "Don't you think it would be more convenient for the secretary to change to a high table and a high chair? At least you don't have to change the mats frequently. The most important thing is that it is more comfortable to sit like this."

Chang Ning's face was serious, and she turned to look at Fu Tinghan, "Fu Dalangjun, sit down and give it a try?"

Fu Tinghan looked puzzled, found a chair nearby and sat down.

Chang Ning's face became even worse, and she shook her head directly, "It looks like a skipper, indecent, indecent. Both the girl and Mr. Fu Dalang come from aristocratic families, why should they be as careless as common people?"

Fu Tinghan looked confused, and Zhao Hanzhang also opened his mouth.

But Fu Tinghan really didn't understand, and Zhao Hanzhang reacted quickly. She said helplessly: "Sir, I never thought that this was rude."

Chang Ning's face looked better now, and she said earnestly: "Girl, although the Hu people have some potential, they are still far behind us Han people, especially in terms of etiquette. There is really no need for the girl to learn from them."

"Some etiquette is too complicated and can be discarded. From my point of view, many things of the Hu people are more suitable for the present, so there is nothing wrong with us learning and improving them."

"Things like sitting posture may seem like a trivial matter, but it may become a big deal," Chang Ning said, "Why should a girl be dictating things like this?"

When Zhao Hanzhang heard this, he originally planned to send this set of tables and chairs back to Wubao for his own use if it was inconvenient to change them in the front office. But when Chang Ning said this, she immediately decided, "Just put it in the front office!"

Chang Ning:......

He looked at Zhao Hanzhang in confusion and shock.

In his mind, Zhao Hanzhang is not a rebellious person. On the contrary, she is very good at listening to other people's suggestions. For things she is not familiar with, even if they are contrary to her original plan, she will listen to other people's opinions and change them.

Zhao Hanzhang said: "Xiping County only needs one voice."

Just change tables and chairs and try out the sounds of Xiping County.

Chang Ning understood instantly, took one look at the changed Qianya, and did not object again.

Fu Tinghan waited until he left before asking, "Is there anything wrong with me sitting like this?"

"There are three ways to sit. One is the commonly used squatting position, which is casual and comfortable, just cross the legs; the other is the kneeling position, which is used to show respect in front of high-ranking people and elders; and the other is more advanced. It’s casual,”

Zhao Hanzhang sat on the chair opposite Fu Tinghan, shook his legs and said: "It's almost like sitting on a chair now. Sitting with a basket on your back. Scholars think this is rude, but most people in the world sit like this."

Because when comparing numbers with common people, which class in the world can compare with them?

Zhao Hanzhang took a look outside and said: "We need to rely on the Zhao family and the gentry in Xiping County now, but I don't want to rely too much on them. This will also happen when we expand our power. We only need one voice within our sphere of influence."

Fu Tinghan: "Yours?"

Zhao Hanzhang nodded, "Yes, mine!"

Fu Tinghan laughed, nodded and said, "Okay."

Zhao Hanzhang did not specifically promote tables and chairs, but only gave a set to a few of his close fifth uncles in the old house.

No one took this set of tables and chairs seriously. It was just a gift from my grandniece as the winter solstice approached.

As the winter solstice approaches, more and more people come to Xiping County. Some people live directly in Wubao, while others live in Xiping County.

Since the beginning of winter, Xiping County, which has been silent, has become somewhat lively.

Someone came to visit Zhao Hanzhang with a post.

The chief secretary of the county government office received the guests and invited them to the front hall. The guests did not respond as soon as they entered the front hall, and they were a little confused when they had to find a seat to sit down.

How can I sit here if there are no seats?

Chang Ning had received many guests like this in the past two days. He once again thought about Zhao Hanzhang in his heart, and then smiled and sat down to demonstrate for them.

He sat cross-legged on the high chair.

That's right, Chang Ning is not used to sitting with his legs crossed. Although he is from a commoner, he has been learning the etiquette of the nobles since he decided to study. He can't change the habit that has been deeply rooted in his bones for more than 20 years. Come.

It just so happened that the high chair was wide enough for him to sit cross-legged on it.

Seeing this, the other guests also sat cross-legged, although the seats were a bit higher.

After talking for a while, a guest asked, "Isn't Mr. Zhao County in the Yamen?"

Although Zhao Hanzhang was not granted an official title, because she was personally recognized by Governor He, everyone acquiesced that she was the county queen.

Chang Ning called a yamen servant and asked, "Where is the girl now?"

"Just in the mill."

It wasn't that far, just next to the county government office. Chang Ning generously took them to see it.

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