Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 217 Scary people

Zhao Hanzhang didn't know that she left for a while, and her eleventh uncle sent all the people she had gathered to work in the garden next door, where she was discussing matters with Ji Yuan.

"When I went out today, I heard people praising girls outside."

Zhao Hanzhang: "What do you praise me for?"

"It praised girls for their filial piety, and some scribes even wanted to write a biography for girls so that it could be passed down."

Zhao Hanzhang: "Ashamed, ashamed. We know our own affairs. I only observe filial piety according to etiquette. How can I establish a biography to spread filial piety?"

She paused and lowered her voice and asked, "Isn't it Uncle Ming who paid for those scribes?"

Ji Yuan: "...If Mr. Ming hears what the girl said, I'm afraid he will be scolded again."

Zhao Hanzhang is thick-skinned and has long been used to Zhao Ming's criticism, "What does Uncle Ming want to do?"

"Since Xia Houren has already met the girl and the girl defeated him, there is no need to hide him," Ji Yuan said: "Low-key can help the girl accumulate strength, but fame can also protect the girl."

Since you can no longer keep a low profile, let's accumulate fame.

Zhao Hanzhang nodded and sighed, "I wanted to keep a low profile."

Ji Yuan ignored her, looked at the time and then stood up, "Leave this matter to me. The girl should prepare to meet someone."

He thought for a while and then said: "Fu Dalangjun is of noble character and knowledgeable. If you take him with you, outsiders will be more convinced of the girl when they see such a talent around her."

Zhao Hanzhang said he understood, but was just curious about how Ji Yuan would build momentum for her, "I have already made it known that I will not attend the banquet, and although I consider myself gentle and kind, people in the world will always misunderstand me."

Ji Yuan: "...Girl, just stop talking."

He said: "Magistrate Chai is also in the garden. I will ask him to say a few nice words for the girl."

Regarding Zhao Hanzhang, who poached Chang Ning, Magistrate Chai did not really want to say good things about her, but he had a soft mouth and short hands for taking people. He was able to attend the banquet and meet so many celebrities, and what he took was what Zhao Hanzhang gave him. post.

According to Ji Yuan, Zhao Hanzhang gave two posts, one was for him, and the other was for a Shu man.

Today is the second day of the banquet. Not only Runan, but also children from various gentry families in Yuzhou came here, as well as some officials.

These people are all famous, and there are some celebrities who have been famous for a long time, such as Xia Houren.

If Xia Houren can recommend him, it will be much easier for Magistrate Chai to take the next step.

So after Ji Yuan came to visit, Magistrate Chai only hesitated for a moment before agreeing to help Zhao Hanzhang.

Magistrate Chai believed that even without the benefits provided by Zhao Hanzhang, he would still help her in the end. After all, he and Ji Yuan were good friends. How could he bear to make Ji Yuan sad?

The two of them took each other into the garden and sat together with everyone. After all, this was a banquet prepared for customs, so even though some people were disdainful, the most important thing to talk about was state affairs.

When talking about state affairs, it is inevitable to talk about the biggest crisis in the Jin Dynasty today-the Huns Liu Yuan.

As the magistrate of Chai County who was almost surrounded by the Xiongnu army, he had something to say. Under Ji Yuan's gaze, he talked eloquently about what Zhao Hanzhang had said at that time to persuade him to send troops to assist Xiping County.

Fu Tinghan was sitting not far away. Between them was a plum tree with curved and lush branches. There were already buds on the plum tree, which just blocked their eyes.

But it blocked the sight but not the sound.

The young man who had just met asked Fu Tinghan, "Tinghan, is Zhao Sanniang really so knowledgeable?"

Fu Tinghan nodded without hesitation: "Her ability is still higher than mine."

At that moment, a young man laughed and said, "Ting Han is very broad-minded, so he doesn't mind at all?"

Fu Tinghan asked: "Everyone in the world admires Qiang. Do we have to mind her just because she is a woman?"

Someone pondered, nodded and said, "That's true. Morality comes first, talent comes second. I've never heard of gender being considered. In this way, with Zhao Sanniang's virtue and talent, you can choose to be an official."

"But Yin and Yang were determined when the world was first divided. Men are the masters of the outside world and women are the masters of the home. Wouldn't it be against the law of heaven to appoint a girl like her as an official?"

Fu Tinghan felt that it was pointless to argue about such a fruitless matter, and said directly: "She didn't say she wanted to be an official. Aren't they talking about her moral character and talent?"

Magistrate Chai County was praising Zhao Hanzhang, thinking that she was affectionate, righteous and filial.

The sentiment is because Zhao's Wubao was in trouble, and she came to the rescue regardless of the danger; the justice is because she took the initiative to lead troops to Aoyang to rescue the siege; not to mention the filial piety.

Magistrate Chai was a little reluctant to say that she was affectionate and righteous, because Chang Ning was around at the time, so he also felt that he had been cheated.

But saying that Zhao Hanzhang was filial didn't put any psychological burden on him, because he recognized her filial piety from the bottom of his heart.

Zhao Hanzhang carried the coffin back to his hometown in the chaos of the army, which is the first filial piety; after returning to his hometown, he always observed etiquette and filial piety, which is the second filial piety.

Although the etiquette system requires people to observe filial piety, not everyone follows the etiquette system.

It can be said that due to various reasons, either objective or subjective, not many people can observe etiquette and observe filial piety.

Therefore, as long as there is a person who observes filial piety according to the etiquette, it can be praised.

Although Zhao Hanzhang was a woman, she followed the etiquette and observed filial piety. She sacrificed when she should sacrifice and grieved when she should mourn. Moreover, she supported her weaker brother and continued the bloodline of the Zhao family. This was the greatest filial piety.

Fu Tinghan originally had a lot to say, but when he heard the boast coming from next door, he was speechless.

He leaned back curiously and turned around to look, only to realize that it was Magistrate Chai, and next to Magistrate Chai, Ji Yuan was sitting upright.

Fu Tinghan blinked, sat back upright, and stopped discussing the matter with others. Professional matters should be left to professionals.

He wanted to go back to drawing maps.

At this time, Zhao Hanzhang came to the small courtyard and was about to ask Fu Tinghan to go out to meet someone. As a result, there was no one in the huge courtyard, and only Zhao Chen was comparing the drawings in the room.

There is only a little bit of Fu Tinghan's drawing on the map. Zhao Chen is holding a piece of paper to practice his pen, planning to make a rough sketch before putting it on the map.

Fu Tinghan started painting from a mountain range outside Guancheng, which was also on the edge of Xia Houren's painting.

He drew a section along the mountains and rivers, and then drew the river next to it according to proportion, and then the city and the road...

Although it was just a few strokes, it opened up the situation. Originally, Zhao Chen wanted to draw directly down the line, but he didn't know whether it was because Fu Tinghan was too good at drawing, or because he was not confident in himself. He couldn't draw anymore, so he simply drew Get some paper out and practice.

Zhao Hanzhang stood behind Zhao Chen and looked at him for a while. When he stopped writing, he couldn't help but ask, "Uncle Eleven, where are they?"

A sudden sound in the silence frightened Zhao Chen's hands and feet, and he sat down, and the brush in his hand flew out.

Zhao Hanzhang realized that he had gotten into trouble, and immediately squatted down to support Zhao Chen, "Eleventh uncle, it's me. I'm not scared, I'm not afraid of gods and ghosts."

These were the words Wang held to comfort Zhao Erlang after he was robbed.

Zhao Chen's face turned red and he shouted angrily, "Why are you scared? Don't you know how to knock on the door when you come in? Who taught you the etiquette? Go back and copy the "Book of Rites" for me ten times!"

After yelling, he realized that Zhao Hanzhang was not a student of his clan school, and his expression became even more ugly.

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