Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 403 Collision of Ideas

They first ordered the soldiers, and then posted an announcement about the work-for-relief program. People began to sign up, and they began to use people from Wubao.

Many people signed up to participate, but even more people waited and watched until those who went to work not only had three meals a day, but also received wages.

The people watching couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed to surround the people who had received their wages. "Why are there still wages? Isn't it just food and accommodation?"

The other party tightly grasped the copper coins in his hand, but said with a proud face: "The envoy said that there are few lonely people in this world, and there are many families with families. Of course, those of us who go out to work can eat and drink well, but at home, What can we do if we are weak? So your Majesty has people pay us wages. As long as we do well, we can get wages ranging from five to ten coins every day."

He said cheerfully: "The envoy also asked people to open a grain shop in the wooden shed near the county government office. The price is not high. As long as you bring the work note, everyone can buy a bucket of grain every ten days."

A dou of grain is enough for his wife and children to eat for ten days. If you save some, there will be a lot left.

As soon as someone heard this, they immediately squeezed out of the team and headed towards the work shed where the workers were being recruited. Others were not slow to respond. Seeing that someone had run away first, they all followed suit.

At dusk, the recruitment booth that had already decided to close its stall was about to leave. When it saw so many people running towards it, it stopped.

A soldier patrolling nearby immediately came forward with a knife and shouted, "What are you doing? It's a felony to rush into the camp!"

Nearby is where their army is stationed.

The refugees stopped running, but continued to move forward. They just shouted: "We are here to apply for the recruitment!"

"Yes, yes, we also need to sign up to build our new county seat."

When the soldiers heard this, their tense expressions relaxed, and they looked back at Zhao Kuan and others who were still sitting in the work shed.

Zhao Kuan nodded slightly, and then they let him go, but they still yelled fiercely: "Everyone lines up, no one is allowed to squeeze in, if you don't obey, you will be arrested and made a coolie!"

Everyone immediately did not dare to crowd forward, and those who wanted to push aside the people in front also became honest.

Zhao Hanzhang watched from a distance, nodded slightly, turned around and said to Tinghe: "If you are literate, you should also go and help and let people light the torches. Since they are here, we will collect them together."


Zhao Hanzhang curled up his lips. There is strength in numbers. With so many refugees and their army, it is only a matter of time to build a county.

The county town had been planned, and the next day, the newly recruited refugees followed the entire army to the wilds.

The county seat will be built on this empty land. Because the Huns invaded in July and have not retreated until now, there is no time to plant winter wheat in the land.

In four or five months, the weeds in the field grew longer than my calves. Because winter was coming, the grass and trees were a little withered.

Zhao Kuan and others divided the people into teams and teams, with a hundred people in each team. They assigned team leaders to manage them, and there were many people under the team. Each team led ten people, which was completely in accordance with the management method of the army.

Ten teams form one battalion, which is stipulated by Zhao Hanzhang, so that it can be separated from the army building.

The battalion commander of each battalion was appointed by Zhao Hanzhang, and Fan Ying also led a battalion, so most of her team were women.

They want to select capable deputy battalion commanders from their subordinates, and then they will leave, and these people will also be managed.

Above them is Chen Yin, the magistrate of Xinsong County.

Chen Yin did not expect that he, a newly appointed seventh-grade county magistrate, would suddenly become a sixth-grade general and a sixth-grade governor.

Oh, even though it's temporary, I'm still a little bit distracted, and I feel like I can't stand on the ground.

Zhao Hanzhang seems to have become the hands-off shopkeeper, but she has to deal with a lot of things every day. News from Chen County and from all over the country are constantly sent here.

She spends most of her day dealing with official duties, and orders are constantly issued from here, instructing the counties and counties under her jurisdiction to provide relief and comfort to the people, and to take in refugees who are wandering around.

At the same time, she also issued an order to the counties currently under Gou Xi's control, asking their county governors to find time to come to Chen County to report their duties to her. If they could not meet, they would also provide relief and appease the people.

She didn't know if she could take back these five counties, but she had to give it a try. If it didn't work, she didn't want to fight Gou Xi now. This time was just a test.

Test the attitude of the five commanderies, and also test the attitude of Gou Xi.

This kind of thing is very labor-intensive, which makes Zhao Hanzhang feel a little tired, but every time she walks out of the camp and sees the busy construction outside, her mood gets better, her mind is relaxed, and she can face the outside happily. Those disputes have arisen.

New Song City is being built at a rapid speed. Four battalions of nearly 4,000 people are building at the same time. Two battalions are responsible for base construction, and two battalions are responsible for preparing and transporting supplies. They are divided into several waves, going to the mountains to cut down suitable trees for drying, and also Some went to collect stones.

Because too much bricks and stones were needed, Zhao Ze finally took action against Old Song City.

The young defendant who became the third camp camp came to Zhao Hanzhang. Facing Zhao Hanzhang, he said confidently: "Since there is a new county seat, what is the use of keeping the old county seat?"

He said: "That's just sad. It's useless to keep it. It's better to make the best use of it. It can save us a lot of manpower and material resources. Why not do it?"

Chen Yin is a very sentimental person and said: "That is the hometown of many Song people. Even I can't bear Song City to become a real ruin. I beg you to keep the old Song City."

Zhao Kuan also said: "The past of yesterday is the guide of today. Leaving the old Song City behind not only allows the wanderers who left their hometowns to have a spiritual destination, but also allows future generations to learn today's lessons and prevent barbarians from crossing south."

Zhao Ze felt that they were ignorant of the cost of firewood, rice, oil and salt. "You only dig the foundation in the base, but you don't know how hard we work outside. To mine ore, we need to go far away and transport it. Old Songcheng is not very far away." , bricks and stones are also the best to dig. From there, we can have at least two-thirds of the manpower and material resources left, so why should we sacrifice the near and the far?"

He said: "Anyway, the old Song City is already in ruins, so what's the difference between hollowing it out and not hollowing it out?"

Chen Yin was stupid and couldn't explain why. Anyway, he just felt something was wrong and could only look at Zhao Hanzhang helplessly.

Zhao Kuan said: "You are dead, but you still have the remnants of your clothes to cover your body, but now I have stripped off your remnants of clothes. Do you think your family will hate me and want to divide and eat me?" "

Zhao Ze said with a serious face: "Brother Kuan, my death was caused by barbarians, but you are my brother. If my broken clothes can save your life, I will not blame you. I don’t think my parents and family will, but they will be very happy. Even if I die, I can still save your life. How could I know that this is not my merit?"

Zhao Kuan:......

Zhao Hanzhang thought about it carefully and said, "Zhao Ze is right, but Zhao Kuan and Chen Yin are also right. We cannot leave wanderers homeless, but living people are more important."

Zhao Hanzhang's decision was to erect an inscription in the old county town.

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