Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 409 Doubt

Although Gou Xi was outside the city, he had constant contact with the emperor in the city.

The King of Donghai did not stop them from contacting him. He still had some illusions and hoped that the emperor could persuade Gou Xi to leave.

But he must not have expected that Gou Xi did not talk to the emperor about King of the East China Sea, but talked about Zhao Hanzhang.

But Gou Xi wanted to talk about Zhao Hanzhang, but the emperor didn't.

In his opinion, Zhao Hanzhang was not worth mentioning. The most important thing at the moment was Gou Xi and the King of the East China Sea, and himself!

The emperor no longer wants to stay in Luoyang, he still wants to move the capital!

It's snowing and the weather is getting colder. Luoyang, which was already depressed, is even more deserted. The people lack food and clothing. The emperor lives in the palace, but he can also feel the feeling that they are gradually reaching a desperate situation.

So if he wanted to leave Luoyang, it would be best to leave with the people in the city, maybe there would be a way to survive.

So at this time, how could he care about Zhao Hanzhang?

But Gou Xi told him in a letter. He didn't even ask a question, but it seemed that he didn't think much of the other party. He also pointed out that he rushed into Luoyang to rescue him, or even fought with the King of Donghai in Luoyang.

So the young emperor summoned Zhao Zhongyu and asked about the Zhao family, "I heard that the Zhao family is raising a large amount of grain, grass and cloth. What is your intention?"

Zhao Zhongyu was horrified and said quickly: "Your Majesty, this must be a rumor. I, the Zhao family, are so loyal, how dare I be disobedient?"

The emperor also thought it was a rumor. The clan chiefs of the Zhao family were all in the capital. They wanted to rebel. It was probably because there was a conflict between Yuzhou and Yanzhou, and now Zhao Hanzhang was the governor of Yuzhou, so Gou Xi launched an attack on the Zhao family.

The emperor sighed deeply, looked at Zhao Zhongyu sadly and said: "Of course I know your heart, but how come outsiders don't know."

Zhao Zhongyu's mind suddenly turned around. Is this outsider the King of Donghai or Gou Xi? Or someone else.

I heard that the King of Donghai was almost killed by Sanniang, so he hated her very much. It was because of him that his petitions to make Sanniang the governor were rejected one after another;

Did the King of East China Sea finally find an excuse to deal with him first?

Or Gou Xi?

Today Gou Xi delivered a letter to the palace. When his letter came in front of him, the emperor called him from the back. It was difficult for him not to associate the two together.

But aren’t Sanniang and Gou Xi allies?

It is said that the two worked well together before. Gou Xi helped her drive out the Huns, while she helped Gou Xi defeat the King of East China Sea and gave all the results to Gou Xi.

Zhao Zhongyu lowered his head and thought, and when he raised his head again, he was completely silent. "The Qing Dynasty will be Qing Dynasty. I and the Zhao family are sincere to Your Majesty. We are not afraid of these unwarranted slanders, and please Your Majesty to believe in me, the Zhao family."

The emperor naturally believed it, and then asked curiously: "I heard that Sanniang Zhao had a good relationship with General Gou. When Yuzhou was besieged by the Huns, many people asked General Gou to send troops to help, but he was indifferent. Only your Zhao family's invitation Touching him shows that the two of them have a deep friendship. Why, are they...not on good terms recently?"

Zhao Zhongyu understood as soon as he heard that it was Gou Xi who stabbed him in the back.

He lowered his eyes and sighed: "Now that the capital is under siege, news has been cut off. I haven't received a letter from home for a long time."

The monarch and his ministers sighed at each other.

After leaving the palace, Zhao Zhongyu went home immediately. He didn't stop, went directly into the study and started writing a letter.

He didn't know what happened between Zhao Hanzhang and Gou Xi, but it was obvious that Gou Xi was going to betray his alliance. Yuzhou and Yanzhou were too close, especially now that half of Yuzhou was in Gou Xi's hands, Zhao's situation was not good.

The capital was besieged, but it wasn't that his letter couldn't be sent out, it just had to be a little slower and a little less frequent.

The letter was sent to Zhao Hanzhang, directly reminding her to be careful about Gou Xi, and telling her about his accusation against the emperor.

After doing this, Gou Xi no longer cared about Zhao Hanzhang, and still concentrated on forcing the King of Donghai to leave Luoyang.

In his opinion, Zhao Zhongyu should be able to hold back Zhao Hanzhang a little. She was able to make such big moves only because Zhao family supported her.

Otherwise, where would the governor's treasury have the money?

Not to mention her personally, doesn’t she need money for those large quantities of materials?

Where does the money come from?

Naturally, he came from the Zhao family.

Not only Gou Xi thinks so, but also many people within the Zhao family think so.

So they have been waiting for Zhao Song to mention it, waiting for the last shoe to fall, but Zhao Song always doesn't mention it, as if they really don't need to pay.

Even Zhao Song couldn't bear it anymore. On a snowy afternoon, he finally rushed to Xiping County in a fierce manner and found his son in the pavilion in the backyard of the county government. He was warming up the stove and drinking wine. "Are you going to take it from the clan?" How much money will you have to pay Sanniang to buy these things? How will each family divide it, how will you convince them, and what are the benefits of giving it back to them?"

Zhao Ming, who was holding the wine glass, was stunned and asked: "Father, who told you that our Zhao family should pay for this money?"

Zhao Song frowned, "If you don't pay, will Sanniang still have money? She has already spent so much before."

Zhao Ming said: "I don't know if Sanniang still has money, but she didn't ask me for money, and she didn't mean to ask Zhao for money."

Zhao Song frowned, "Am I waiting for you to take the initiative?"

"Does Father think I will take the initiative to bring it up?"

Zhao Song said angrily: "No!"

"That's it," Zhao Ming said with a smile: "She knows me as well as my father. My father knows that I won't take the initiative to mention it, but she knows better."

Zhao Ming's eyes darkened slightly, and he shook the glass of wine and said, "It's not a business deal. If she wants Zhao to pay this money, then she has to take the initiative to raise it. This money is quite a lot."

Although Zhao can get it, he still has to work hard. After all, he can almost support half of Yuzhou's supplies.


"Now that everyone is almost ready, she didn't even mention it, which shows that she didn't mean it. She should have another source of this money."

Zhao Song said angrily: "Can she still conjure money out of thin air? Isn't the biggest support behind her the Zhao family?"

"Don't be too stubborn. After all, Sanniang is young and thin-skinned. It's hard for her to say a lot of things. Why don't you give her a step down? She is the most capable of our Zhao family now. If she gets better, our Zhao family can too. More safety…”

Zhao Ming, who had been drinking leisurely, suddenly sat up straight and his expression gradually became serious.

Zhao Song paused and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhao Ming held the wine glass and said: "Father, tell me, my uncle sees that Zhao Ji is useless, and the patriarch is old. Among the grandchildren, only Sanniang loves him the most, will he give her a huge fortune in private?"

This means that Zhao Changyu most likely gave Zhao Hanzhang the property that was originally intended for the clan or clan leader.

Zhao Song subconsciously denied it, "Don't talk nonsense, your uncle is not that kind of person."

After saying this, Zhao Song seemed to feel guilty. After a slight pause, he said, "Even if he left something for Sanniang in private, it's because Sanniang is too good."

Zhao Ming looked at his father quietly.

Good night

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