Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 460 New atmosphere

With the new year and new weather, the six counties and states in Yuzhou held by Zhao Hanzhang are all welcoming the new weather.

Zhao Hanzhang's orders were issued to all counties and counties in the first month of the year. No one thought she was trying to scare people. She could really cut off people's heads and plow the fields, so Zhao Hanzhang ushered in a group of people who resigned from office. Flow, but those who stayed were trembling and did not dare to disobey her orders.

Mr. Ji sent the list of those who resigned, the list of those who stayed, and their performance evaluations to her case. In addition, there were also various information collected by Mr. Ji.

Things were piled up on the desk, and Fan Ying started to sort them out, but she got a headache after just starting.

Fu Tinghan and Zhao Hanzhang came back from their "incognito private visit". Before they could change their clothes, they saw that she was about to cry, so they picked up the things on the table and rummaged through them.

Zhao Hanzhang saw her question at a glance and said, "I will make a table for you later. You can use the table to compile the information."

Fu Tinghan said: "There are too many, let me help her sort them out. There are many people resigning. If you want to promote people from the current officials, you have to recruit new people to take over the current ones. This information alone is not enough. "

Zhao Hanzhang nodded on the table and said, "The power of appointment and dismissal of small officials and officials is decentralized. We just have to make good rules and regulations."

Zhao Hanzhang raised the corner of his mouth and said to Fan Ying: "Let each county report the number of vacant officials and their positions. After checking, we will determine the number of students to be recruited this year and notify each school so that interested students can give it a try. We will also ask each county to Make a list and tell the people of the world that I, Zhao Hanzhang, do not ask for talents, but only for talents and virtues. Those who think they are talented and qualified for these positions can go to various counties and counties to take the call."

This project was so large that Fan Ying and her men couldn't finish it for a while, so she looked to Fu Tinghan for help.

Fu Tinghan nodded, "You guys, please sort out the information. I'll come and help after I wash up."

Fan Ying responded happily, bowed and left.

This is not difficult for Fu Tinghan, who is accustomed to working at night. In modern society, who doesn’t go to bed after ten o’clock?

So after taking a bath and having dinner, Fu Tinghan sat in the study and started working in the last light of the setting sun, and he could still work for more than three hours before going to bed.

He basically does manual labor during the day. Because he is used to the intensity of the labor, it is not very hard for him. His mind is active at night, so he organizes it very quickly.

In the eyes of Fan Ying and other officials, they felt that Fu Tinghan was too hardworking and virtuous. During the day, he accompanied the envoy on a private visit in disguise, and at night he had to do so many things for the envoy.

I became more and more convinced of him.

Zhao Hanzhang is also busy. The Yushan Hall outside the city is almost completed, but there are still many refugees who need to be resettled. Recently, everyone is busy dividing the land.

Infrastructure construction has just begun.

The officials in the county magistrate's office were not all vegetarians. On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, they finally compiled statistics on wasteland and wilderness, as well as rough estimates of landless refugees in each county.

Zhao Hanzhang flipped through it, and the next day he did not go to the private server with Fu Tinghan for a private visit. Instead, he summoned Yin Sheng and others and asked: "How many years have these wastelands been abandoned?"

"Three years."

Zhao Hanzhang nodded, "Then let's make an announcement. Know all the counties in Nanyang and gather the refugees. All the refugees who register at the Yamen can be allocated ten acres of land and receive corresponding farm tools. They can take advantage of the beginning of spring to tidy up the fields. We will distribute grain when the time comes.”


"Let the refugees build houses and settle down before the busy farming season begins. Each county can make its own arrangements."

Yin Sheng lowered his head and answered "yes", then hesitated and said: "Building a house requires money..."

Zhao Hanzhang smiled at Yin Sheng, waved to him, and when he arrived, he said, "Do you know Liu Yueshi?"

Yin Sheng was puzzled and nodded: "Of course we know that Liu Kun is a famous scholar. He was alone in Bingzhou and was surrounded by the Huns, but he was able to protect the people of Jinyang."

"It's good to know. I heard that when he first arrived in Jinyang City, the ruins were in ruins, there were only ten people in the city, and all the Han households on the road were fleeing. But it only took him a year to restore Jinyang to life. , Let the people of Bingzhou return to Jinyang." Zhao Hanzhang stared at Yin Sheng's eyes: "I don't expect you to be as capable as Liu Yueshi, but with so many things and support I have given you, you should also use your brains to share my worries. ?”

Zhao Hanzhang asked with some annoyance: "Do I have to cook the food and put it to your mouth with a spoon before you open your mouth to eat?"

Yin Sheng broke out in a cold sweat and knelt down quickly and said: "Calm down your anger, I will go and give orders to the magistrates of each county to come up with regulations and find ways to settle the refugees on their own."

Zhao Hanzhang snorted coldly, "Call Wang Zhen."

Wang Zhen and Xie Shi were also busy. Zhao Hanzhang had too many official documents and things to deal with. Like Fan Ying, they not only had to sort out various official documents and information for her, but also handle some government affairs.

So Wang Zhen arrived a quarter of an hour later.

As soon as he arrived, Zhao Hanzhang said: "You pack up and inspect the counties of Nanyang Kingdom tomorrow. First, now is a critical time, you have to keep an eye on it to avoid chaos; second, you and Xie Shi must stay here. Department, you can take this opportunity to learn more about the situation in each county.”

Wang Zhen bowed his head and asked, "Do you want to take Erlang with you?"

Zhao Hanzhang thought for a while and felt that Zhao Erlang was just training here now and had nothing else to do. He simply nodded, "Take them with you. If you encounter bandits on the road, let him take advantage of them."

Wang Zhen didn't expect that he would also have the task of suppressing bandits. Zhao Hanzhang really made the best use of his people and left no free time for others.

He lowered his head to receive the order and bowed to retreat.

Zhao Hanzhang finished handling the matters at hand and had nothing to do. He simply changed his clothes and wandered to the Yushantang construction site outside the city.

Fu Tinghan and the others were tasked with digging ditches today, which are actually underground drainage systems to ensure that the place will not be flooded when it rains.

Seeing Zhao Hanzhang, people on the same team were surprised, "Can we temporarily fill in the missing workers for most of the day?"

Everyone looked at Fu Tinghan, suspecting that he wanted to use his power for personal gain. When the time comes, Zhao Hanzhang will be paid after his full work.

Zhao Hanzhang stood by the ditch with his arms folded, "I'm just here to watch the fun. I don't interfere and I don't get paid."

Everyone felt comfortable, and then they talked to her normally, "Didn't I say you took sick leave? But your face looks rosy, and you don't look like you are sick."

Zhao Hanzhang said: "It's not that I'm sick, it's that my uncle is sick. I'm filial and stay at home to take care of his illness, but I'm fine for the rest of the day, so I came over to take a look."

"Oh, the old man needs to be careful when he gets sick. It's cold at this time of year. If he can't make it through..." It will be a lifetime thing.

Zhao Hanzhang felt that Zhao Zhongyu should be fine.

Yes, Zhao Zhongyu was indeed ill, and it seemed that he was seriously ill, so much so that Zhao Ji had to write to the clan to ask them to make preparations.

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