Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 462 Check-in

Before the end of the first month, the construction of Yushan Hall was completed, and Zhao Hanzhang specially put on the official uniform of the governor and went to cut the ribbon.

At the same time, he presided over the check-in ceremony of the orphans and widows in Yushan Hall.

Many workers also ran to watch the excitement. After all, they earned a lot of wages from the county magistrate's office during the Chinese New Year. They used the money to buy cheaper food from grain stores. They should not suffer from famine this spring.

The farm work hasn't started yet, and everyone is still free. They built the Yushan Hall. I heard that the female governor wanted to see the completion of the Yushan Hall in person, so everyone came to join in the fun.

As soon as Zhao Hanzhang and Fu Tinghan stood on the high platform, more than a dozen people in the crowd suddenly opened their mouths.

Fan Dalang also rubbed his eyes, and after confirming that the two people on the stage looked very familiar, he grabbed the old man beside him, "Old Hei, Old Hei, look, that female envoy looks like Zhao Sanniang, could she be her sister? The man standing next to the envoy also looks like Fu Dalang."

Lao Hei closed his mouth and couldn't help but slap him, "Idiot, whatever it looks like, that's it!"

Fu Tinghan's former team members didn't understand this, "Why are you so special? You actually like to work with us on the construction site?"

Lao Hei is older and has experienced a lot. Thinking of the work-for-relief experience in the past month, he couldn't help but sigh: "It is precisely because they came to work as craftsmen that we have been so peaceful this month."

The meal is served at meal time, and the meals are the normal steamed buns, pancakes, porridge and bean sprouts, and occasionally broth;

Daily wages are paid on time and in quantity, the grain in the grain points is not mixed with old grain, nor is it mixed with mud or sand, and the fabrics are all normal;

This was unthinkable in the previous work-for-relief activities.

Thinking that this was the result of Zhao Hanzhang and Fu Tinghan's hard work for nearly a month, Lao Hei burst into tears, knelt down and bowed deeply, "Thank you, envoy, for your heart for the people!"

When the team members around him saw it, they quickly understood and knelt down one after another.

As soon as they knelt down, the people next to them followed suit without knowing it, and soon everyone knelt down and cheered.

Some people also recognized Zhao Hanzhang and Fu Tinghan. After all, they were in the same construction site. They met many people every day while eating and receiving wages. They knelt down and lay on the ground willingly.

The workers knelt down, and the widows and orphans who were about to live in Yushan Hall also knelt down. They sincerely thanked Zhao Hanzhang.

We don’t know what will happen to food and clothing, but as far as housing is concerned, at least they have a roof to keep out the cold.

Zhao Hanzhang, who had prepared a lot of things to say, was kneeled on his chest by everyone before he could speak.

With the tips of her ears, she also heard the thanksgiving and discussion below.

She paused before saying: "You are all my people. I hope that you can live and work in peace and contentment, and no longer suffer from hunger and cold. I know that it will take us a long time to achieve this, and even many of you People may not be able to wait for this day to come, but I hope that our children and grandchildren can live like this."

"What we do is to create a peaceful and prosperous Yuzhou for them. From now on, there will be no hunger or cold in Yuzhou." Zhao Hanzhang said loudly: "Are you willing to work hard with me?"

"We are willing to work hard with you, so that there will be no more hunger and cold in Yuzhou!"

The crowd's voices were a little messy at first, but soon became unified, and everyone read it again in unison. Yin Sheng and others on the stage also heard their blood boiling. It was not until this moment that they finally understood why Zhao Hanzhang advocated diligence.

If diligent participation in politics can save the people from hunger and cold, then it would be worthwhile to love him so much.

The people in the audience knelt on the ground and bowed to Zhao Hanzhang one after another. Some kowtowed seven or eight times without stopping. Zhao Hanzhang mobilized everyone's enthusiasm and pointed to the wasteland around Yushan Hall with a smile, "Today is a good day. , since everyone is here, February 2 will be in a few days, why not take advantage of today to dig a hoe in the ground, soak up today's joy, and pray for a good harvest this year?"

When everyone heard this, they immediately agreed and got up from the ground.

Zhao Hanzhang summoned an official with a smile, "Where are the tools from before? Bring all the tools and let everyone use them to hoe."

The official immediately said: "They are all still in the Yushan Hall. I will ask someone to move the tools out right now."

Zhao Hanzhang nodded and looked at the refugees carrying their baggage on the other side with a smile, "This is the Yushan Hall built for you. From today on, you will live, work, and study here. I hope you will be happy in the following days." Be able to be friendly and help each other.”

Her eyes fell on the children's square formation, and she said softly: "I hope you will succeed in your studies. I hope that when you grow up, you can share the worries for me and the entire Yuzhou."

The children responded crisply.

The smile on Zhao Hanzhang's face became even brighter, and he waved his hand and said: "Okay, according to the courtyard divided before, you can enter the hall."

The refugees cheered, and although the noise was noisy, they entered the Yushan Hall in an orderly manner in separate groups.

Even before entering the garrison, Fan Ying followed Zhao Hanzhang's instructions and divided them into courtyards, rooms...

Each courtyard has a dean, and each room has a room leader, who manages the people in each courtyard and room.

As soon as the Yushan Hall opened, a group of children were the most advanced, with the older children leading the way. After entering the Yushan Hall, they were divided into various courtyards. As soon as they entered the courtyard, everyone lined up crookedly, with some older children holding their backs. There was also a child on his back who could not walk.

With a wave of the eldest child's hand, the heads of each room led their people and rushed to the room they thought was the best.

If someone likes a room at the same time and arrives at the door of the room at the same time, the room leaders will fight with each other or guess the winner.

Zhao Hanzhang knew they were fighting and would not stop them. They had their own way of solving the problem. As long as it was within her acceptance range, she was very tolerant.

After grabbing a room, everyone entered the house. Inside was a brick brick kang covered with clean and dry straw or wheat straw.

The biggest headache for Zhao Hanzhang was the bed. With so many people, how much wood and carpenters would be needed to build the bed?

So after discussing with Fu Tinghan, they decided to make a kang.

A room passed by, and there was a long kang from the head to the end of the room. For safety, Fu Tinghan also led people to check the chimneys in all rooms to make sure that the smoke would not pour back after the fire was lit.

Rushing into the room, the children quickly grabbed the seats they wanted. Because they were still young, the kang seemed very big. Although there were many people living there, it still seemed very spacious.

After putting down the salute, the eldest child, who was the head of the room, waved and said: "Hurry up, we have to hoe the ground, and you will have to see it later."

"Yes, we can't be worse than the people outside. Hurry up, your Majesty is waiting."

Everyone quickly put away their things and then lined up to go out. After meeting with other rooms, they went out under the leadership of the dean.

At this time, in the wasteland outside, the common people who came to serve as officials were hoeing hard with their hoes. The people waiting for the hoe next to them saw that he was not finished hoeing, and couldn't help but get angry, "Okay, okay, you have already hoeed seven or eight times." , it’s my turn.”

See you tomorrow

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