Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 480 Intention

Zhao Hanzhang stood upstairs and could see the main street of Chen County. He could even hear the shouting and hawking on the street while standing quietly.

"I remember when I first entered Chen County last year, there were only a few scattered shops open in the huge county. Not to mention vendors, there were not even many pedestrians on the streets. But you see, it took less than half a year to settle down. , Chen County is prosperous."

Fu Tinghan: "That's because you have reduced a lot of business taxes, and exempted small traders from city entry tax and carriage tax. You have asked you to wipe out all the bandits around Chen County. If the conditions are met, it will naturally become prosperous."

"So the people are very magical. What is as magical as the people is the momentum," Zhao Hanzhang said: "When there is momentum, a hundred people can defend against ten thousand people; when the momentum is low, two hundred thousand soldiers and horses can be defeated by a thousand people. The more you have, the more you will be at a disadvantage, and when you are defeated, it will really be like a mountain collapsing."

"This is the situation of the more than 200,000 people of the King of East China Sea," she said: "Although it was two years early, in history, the King of East China Sea also ran away once, and this time, not only did he die, but also the people he took out of the city More than 200,000 soldiers and civilians, as well as nearly 100,000 people who were attached to the rear, were all killed by the Huns."

Fu Tinghan opened his mouth wide, "Three hundred thousand people..."

"Yes, 300,000 people," Zhao Hanzhang smiled bitterly, "otherwise, how can we say that the Han people are almost exterminated?"

"Do you want to bring all these people back to Yuzhou?" Fu Tinghan said: "Although Yuzhou can accommodate them, the influx of so many outsiders at once may make the settled situation chaotic."

Zhao Hanzhang said: "Don't the emperor want to move the capital? Then the area around Luoyang will be free. Yuzhou and Luoyang are close by, so we can include Luoyang."

Even Fu Tinghan couldn't help but be shocked by her ambition.

He asked: "Will Gou Xi agree?"

"I will give him the emperor." Zhao Hanzhang's eyes sparkled, "He can take the emperor to Chang'an or back to Yanzhou, and I won't stop him. Not everyone can resist the temptation of holding the emperor hostage to command the princes. of."

Fu Tinghan couldn't help laughing, "You can."

Zhao Hanzhang was disgusted. The emperor was in his hands, and for her, the restraint was greater than the benefit, so naturally she would not fall into his hands.

There are advantages and disadvantages. Although holding the emperor in her hand can make many things more justified and she can even control the territory of the Jin Dynasty faster, but because she is a woman, she has greater constraints in this era. Even the King of East China Sea cannot do whatever she wants with the emperor in her hand. , let alone her.

So Zhao Hanzhang decided to give this advantage to Gou Xi.

Fu Tinghan traveled with her, "Do you want to call Erlang back?"

Zhao Hanzhang thought for a while and then shook his head, "No, let him send troops directly from Nanyang to meet us, and let Zhao Ming come to Chen County."

This time she will take Ji Yuan with her.

Apart from Fu Tinghan, Ji Yuan is the most familiar with wasteland construction.

Although many people did not agree with Zhao Hanzhang's decision, the Zhao family army was in her hands, Bei Gongchun obeyed her orders, and she also had prestige among other armies, so Xun Xiu and others could only order troops to follow her orders.

"Tell me, are we sending troops to fight the Huns or the King of East China Sea this time?"

No one believed that Zhao Hanzhang was going to save the King of Donghai.

"He has more than 200,000 soldiers and horses. Does he need us to save him? Do you think the envoy is going to take revenge under the guise of rescue?"

Everyone in the world, especially people in Yuzhou, knew that Zhao Changyu was forced to death by the King of Donghai.

Last year, they teamed up with Gou Xi to trick the King of East China Sea, and fought the King of East China Sea's people to death. How broad-minded did they make you be able to save the King of East China Sea regardless of past grudges?

"It is better to go to Luoyang to rescue the emperor and welcome His Majesty to Chen County. From now on, the whole world will be at your disposal."

"It's not that I haven't said this before, but I can't hear it."

"Alas, women are women. They are too emotional and only remember hatred."

Fan Ying heard these discussions and immediately went to complain to Zhao Hanzhang.

Zhao Hanzhang said: "I know that some people have objections to this matter, so don't worry about it for now."

At this point it's just lip service, as long as they don't take action.

The scouts and supplies went first, while Zhao Hanzhang and others walked slowly while planning their retreat route.

Little did he know that the King of Donghai in Xiangcheng fell ill because of his break with the emperor and the thought that Gou Xi and others were going to kill him under the imperial edict. He fell ill due to grief, anger and fear.

Because the illness was severe and unable to move for a while, the army temporarily stayed in Xiangcheng.

Somehow the news reached Shi Le's ears. Shi Le, who was not far away, sent someone to inform Liu Yuan and led the army directly towards Xiang City. Outside Xiang City, there were soldiers and horses of King Donghai stationed outside.

At this time, the news of King Donghai's illness was concealed, but there was no leader. These teams, which were a mixture of military officers, family members and civilians, were in chaos and could not be mobilized according to orders.

As soon as Shi Le's men arrived, they immediately surrounded them as if hunting, shooting wildly with bows and arrows, causing numerous casualties to the East China Sea King's army instantly.

The army was defeated and fled, and people were in panic. The gates of Xiangcheng were opened wide, and the officials and their families inside fled eastward with the army of King Donghai. Xiangcheng was captured in less than half a day.

The vanguard scouts rushed to Xiangcheng and were shocked when they saw the corpses on the ground and Xiangcheng that was almost destroyed by fire. They immediately divided their troops into two groups, continued to explore all the way, and ran back to report to Zhao Hanzhang.

"Xiangcheng was destroyed, with tens of thousands of casualties and casualties. The Donghai King's army has moved eastward. Looking at the arrows, the one who surrounded them should be Shi Le of the Huns and Han Kingdom."

When the generals heard that the Huns really chose to fight the King of Donghai instead of going to Luoyang to fight the emperor, they were stunned for a moment. Ten thousand people, how many troops did Shi Le send out, and he was able to kill them back?"

Zhao Hanzhang glanced at Xun Xiu and said: "The King of Donghai has taken away most of the court, and the Sima family has no shortage of men. If your majesty is gone, just replace him with someone else."

Everyone fell silent.

"But if most of the court that King Donghai took away is gone, then the Jin Dynasty will really be almost gone. If I were Shi Le, I would choose to pursue King Donghai instead of the emperor in Luoyang."

Everyone became even more silent.

Zhao Hanzhang stood up and said: "Order the team to move quickly, Xun Xiu, you lead the army behind, Beigong Chun, and I will each lead a team of cavalry to rescue first."

Bei Gongchun and Xun Xiu stood up to answer. After answering, Xun Xiu hesitated, "Your Majesty, do we really want to save the King of Donghai?"

Zhao Hanzhang raised his eyelids and looked at him, saying: "What we want to save are the 300,000 soldiers and civilians who fled with King Donghai."

She said coldly: "There are people who have power, so you have to protect these 300,000 people, do you hear me?"

The generals were stunned and immediately stood up and bowed in response, "Yes!"

After Zhao Hanzhang left with Fu Tinghan and Bei Gongchun, everyone immediately gathered around Ji Yuan, "Mr. Ji, what the envoy said is that we only save the people, and the King of East China Sea..."

Ji Yuan smiled and said: "The King of East China Sea must have many good generals around him. Why is there any need for our close protection?"

Only then did everyone understand, "I understand, I understand."

After working on it for a long time, they realized that they were not here to save people, but to rob them.

You should have told me earlier!

See you tomorrow

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