Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 549 Full of Spring

Chen Chuan was silent. To be honest, he kind of thought that there was iron ore here, and occupying it meant that they could keep replenishing their armaments.

Chen Wu snorted coldly and said: "Do you dare to occupy it? How long can you guard it after occupying it?"

"Is it one month or two months?" He asked: "Zhao Hanzhang's grain and grass are delivered once a month. The time may be compressed again later. Can the seeds just sown in the ground be harvested?"

"Without food, everything is in vain. Even with food, from Luoyang to Gucheng, at dawn and dusk, we only have five thousand soldiers. How many soldiers and horses does she have?" Chen Wu said: "Do you think we can defend Gucheng?"

"There are many sober people like me in this world, but there are not many people who are as generous and trusting as her. Just because of her trust, we cannot do anything treacherous." He sighed quietly. : "This is her brilliance."

Chen Wu will not betray Zhao Hanzhang, at least not in this year.

There have been some changes outside Luoyang City, it is no longer a deserted and silent place.

In the fields next to the official road, someone was whipping the cattle to plow the fields. The fields that were previously overgrown with weeds turned mainly yellow-brown, and the soil below was turned up to bury the grass.

There are also many people on the slope next to it, working with hoes. There are quite a few people, and there are people in almost every field.

Zhao Hanzhang reined in his horse and asked Zeng Yue to lead the others first, while she and Fu Tinghan dismounted and walked toward the fields.

Tinghe and Fu An quickly dismounted and followed.

Old man Chen scattered the beans along the soil ridge, and his little grandson walked behind with bare feet, sweeping the soil down with his feet and burying it, one deep and one shallow.

Old man Chen saw it, scolded him, pulled him over, hung the basket of beans on him, and muttered: "If I ask you to scatter bean seeds, you will stuff them into your mouth and I will cover them with soil." Not at all, this is this year’s ration, if you don’t grow it well, you won’t be able to eat it.”

Old man Chen gently patted the back of his hand several times and admonished him: "Don't eat the bean seeds secretly. Just follow what I taught you and scatter the bean seeds down, you know? No more, no less."

The little grandson responded obediently, grabbed a handful of beans, and carefully threw them into the ditch.

Old man Chen looked at the density and was barely satisfied, so he followed him to cover the soil, looking up at him from time to time to make sure he didn't eat it.

Zhao Hanzhang went down to the field and saw the uncovered soybeans. He picked up one and looked at it. The grains were plump and looked pretty good.

She smiled, threw the bean down, and buried it with soil.

Zhao Hanzhang glanced at Old Chen and his grandson, who were walking away from them with their backs turned, and walked to the edge of the field to watch people plowing the fields.

The soil in the fields is somewhat moist, but there is no water. Luoyang has been experiencing drought for the past two years. Except for the riverside where water can be stored for paddy fields, the fields in other places are dry most of the time.

Old Man Jin, who was driving the cattle in circles, also saw Zhao Hanzhang and the others. They also saw the army passing by just now.

He glanced at the horse not far behind them and the dozen soldiers standing on it, and asked in a loud voice: "Are you two officials?"

Although one of them is a woman and the other is a man, three or four of the officials responsible for their placement in Luoyang City during this period were girls.

They also already know that the new governor of Yuzhou and Duke of Runan is a girl, the former famous Zhao Hanzhang.

Perhaps it's because she is a girl and there are many girls serving as officials under her.

In this troubled world where leaders change one after another, the people accept it well.

Even if someone told them tomorrow that a pig became an emperor, they would not be surprised and would quickly accept it.

Zhao Hanzhang did not deny it, nodded with a smile, and asked: "My father-in-law, what are you going to plant on this land?"


"Millet is good, why don't you grow wheat?"

"The wheat has been planted," Old Man Jin raised his hand and pointed to a large field in the distance: "Here, the planted field."

Zhao Hanzhang nodded with satisfaction and asked: "How many people are there in my father-in-law's family? How many acres of land will be planted this year?"

"There are four in my family, just my wife and I and our two grandchildren," he said. "We plant five acres of wheat, five acres of millet, and five acres of beans."

Zhao Hanzhang asked, "How many acres of land are allocated to the family?"

"Forty acres." Old Man Jin said, "My wife and I have twenty acres each."

But in fact, they couldn't finish the planting, firstly because they didn't have enough labor, and secondly because time didn't allow them.

Zhao Hanzhang didn't feel sorry for not finishing the planting, and said with a smile: "It's good this way. Whether it's millet or wheat, it will be fattened. When the autumn harvest is over, you can change the planting and let the land recuperate."

When Old Man Jin heard this, he knew that she knew how to farm, and he immediately became happy, "That's right, Li Zheng told us the same, and asked us to plant beans in the fields, saying that beans nourish the land, but we are so busy, how can we do anything for it?" If you raise land to grow beans, you only need to plant a few acres.”

Zhao Hanzhang nodded in agreement.

Fu Tinghan curiously pointed to the slope above and asked, "Since there is land to grow beans, why did he plant soybeans on the halfway slope?"

"That's old man Chen. He's stubborn. There will be a lot of rain in Luoyang this summer, so it's not good to plant soybeans in the fields, so he has to plant them in dry land. Even though the land is on a semi-slope, the soil is loose and the soil is soft. Brown, excellent for growing beans.”

Zhao Hanzhang thought thoughtfully, "Will it rain a lot in Luoyang this year?"

"Who knows? He said it was more, but I don't think it was much. From last year to now, it hasn't rained very much in Luoyang." Old man Jin unloaded the plow and let the cattle go to the side to graze and rest, and leaned on the ridge of the field to talk to them. , "There were only two drizzles some time ago, otherwise I wouldn't even want to plant wheat. Planting millet and beans would be more drought-resistant."

Zhao Hanzhang nodded with a smile and encouraged him: "My husband, work hard. Looking at this situation, we should have a good harvest this year."

"I hope, but life is a little better this year," he said with a smile: "The imperial court gave relief grains and asked the soldiers to help fertilize. General Zhao is kind and the new county magistrate is in charge, so there is more hope for life. "

Only then did he remember to ask: "I have never seen you two in Luoyang, um..." He looked at Fu Tinghan and said: "The gentleman looks familiar, but I have never seen the girl. What are you doing in Luoyang?" official?"

Before Zhao Hanzhang had time to answer, a young man ran up not far away and shouted: "Old man Jin, the time has come, it's my turn to take this cow home."

As soon as Old Man Jin heard the sound, he subconsciously ran towards the cow, grabbed the rope and said, "That's enough. It belongs to my family today."

"It's sunset now."

"It's your turn tomorrow morning. You come to my house tomorrow morning to get it. I have to herd the cows to eat grass."

"That won't work. I'll release it myself, I don't need you." The two of them went back and forth to grab the rope.

The rope was quite long, and the cow lowered its head and grazed without any disturbance, paying no attention to the two humans competing for it.

The young man couldn't exert too much force and couldn't quarrel with the old man, so he looked at Zhao Hanzhang and the others angrily.

Zhao Hanzhang and others were watching with great interest, and when they saw him looking over, they patted their butts and were about to leave. However, the young man's eyes suddenly widened, he ran over and knelt on the ground with a thump, "General, eldest son, you are here to judge for me. ?"

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