Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 81 Giving away

Zhao Ming packed up five boxes of things, including plain fabrics, new quilt covers, a box of silk cotton, and some porcelain cups and other items.

Of course, there was also a box of money, and some money was packed into each box. Considering his father's generosity and chatter, he also packed two silver cakes, which was extremely rich.

Zhao Hanzhang was so moved when she received this gift that she almost relented and wanted to stay a few more days. However, considering that the group of people brought by Ji Yuan had not yet made arrangements and were still waiting in Aoyang at this time, she suppressed the impulse. She looked touched and said that she would come home often in the future.

In addition to Zhao Song, other families also gave gifts.

Because they knew that Zhao Hanzhang and the others had lost their luggage on the way, and they were short of everything besides money, they gave them everything.

She has a good relationship with Zhao Changyu, or thinks of Zhao Changyu's kindness, and is very generous with her actions. Even Zhao Hu cursed and disliked Zhao Hanzhang who once offended him, but still had two boxes of things given as a lump sum. money.

He also generously gave Zhao Hanzhang several servants.

Zhao Hanzhang's forehead jumped slightly when he saw the servants whose hands were tied with ropes and strung together. "Seventh Uncle, where did these people come from?"

"I bought it with money. It's still useful. I've checked it out and I'm in good health. You lost so many servants before. What can you do if you don't have anyone to serve? These people have been given to you."

Zhao Hanzhang's eyes fell on the ropes that tied them, and his meaning was self-evident.

Zhao Hu felt that she had too many problems and said nonchalantly: "I just bought her and she is not very obedient yet, but she will be fine after a few days of training. Can you train the servants? How about I send you another steward to train her?" "

Zhao Hanzhang refused to be in charge, and accepted all these people after a moment's thought. He also said, "Seventh Uncle, how can it be enough to just send these people away? The summer harvest is coming, and there is a shortage of people in the fields. If you want to send them away, why don't you even send them away?" Give it to my family as well."

Zhao Hu turned around and asked his attendant, "Do they still have family members?"

It's true. Although Zhao Hu just gave a casual order to select a few disobedient servants to send to Zhao Hanzhang, the people below did not dare to select only the disobedient servants. They also attached many conditions. For example, if they are disobedient, their family members will pinch them.

Everyone knows that Zhao Hu and Zhao Hanzhang have a bad relationship. Who knows what his purpose is in sending someone away at this time?

If he thinks about this in the future and needs to use these people, they can also use it as a trick, and maybe even get a reward.

Therefore, all of these people chosen by Chang Sui have families, and there are quite a lot of them.

Chang Sui didn't dare to lie, he lowered his head and said, "Yes, there are still some family members."

Zhao Hu didn't know what was going on, but when he saw Zhao Hanzhang asking for someone, he felt proud that he was being asked for, so he waved his hand generously and said, "Okay, bring all their family members and give them to my grandniece."


Zhao Hanzhang first smiled at Zhao Hu, "Thank you, Seventh Uncle," and then looked at Chang Sui with a half-smile but said, "Remember, these are all their relatives."

Chang followed, and then brought a group of people. Most of them had empty hands, and only a few of them were carrying a small baggage.

It's very shabby, but... I can't stand how many people there are.

Zhao Hu opened his mouth in surprise.

He originally picked out exactly eight people, four men and four women. As a result, their relatives turned out to be twenty-one.

Zhao Hu:......

Zhao Hanzhang already smiled and thanked, "Thank you, Seventh Uncle."

Zhao Hu twitched his face, smiled and said, "No need."

He turned around and was about to leave. Zhao Hanzhang shouted from behind, "Seventh Uncle, remember to give me all their deeds of betrayal."

Zhao Hu quickened his pace.

After Zhao Hanzhang waited for him to leave, he looked at the twenty-nine people who had been sent, asked someone to untie the rope, and asked, "How did you come to Zhao's Wubao?"

Several people looked at each other, and a thin young man said solemnly: "We were captured by the soldiers and sold here."

"How much were you sold for?"

Young man: "I am young and stronger, but I was sold for three ounces of money."

Cheaper than a cow.

Zhao Hanzhang rubbed his forehead and asked: "The whole family was arrested?"

"Last year there was a drought in Yingchuan, but this year it still doesn't rain very much. We couldn't survive anymore, so we wanted to come to Runan to visit our relatives. But we were caught by the soldiers and sent here not far after we left."

Zhao Hanzhang understood that this situation was very common in this era. She said: "This is Xiping, where are your relatives? If you still want to visit your relatives, I can return the deed of sale to you. You can take it." Just go.”

Upon hearing this, the young man fell silent, and after a while he whispered, "I have to discuss it with my family."

Zhao Hanzhang waved them to discuss with their families, and said to Uncle Cheng: "We will leave early tomorrow morning and find a place to settle them first."

Uncle Cheng agreed.

Fu Tinghan was stunned and followed closely behind Zhao Hanzhang, "The soldiers arrested people to sell them? Why?"

"For the money, of course."

Fu Tinghan looked a little ugly, "Does the government and the army still have credibility like this?"

Zhao Hanzhang: "This is the Jin Dynasty. If the court and the army had credibility, would my grandfather, as the former Zhongshu Ling, take in refugees on a large scale and cultivate troops privately?"

Fu Tinghan:......

Zhao Hanzhang: "In the Central Plains area, the most active troops in arresting and selling people are all under the Eight Kings. Even now that the King of Donghai has a noble status and monopolizes the government, the generals under him are still keen on buying and selling people."

"It is a relatively conscientious way to spend a small amount of money to buy people and then resell them. Many soldiers obey orders and capture passing refugees or even ordinary people directly on the official road. After tying them up, they Changing the place to take action is a behavior confirmed in history. Shi Le, one of the great enemies of the Jin Dynasty, was a slave who had been captured and sold."

Fu Tinghan pursed his lips. He didn't read enough literature and history books, but he also knew Shi Le. He knew that this was a chaotic era, but he didn't expect it to be so chaotic.

The court and the army were originally meant to protect ordinary people, but here they became the most direct perpetrators.

"You let them go, what if you encounter soldiers arresting people again?"

"So I give them a choice." Zhao Hanzhang said: "Only they themselves understand their own hearts. What if they have someone they desperately want to see? Of course, if they are willing to stay, I will do my best to protect them. of."

Not only did Zhao Changyu leave her a large amount of land in the Shangcai Xiping area, she also exchanged so much from Zhao Zhongyu. In the past two days, she asked Zhao Song, because the gods have not been kind in recent years, and there are occasional refugees. The army passed by, so many tenants and long-term workers ran away, and a lot of land was left uncultivated.

She is in need of someone right now.

It should be said that the entire Zhao's Wubao was short of people, as you can tell by looking at Zhao Hu buying a lot of people.

See you tonight

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