The ghost qi and three swordsmanship Chu Chen used were abilities he had never seen before, and tricks he had never heard of.

too strong!

The old Taoist felt a strong and unprecedented threat. Over time, if Chu Chen were to collect three knives capable of withstanding his abilities, then in this world, no one would be able to stop him.

If he is evil, the world will suffer.

If he is good, all sentient beings will be blessed.

If it is the enemy...

Undoubtedly, taking advantage of the fact that Chu Chen's wings are not full, it is the best choice to completely solve it!


Can it be solved?

The old Taoist was not sure.

You must know that, from the beginning to the present, although Chu Chen is like a rainbow, like an ancient beast, but he has never revealed the slightest killing intent.

It is really hard to predict what the result will be!

However, the old Taoist seemed to like Chu Chen very much and did not intend to take action.

On weekdays, in front of the younger generation, the old Taoist always looks like an immortal outside the world, unsmiling, serious, and even rarely speaks, with a very high attitude.

But now, facing Chu Chen, his mood is inexplicably cheerful.

At this time, the old Taoist saw that Chu Chen was frying again, and immediately coughed a few times, and then showed a serious look on his face, "Cough, cough, alright, alright, little friend, the old man is not on good terms. You're joking, cough, cough, stop here, stop."

"The old man is already old, it's not as good as you young people can toss."

The old Taoist squatted his back in a pretentious manner, and even turned his hands behind his back, beating him twice from time to time.

Quite an old-fashioned look.

Chu Chen: "..."

Really able to pretend ah, this force!

Chu Chen suddenly understood why Zhang Qilin's stuffy oil bottle didn't like to talk anymore, probably because there were too many people like the old Taoist in this world who had broken mouths!

Chu Chen was tired.

It's too much trouble to communicate with this old Taoist, why don't you have a good fight with him! !

But the most terrible thing is that in this situation, it is impossible to fight! !

Knife! ! !

Chu Chen has decided,

Next, no matter what, try to find a way to get two good knives as soon as possible! !

The next time you see this old Taoist priest, don't chop his shit out, and count him clean! ! !


Thinking of Zhang Qilin, Chu Chen suddenly realized one thing.

This old Taoist seems to be looking for trouble.

It was so fun to play before that I forgot about it.


"Are you here to trouble the stuffy oil bottle?"

Thinking of this, in Chu Chen's eyes, he suddenly showed the will to fight without retreating. He raised the demon knife and dragon tooth in his hand and pointed at the old Taoist priest, "It seems that we still have a victory or defeat!"

A knife flow, really can't help this old Taoist.

But Chu Chen is sure that the golden light of the old Taoist body protection definitely needs to be consumed!

Then spend it all!

Continue to release the ultimate move of a knife flow, exhaust the golden light of the old Taoist body protection!

Anyway, no matter how hungry they can't let them succeed, grab the ghost seal on the stuffy oil bottle!

Looking at the appearance of the stuffy oil bottle just now, the ghost seal should be very important!

"Hey, get your golden light up!"

Chu Chen clenched the demon knife and dragon teeth tightly, his eyes narrowed, and he was ready to continue to attack the old Taoist priest.

However, the old Taoist was unmoved.

He stood on the spot with a calm face, just looking at Chu Chen, looking at Chu Chen's eyes.

"Have you heard? If I don't release the golden light, I'll be welcome!!"

"Don't think you're an old man, I won't cut you!!"

"Beasts bite people, but there is no age difference!"

Chu Chen didn't want to take advantage of others' danger, so he reminded him.

But the old Taoist said suddenly: "Little friend, it seems that the relationship between you and your teammate is really good."

Chu Chen frowned, not understanding what the old Taoist meant.

"That's it."

"The things of your teammates, the old ones will not borrow them."

"If you fight again, this old bone can't bear it."

The old Taoist smiled slightly, "However, it's not just the old man who cares about that ghost seal. Your teammate will be in trouble in the future."

Chu Chen frowned and looked at the old Taoist.

Seeing that the old Taoist was not joking or intending to do anything, he put down the knife.


"Little friend, the trick with you just now was very enjoyable. I haven't been this enjoyable for a long time."

The old Taoist suddenly smiled brightly: "However, if the old man guessed correctly, your attack just now should not be your strongest state."

"You know the goods."

Chu Chen said expressionlessly.

The move just now was indeed one of Chu Chen's strongest moves.

However, the power of the move just now was very ugly, and the power released was so weak that it was only 20-30% of the sky.

If there are three good knives in hand, Asura's ghost qi will be fully activated, and the three heads and six arms will be unfolded, and the most powerful nine knives will be used. Chu Chen feels that even this unfathomable old Taoist in front of him, he can also chop and fly. !

Even direct kills!

"Is it the problem with the two knives?"

"Those two knives are too ordinary, not like the demon knife and dragon tooth, they can't bear your strength, little friend."

"And because of the lack of knives, the profound meaning of the three knives that the little friend just showed has also been greatly restricted."

"Unfortunately, the old man doesn't have a good knife to give you."

"There is one on Tiger Mountain, but it was sealed. If you are interested, you can get it yourself."

"Okay, see you by fate."

"The old man has to go, and if he doesn't go, that Wudang boy, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on anymore."

After speaking, the old Taoist turned around and wanted to leave.

Chu Chen stood there, feeling a little

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