Fang Xiu was suffocated when he saw the woman in white.

His originally blood-red eyes became even more blood-red, and the flame of hatred burned in them. After countless years, he finally...finally saw his wife again!

At this moment, he threw all the demon ancestors and seals behind him. He only had one thought now.



The roar of thousands of demons seemed to resound in the void, accompanied by the sound of immortals and chants. The light of the most evil and holy burst out from Fang Xiu's body, shaking the world.

This punch, which was wrapped in endless hatred and nurtured for countless years, was thrown out at this moment.

Facing this punch, the woman shook her head slightly, and her red lips opened slightly: "I am not her."


Fang Xiu's fist stopped and stopped in front of the woman's face.

A pair of blood-red eyes stared at the woman: "Who are you!"

"Heavenly Way."

Fang Xiu retracted his fist. He knew that the woman in front of him was indeed not his wife. Even though the two looked exactly the same, they felt different.

When he calmed down, he would never recognize the wrong wife.

Seeing Fang Xiu calm down, the woman continued: "Fang Xiu, we finally meet again."


Fang Xiu frowned, and his mind couldn't help but recall the battle of consciousness with Zhou Qingfeng when he was in the present world.

At that time, he called out countless strange gods and let them pollute himself to force Zhou Qingfeng. Later, he did succeed and forced Zhou Qingfeng's consciousness out of his body, but later because it was polluted too seriously, his consciousness fell into complete madness.

Finally, when he was dying, his wife in white appeared.

"Is it worth it?"

Those were the words of his wife in white, and he remembered them all.

"You saved me at the beginning?" Fang Xiu said in a deep voice.

The wife in white nodded.

At this moment, Fang Xiu also realized that perhaps, there were two wives, and they had always been two people.

"What did you mean by 'is it worth it'?"

The wife in white smiled slightly: "It's not important, you will know soon. Now I just want to take a good look at you. After all, I can only see you once in each reincarnation."

Fang Xiu's brows were getting deeper and deeper. He hated the riddle man, especially the riddle man who looked exactly like his wife.

"What is going on? Why do you look exactly the same? Also, since you are the Heavenly Dao, the Demon Ancestor is about to break the seal and come out, why are you not worried at all?"

The wife in white seemed not to hear Fang Xiu's words, she looked at him softly.

After a moment, she said quietly: "In fact, she and I are the same person. To be precise, we are both Heavenly Dao.

The Heavenly Dao used to have no form, no emotions, no good or evil, but only cold rules. However, after being polluted, Heavenly Dao gradually became evil. At that time, Heavenly Dao was not seriously polluted. In order to stop the pollution, Heavenly Dao cut off the evil side that carried the pollution source and sealed it up.

After losing the evil, Heavenly Dao only has the good side left."

Fang Xiu's eyes moved slightly: "In other words, you are the good Heavenly Dao, and the Demon Ancestor is the evil Heavenly Dao."

The wife in white nodded: "That's right, when Heavenly Dao cut itself off, After that, it was divided into us, and we have been fighting. At first, she was still very weak, but there were too many evils in the world, and these evils would become her nourishment, helping her grow little by little.

Later, she became stronger and stronger. Even if those ancient gods united and assisted me, they could only barely suppress her.

After that, I think you should know everything. ”

Fang Xiu was indifferent. He was silent for a moment and said: "Did you do that I traveled to this world? Did you also give me the death rollback?"

The wife in white looked inexplicable: "It was me, because she and I are one, neither of us can kill each other, and we are the way of heaven, and there is nothing in this world that can kill us. We, I don't want the world to be destroyed in her hands, so I must rely on the power outside the world, that is, you, Fang Xiu.

It was me who broke the world barrier and brought you from other worlds, and the death replay is also the authority of the Heavenly Dao.

In this world, only you who come from outside the world can retain your memory in the death replay, because your consciousness is not on the timeline of this world. The rest are me and her. Because we are the Heavenly Dao, we are not affected by the death replay. "

Fang Xiu's expression became more and more indifferent: "Why choose me?"

The wife in white smiled bitterly: "Maybe this is the arrangement of fate. I didn't choose it specifically, and I can't choose it. , with my power, I can only break the world barrier and randomly select one person from other worlds. "

"So, blame me for my bad luck?"

"Fang Xiu, I know you will blame me. It was me who destroyed your original life and forced the responsibility of the whole world on you, so I want to do my best to make it up to you, but all I can do now is not give up."

"Not give up?"

"Well, actually I wanted to give up a long time ago, because I don't want to see you suffer, but for you, I won't give up."

Fang Xiu frowned, because he didn't understand what this sentence meant, what does it mean to want to give up because you don't want to see me suffer, but for me, you won't give up?

Give up what?

At this moment, click...

A crack appeared out of thin air on the Well of Heaven, and the cracks became more and more, as if the Well of Heaven would break in the next second.

The white-clothed wife's face changed slightly: "Time is running out, she will come out soon, Fang Xiu, please accept my power, this is my last compensation to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Xiu found that his body could not move.

Then, in his sight, the wife in white came step by step, getting closer and closer, until in front of his face.

The wife in white slowly closed her eyes, gently tiptoed, and pressed her lips on Fang Xiu's lips, and the picture froze.

At the same time, an overwhelming force surged into her body. With the influx of power, the figure of the wife in white began to gradually become transparent, and finally disappeared completely.

And the black robe on Fang Xiu's body also turned into a white robe, whiter than snow, the robe of heaven!

In an instant, Fang Xiu felt that he seemed to be different. He had an unimaginable affinity with this world, as if he had mastered the most basic logic of the world's operation, and his words were the law of heaven and earth, and his actions moved the world.

Above time and space, reflecting the past, present and future, independent of heaven and earth, it is the beginning and end of the Tao, the supreme, the unity of all Tao, and the master who observes everything and creates everything!

It was as if he had entered a new world.

His control over the world is like his control over his own kingdom of God and the inner world.

But when he tried to control the whole world, he found that his power was blocked, and the source was in the Well of Heaven!

The wife in the Well of Heaven also controls the power of Heaven.

At this time, the Well of Heaven has been broken for the most part, and it will be completely broken in a moment.

At this time, Fang Xiu even heard his wife's voice in his ears.


Fang Xiu's eyes suddenly turned cold, and his deep eyes seemed to penetrate the endless seal, and finally fell on the wife in the black gauze skirt at the bottom of the well.

At the bottom of the well, his wife smiled like a flower, her lips opened and closed: "Husband, I'm here to find you."

Looking at his wife in black, he couldn't help but think of the picture he had seen on the long river of fate. At that time, he deduced his future and used the death replay card BUG, ​​and saw two pictures.

One of them was just now, the wife in white kissed him, and the other was him kneeling at the feet of the wife in black, with a painful expression and crazy laughter.

Fate has been confirmed halfway, what about the other half?

His eyes became colder and his fists clenched.

"Is that my final fate? I won't accept it! Never!"

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